Monday, March 21, 2011

"The virtuoso of Politics worldwide: Rhetoric – Oil, Rhetoric – Military Power, Rhetoric – World Domination; whilst the rest of humanity are just pawns and casualties of an idiotic game of words, currency and bullets." Linda Sakazi Thwala

Sunday, March 20, 2011


The world is marveling at Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s stubbornness and resilience to stay in power, even after a vigorously convincing, bottom-shoe-showing-hailing revolt by the native masses of Libya; Libyans want him out, and others are gunning for his blood. Alas, Gaddafi will not concede to what the masses want, hence the military standoff between pro and anti Gaddafi Shia and Sunni Muslims that has amassed the state of Libya of late.

The Western world and United Nations Organization (UNO), has entered the fray, by sanctioning “No-Fly-Zones”, and wordy reprimands to Gaddafi’s forty-one year old administrative rule. Mainly due to Gaddafi’s rebellious history against western powers and any allies that lobbies for a westernized agenda upon self-governed African states, particularly his own state Libya.

The Forty-one year old authoritarian rule by Gaddafi has been clouded with clandestine terrorism activity, crimes against humanity and illegal procurement of mass destruction weaponry; hitherto, proven and unprosecuted connections of his involvement in the Lockerbie bombing and the disappearance and public executions of dissidents that renege against him and his dogmatic loyal regime, widely infamously broadcasted on state television. And his policy of aiding political assailants and assassins without compromise.

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, leadership skills over the years has seen him expand his fortune to a multi-billion for himself and his entire family, the people of Libya rallying for him without questioning his intentions.

Ex-President Ronald Reagan nicknamed Gaddafi the, "Mad dog of the Middle East". Does the Middle East and Arabic nations share Reagan’s sentiments and analysis of Colonel Gaddafi?

The fact that Gaddafi and his dogmatic cronies are irrepressible; attacking the very people that toil, sweat and shed tears for their own country daily, shows the cold heartedness of Gaddafi and his government. What is the measure of a man that has lost his head in his own home? Gaddafi is a headless man, croaking unwanted sounds in his own home, thus his measure is to run around like a headless chicken, trying to grip and control tarnished chicks of dictatorship.

The wheel of change in Libya will be tainted, painted and scared with blood and wounds, some immortal others temporary, overflowing with murdered human casualties, whilst the west continues to sing its political rhetoric of change in the world, and the sky rocketing cost of living globally, keeps on pressing civilization to the edges of self and mass annihilation.

The prospects of Libya’s politics and liberation are surely moving towards the people of Libya winning their country back, however through a hard, long fought civil war that will see the country gaining its first ever democratically elected president – history in the making.

It is undeniable that the world’s tribulations are accredited to the Islamic community loathing the west, namely the United States of America, its policies, accrued business world domination and its westernized lifestyle; consequently the Arabic nations’ stance on protecting their own turf’s minerals and greatly sought-after Oil rich terrains, and refineries of the dry Arabic lands.

Colonel Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi is radically known for his distaste and malevolence against the western nations; and the west for its political rhetoric to seize and control other nations’ wealth generating sacks. Who’s fooling who?

The virtuoso of Politics worldwide: Rhetoric – Oil, Rhetoric – Military Power, Rhetoric – World Domination; whilst the rest of humanity are just pawns and casualties of an idiotic game of words, currency and bullets.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala