Sunday, October 24, 2010


At times we have to take precautions for things that we say or do; recourse for things that we do or aim to do, and this applies to being a boyfriend, a husband and a father. The implications of saying something to your loved one, then do something totally different to the contrary, can have dire consequences, not only to you as an individual but, to everyone that admires you as a person.

Take a ‘dawg’ as a metaphor for instance – a ‘dawg’ that barks viciously at anyone or anything that comes in their path or appears unexpectedly, then suddenly attacks, that is not facetious, its brutality with rabies. A man that sells their face on things that they do not intend on keeping, bears similar traits of a vicious deadly dawg, that will attack unexpectedly, hurting everyone in their path.

The desire to be the best father in the world transverse with keeping your word and is attached to what is known as the emotional-self. The emotional-self, especially in children needs a willing father figure, with a supportively willing mother figure. Failure to give the emotional-self a supportive base, leads the self lacking in any form of love or meaningful contact, thus leads the self to what is known as ‘emotional deprivation’ – mutating an individual’s self to what I call the ‘Dawg of Self’.

A dawg of self is a penny-pinching, selfish, unruly and unemotional man that leaves a woman to raise their children on their own, or any individual that care nothing about other people’s psychological welfare. A man that grew up in an emotionally deprived environment, without a father figure, is most likely to experience emotional instability when dealing with emotional attachment, when women are involved, therefore are the individuals that are prone to repeat the circle of emotional deprivation. The implications of saying something to your child, then do something totally different to the contrary of what was promised, can have dire consequences, due to individual irresponsibility. (This does not apply to all male figures)

Emotional deprivation leads an individual’s emotions in disarray and can lead to a depressive state at times. To some individuals, emotional deprivation of any kind can create what is known as emotional bias or hatred towards a specific thing (s), person (s), or group (s) and can be devastating for an individual to carry, emotionally and psychologically. An individual’s behavior turns to move away from the normality and expectancy of their responsibility. Self emotional deprivation brings an untimely death to an individual, years before their actual death.

Parents, who become parents when they are not ready or without the assistance from their elders, draw negatively on their shortcoming, consequently become angry at themselves or the world thus applies their selfish acts upon others, particularly their own children. An individual’s anger that was shaped from their emotional deprivation, does filter through to their children; constituting to some form of abuse or limitation to their children – the dawg of self.

A man (or a woman for that matter) that sells their words on things that they do not intend on keeping, bears similar traits of a vicious deadly dawg, that will attack unexpectedly, hurting everyone in their path; ultimately destroying the emotional self and the purpose of the self.

We all go through emotional deprivations that forge and merge our personality with other coexisting personalities, either in a good way or a wrong way, in this habitual place called life. A recourse for the self, to emotional deprivation, that mutates the self into the ‘dawg of self’, is acknowledging your position and feelings about how you as an individual were raised to eliminate emotional instability. To reach an emotional resolution or emotional maturity one needs to create a loving environment, where the self will find contentment and self prosperity. Let’s take precaution and dually responsible action to our actions.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Sunday, October 17, 2010


In this life we try to make it all, nicely fit
When we run with all, our yearning feet
Nearing to these so, likely wearing years
As a jacket of time that has lost its wears
Tears no more when eyes have it all known
Wallets with press pinchpennies in our own
When we run with all our mix cheerful beat
Towns, parks and clubbing places, we meet
Simplifying framing gears of time, that is fear
The sounds we hear shapes the mind to peer
Life is a journey with endless flames in space
Vaguely vanquishing souls to a sleeping place
Those that have lost the ties of love relation
Who’s emotions in motion to store in fashion
A razzmatazz in flowing clubs and in derbies
A remembrance of smiles in wearing years

“Those that embrace the power of love, find the power of light.” Linda Sakazi Thwala

Monday, October 4, 2010


Finding a balance in life is what defines the freedom of the Self and aids towards achieving the best homogeneous relational within the three essentials of the Self. We all want to acquire perfection in this world, however acquiring perfection can only be attained in the ethereal, heavenly realm. The only thing that we humanly beings can strive towards achieving in this life time, is a good sustainable, enlightening, building, content-filled environment for the self; where each individual is able to live their purpose fully, without cry outing for attachment or unnecessary affirmation of existence from destructive places or preying individuals.

There is a popular maxim that says, “Too much of a good thing is poisonous” This relates with your daily interactions and daily interchange with your environment and people around you. When an individual places themselves in a destructive obsession to a place or self-destructive addiction to a substance, then that individual is crying out for HELP. Attention seeking behavior.

Too much self-indulgence is self-destruction, especially when you as an individual go out, seeking for a thing or something that will make you physically or mentally whole. A person that is desperate to achieve a higher percentage from an exam of something that they cannot grasp fully, thus spends fifteen hours reading, reading, reading on without understanding or taking a study-break, achieves nothing but madness and total failure, because reading without understanding only adds more confusion in an already confused mind – too much undirected reading.

This also relates to too much partying, and always seeking for some sort of escapism, from what life is expecting from you, yourself appointed goal, your destiny. Procrastination leads an individual to idleness - a life without purpose and without direction. The self, your authentic core may cry out for what it needs, its purpose in life and the way it should journey, however life’s obstacles may hinder that destined journey, at times deterred by people surrounding you as the traveler towards your destiny, or by you as an individual.

When your journey reaches a blockage, or an unexpected impasse, your purpose in life seems unreachable and too distant to achieve, thus leaves the self in emotional and mental disarray. At times the suppression of what your journey must be as opposed to expectations; by your parents, your friends, your aunts and uncles, your siblings, your classmates, your colleagues, can lead one to realize that life has no purpose and that no one cares. This may drive an individual to conform to things or ways that will ultimately push the Self into the state of inertia for life, or self-destruction.

Over-indulgence in anything can lead to two different character defining objectives. The one objective can gradually build an individual to be better at what they do, be better humans for the betterment of life; the other objective can gradually break an individual, temporary or for a lifetime. We as individuals get court up in what we do daily, not realizing that the things we do define our way of life and how our purpose or directive to make humanity better is constructed, by how your views to life relate to other people’s views, merged with your purpose or destiny.

In life, no one knows how you feel emotionally or how your mental faculty is figured, unless you speak out your problems or do something that makes people notice that help is needed. When the Self is seeking attention, its objectives may be emotional and psychological affirmation of what it is destined to be, which is growth; or it may be emotional and psychological degradation due to seeking or needing debilitating emotional and physical attachment to verify their existence, which is conformation or docility to a destructive environment.

When the Self cry out, it is in need for new breathe to enable it to move towards achieving its goals, therefore aids to attaining its destiny in life. Your life starts with the self-love and self-light that is in you and is emanated by your temple in the world. Finding a balance in life, is a crypt to your destiny.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala