Saturday, January 28, 2012


Is having multiple partners a norm these days? There’s an alarming number of people, individuals that find it an acceptable thing to pursue other people’s partners and engage in noncommittal sexual romps with or without protection. The worst part about this free association with noncommittal partners, or “Fuck Buddy/Buddies” as it is labelled; is this open-mindedness approach by communities and society as a whole about having multiple sexual partners – which has created a more complex problem of juvenile sexual activity. 

This alarming rate of tolerance towards immoral sexual behaviour is what led and still leads communities to an acrimonious increase in sexual transmitted diseases, and the spread of the AIDS/H.I.V  pandemic.

The “Fuck Buddy” phenomenon was initiated during American’s “Psychedelic” era, and more prevalent with the much revered and revolted  “Hippies Era”, throughout 1960s and 1970s; which largely associated free sexual associations, with whomever you wanted to, anywhere, at anytime with drug use. Getting stoned and getting a natural high. Although others would argue that it has been an old age clandestine occurrence (i.e. Roman Empire Era).  

In the stream of this degenerate moral dilemma of free sexual association, many babies were born without fathers, many marriages crumbled. Many found pleasure in sexual orgies with numerous partners. Many people lost their sense of belonging, due to the free spirited notion that the drugs gave them. Many Sexually Transmitted Diseases (S.T.D) and Sexual Transmitted Infections (S.T.I) were acquired and discovered  – leading to the discovery of the HIV virus and its devastating epoch, in the early 1970’s and early 1980’s globally – to the present.

This “Fuck Buddy” concept has become overrated in today’s society, and has created several problems within social standings, westernised governments with their mental and physical health fraternities.

Today’s generation – men and women do not respect the sacredness of sexuality and intercourse with only their chosen partners. Another widespread voluble notion amongst people is that: “As long as I use protection, I can sleep with whomever I want!”, which ultimately leads to unprotected sex between various indiscreet “Fuck Buddies”; leading to more people acquiring the H.I.V virus, and more people dying from Aids.

Touching another person intimately, whether be it a buddy or lover, develops feelings that do not end with just casual sex, with a noncommittal partner – disrespecting unfaithfulness to your partner.

In Zulu, there is a saying that goes: “Imphahla yeny’indoda iyahlonishwa”, literary meaning “Another man’s luggage must be respected”, figuratively meaning “What belongs to another, must be respected”

A lack of respect for another man’s wife or another woman’s husband, has led to people disrespecting their partners and losing self-respect by chasing other men or women for sexual purposes, and personal  pleasure - creating an immoral predicament, which has scarred and continue to scar our communities beyond any psychological and physiological measures.   

Don’t get me wrong – there’s nothing wrong about sex and having sex, however its very wrong having multi-partners, plus-minus protection.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala                            !/SAKAZI7                         

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Should a partner protecting his partner from latter-day social ills be deemed “insecure”, due to the change of the status quo of social and political interactions? What then does it mean to be a protector in a relationship when the “secure” is acquainted and galvanised as the “insecure”, when arguing the dangers that could place each partner to their premature deliberate destruction? 

Does that mean the protector is a dictator? At times a protector is reduced to a dictator – a mental, emotional, and physical quandary called a “prisoner’s dilemma” holdback on the immoral and do the moral or do the immoral regardless the penalty that will be suffered.

The one that thinks that they are being imprisoned will always want to break free from the manacles of perceived suppression. 

A rebellious child for example: no matter what you say to that child right or wrong, you are always wrong until the predicted word of experience leap into life. Then, confusion and more rebellion - ultimately self-destruction. Unless, a lesson is learnt and a way to reconcile the emotional with the spiritual is found.

An old age light – when old age wisdom is not coherent enough, the rebellious will try to alter the course of old age knowing, thinking that they will be victor, when in actual fact they are just bending and prolonging the path of wisdom that will inevitably reach its knowable destination.     
Why is it that commonsense doesn’t make no sense, until one finds themselves in a lot nonsense? This coherent wisdom is commonsense, and not matter what a cheating partner may tell you, being a protector of your won and your relationship, in a responsible way doesn’t mean you are “insecure”. Why? A cheater will use such a word (insecure), to make you feel doubt in your mind and heart about their indiscretion about you and your relationship. 

It’s like a Drug Addict: You can’t tell a druggy to go rehab by force, it has to be from within the druggy to get clean. If the druggy is not committed their own rehabilitation, then the druggy will blame the people that are trying to help the druggy, and therefore relapse days after release from the Rehabilitation House. The Druggy is “insecure”, which mean unstable mentally and emotional. And that manifests its self in the druggy’s physical behavior. An equitable quality to a sex addict, that goes around bedding different people relentlessly – condom or no condom.      

A cheater will always defend their insecurity by making you feel as though you are the insecure and paranoid one, when in fact they are really cheating. 


By Linda Sakazi Thwala