Friday, May 14, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Finding Growth in Life

What does one do when life throws them a curve ball? When everything fails and you can’t find a solution in people that surround you or your environment? Your inner strength is a veritable aspect of who you are and how you deal with the weakest moments in your life. Everyone in this life has their own share of problems, the rich are trying to expand and maintain their riches, and the poor are trying to earn something for survival or to have something in their stomach.

People confuse growth with change – Change is when you acquire outside transformation or material things that make your environment and your survival in those surroundings better, it is when your world adjusts to face new developments or structural change. Change takes decades to come or at time millenniums. Change can be acquired by a revolutionary force, which requires people to help another change their status of being poor to middle class, from no service-delivery to infrastructural development and service-delivery. Change in human being, beside your structural change or status change means changing from being male to female or verse versa, however you can never change your inner self except by growing-up which is inner change.

When you attain ‘growth’ you grow mentally and physically, which is a lifetime process that needs to be maintained throughout your adult life. Inner growth is drawn from all other changing elements or formats in life, which are structural or materialistic – the books your read, your technological gadgets, your form of travel, the type of food you eat, the drugs your take. Inner change which is growth is intangible and can only be see through your actions. A responsible person shows growth in everything they do, thus help transform or change the world or the people around them through ‘transcending love’. Transcending love that is love and light, which comes from within; growth that knows that you can only maintain who you truly are without destroying the world around you - destruction that is gained by people trying to change the nature of things.

Change is what you get outside. Growth is what you get inside. Change is your physical incentive to your spiritual side, which is growth. However it must be noted that physical incentives can never maintain your inner growth. Alas, the world is full of individuals who have attained worldly change, material things and egotistical stature; however their inner side is not content and grown enough for them to be happy with what they have. A greedy person hasn’t acquired growth, yes they have gained change through material staff, but they have not gained growth. Preaching change is the same as telling your congregation to transform - grow literal wings on their backs and people will see them as Angels, that are about to fly to Heaven.

Our children need growth, not change. Yes, they can change to many different social environments, worldly, but they will never attain growth within themselves if as adults they cannot refrain from any form of abuse. As adults, individuals need to maintain their inners growth, which is mental and physical in order to be happy with whom they are.

There are many individuals who think that transformation is for the spiritual and mental. No, the spiritual needs to transcend above the transformation of this world and attain content growth. Growth that is experience in life and about life - growth that assures men and women that beings of love and not hate, beings of joy and not sorrow, beings that need to maintain and not break and change things that need no change. When you attain growth you grow mentally and physically.

To gain proper structural and environmental change, one needs growth - spiritual growth, emotional mental and at times physical growth. Growth comes in many changing formats, which will equal to experience, in relationships, career path, and religious choice. Routine may be best to attain your goals in life. The forces of evil are a part of your emotional pendulum – fight the temptation from within and let the light shine by your actions and choices. It is only in our sacred secrete space, when we reflect on our journey in life, that we experience real growth. Make the right choices!


By Linda Sakazi Thwala