Saturday, July 24, 2010


My counseling sessions have been spiced up with a mental and characteristic blend of quite interesting young ladies. In many discussions with these submissive, eloquently posed, beautiful women, I have uncovered a variable, yet deep seated emotive drive towards men and life in general. This unforeseen, mind-blowing similar cognitive thinking that has clutched young women’s psychological makeup that they, “Want A Readymade Man”, has wowed my senses beyond my existential being.

Traditionally or culturally for all things that matter, what is known is that; a woman and a man court each other, the man playing the biggest role, before reaching a mutually agreeable position that will enable them to build a relationship, luckily commencing a life together, through hard work, sweat and tears. All things acquired through a strategically planned mutually agreed upon loving relationship.

Now, what is this new premise that young ‘gold-digging’ women are coming up with, “A Readymade Man” In all essence this damn-founded principle makes women seem unrealistic, overtly pretentious, greedy beings in this world. Everyone wants a fabulous life with their loved ones, however if women intentionally pursue men that are readymade – meaning wealthy, then the foundation of love is not there at all, except materialistic in form. What woman in their right senses, wants to have a man that they don’t know anything about, and how they acquired their riches. It is what makes young women pester married women’s relationships with their husbands.

It’s these, “I Want A Readymade Man” young women, that breakup marriages that were built through a long emotional journey, at times a rollercoaster, of sweat and tears, between two people that have a goal with their love and their life. These young women flaunt what married men have been craving from their liaison, promising to be different in every way, enticing a psychologically beaten man, that has forgotten how it feels like to be young, to sink-their-teeth into that apple. “A Readymade Man” seeking a new adventure with their young flashy pick-pocket in hand, playing ‘sugar-daddy’ with a wife and children at home.

Truth be told, it’s really not happening. We all want a brilliantly ‘readymade’ life; however it will not come without working hard and this applies to love and marriage too. Life unfortunately does not come with ‘readymade’ packages of men and loving relationships, these things are built through long conversations, mutual understanding and a lot of compromise by each individual in that relationship, of course accompanied by acting-love.

A friend on Facebook argued that ‘human-beings were not meant to be monogamous’, which is a strong fundamental point, seeing how life has driven women and men apart due to adultery, and a quite argumentative point, with the number of people infected with a the virus around the world, some acquiring it within their marriage.

What young submissive, eloquently posed, beautiful women do not comprehend is that “A Readymade Man” comes with a lot of emotional baggage and deep scars that are mentally glued, which are tough to scrape away. It’s a case of, ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ It’s best to get a new puppy and teach them what you do like, and don’t like whilst adoring them at the same time. Consequently some of your expectations will be met; however it is not guaranteed either.

To all you young spunky submissive, eloquently posed, beautiful women, a ‘Readymade Man’ is, in most cases a marriage man, therefore chasing a kept man isn’t such a good idea. The type of love you will receive will be materialistic and distant from what you had envisaged. Chase personality not material attainment, then the things you wish for in life will reach realistic fruitful fruition. Anyway, the world is filled with people that are chasing paper, orgies and creating broken families, without a care in the wind. Do you want to contribute to breaking up another marriage as a young lady?


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Friday, July 9, 2010


Xenophobia is not an exceptional problem to South Africans only; some European countries have in the past dealt with a dilemma of an African Diaspora offering cheap labor to its middle class populous. Those people that aim to exploit people from other countries so that they can get richer, do not comprehend the economic impact felt by a citizenry of a particular country that carry legal documentation and belonging to that particular country by birth, left out for a cheaper option, that has illegal documentation to be in that particular country.

Xenophobia attacks are a Human Rights violation in any country. South Africans are faced with a quandary of finding jobs and fighting cheap labor. Foreign nationals are not to blame for being used as tools of cheap labor, because their destitution is a position of exploitation. Our government is not fully in touch with ordinary South Africans that roam in our streets daily. The South African government must come up with a strategic plan that will benefit hard working South Africans and those who are prepared to build our country, by creating peace in their families and community, thus prosper in their own country.

Government must fully address and solve the Zimbabwe concern as it is the main instigating point to this problem. We as humans cannot let evil reign amongst us, we cannot let fellow Africans die in their own country without food and aid. We cannot kill our brothers and sisters in our streets, when they are fleeing an uncompromising political situation in their own country.

South Africa and South Africans loves our brothers and sisters in our continent; however they must not be utilized as tools of cheap labor, to make South Africans suffer – which makes them wayward in their daily ambles. Let Love reign!


By Linda Sakazi Thwala