Monday, December 4, 2017


In the past months, 2017 leading to 2018 , I've heard a lot of discussions and debates about spirituality and sex. A number of these discussions seemed to involve the contrast between, being a Healer and the LBGTI  (Lesbian Bisexual Gay Transgender Intersex) community's position in Spirituality and Spiritual matters.

A question was posed in one of these discussions, as to whether a Spiritual person, whether male or female is likely to be Gay or has dabbled in sexual activity with the opposite sex because of their Spiritual inclination. Surprisingly, many people seem to have a general consensus that we "Healers" or "Spiritual" people, in fact do dabble in sexual activity with the opposite sex, and we are in fact bisexual in spirit and in nature.

Let me explain: When one talks about the "Spirit", one is in fact talking about the "Eternal Self" - now in the "Eternal Self",  sex or the nature of one sexuality (heterosexual, homosexual, transgender, male or female)  has no point reference. Why?

Well, in the "Eternal Self" when there is no vessel, you body, to carry your "Spirit" or "Soul" if you like, the choice of your sex and sexuality has no barring, and point of reference, when you are in the "Light Eternal" (or darkness...another debate in another day) 

In the Light Eternal when we as humans have lost our bodily inhibitions and isotopes, and we become whole - borrowing from the Chinese spiritual philosophical compendium; the Yin closes the Yang, and the Yang closes the Yin; the feminine completes  the masculine, vis-à-vis, the two sides become one, whole. We are no in the body, we lose our prejudices of what we are in our bodily presence, we lose our sex and our sexual identity. When we are "Spirit". Sex and sexuality does not matter.

However, in our physical form as humans, we have to be very cautious of the verisimilitude of what is "Spirit" and what is being a "Spiritual" person.

Yes, a homosexual person can be a "Spiritual" person, Healer -  as much as a  heterosexual, Transgender, Intersex person can be. But, being a "Spiritual" Heterosexual person does not necessarily equal Gay.

A person that is a Healer, whether Spiritual Healer, a Pastor or a Sangoma is a vessel of the Spirit. The Spirit relays on you as a Healer to carry its messages to the living, as it cannot speak on its on, and it takes the form of ones who previously had bodily presence. The Spiritual Healer cannot not choose the form the Spirit takes. 

If you are a Healer, a Gypsy, Seances, a Mystical Prayer, a Sangoma  - the "SPIRIT" does not phantom and control your gender, you having sex and your sexuality. Your metaphysical self does that.

If you want to argue with me, show me a GAY person like Somizi and I'll call a Priest to come exorcize them.

And I am a Heterosexual Healer..........


Linda Sakazi Thwala

 Follow on Twitter @SakaziThwala