Monday, August 10, 2009


The gift of insight is an appealingly fascinating, depressing, and unpredictable thing to have. It is what Macbeth, one of Shakespeare's characters, indirectly pointed out as a tale; “Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Well, it really does mean nothing when the visions are not shared and people are seeking for what is beyond this world.

It means nothing unless someone is goggling at you with eyes pleading for glorified mercy, as though you are of the messianic order – to castaway all the evil and wrongdoers in their lives. There are numerous disturbing things about this gift; that I have never uttered to a single soul since the Creator bestowed such an honorary conceding persona to this vessel called I – conceding: because if you do not yield and humble yourself to the Creator and allow the visions to come through – you are as good as a raving lunatic seeking for a ghost from an unknown tomb.

The first dilemma that makes one move into the boundaries of dementia is the inability to communicate the things that the Creator is kindly revealing to you – in a form of dreams, premonitions, omens and the other that will remain untold. The inability to unbridling the enigma that leads to this confusion and dementia.

Dementia is not the only ultimate setback, no not in the least bit. The other significant problematic bit about this gift of insight is the lingering stigma of witchcraft that people always associate you with – they maybe your neighbours, your day to day acquaintances and religious folks, who imagine you spend your timely gifted days conjuring evil and mixing concoctions to bewitch others. A shameful misconception about the gift of insight that has led to a number of people crucified, for what is beyond their comprehension.

On the contrary, this dishonourable crucifixion of people with insight can be blamed on the ungodly acts that truly diabolical individuals engage in. These acts have been reported on daily in our media – about individuals who believe that they are God. Traditionalist, who use animal flesh and fat to brew up potions for luck and prosperity, - at times going to the extent of murdering people, just to acquire human flesh and bones to realize their inhuman psychosis. Consequently - keeping the flames of stigma burning and wreaking havoc on those with insight for good intentions. (Thank goodness the archaic tradition of crucifying people with fire in public has since been quelled)

This leads to my other point: The archaic gift of insight was revered and respected, before the pretenders to this honorary throne started creeping up from every valley, village and vistas of this world. Duping people about what they foresee just to pocket a few pennies to their pockets - which, led to people thinking that this gift is a get-rich-quick-scheme and is there to sustain your livelihood for good measure, another misconception. It can, but it was not meant for that. There’s a Zulu proverb that says: “Imali iyiphande yesono.” Loosely translated means: “Money is the root of all evil.”

What wearies my spirit is when a spouse enquires about a potion to keep the fires of a marriage burning. Therefore, requires one to give the other spouse the potion orally, for them to see and agree to their own point of view. What lunacy! Herbs like Pills were meant to heal or remedy the sick, not change the persona of the other spouse or partner in a relationship. What happened to a loving amicable communication channel in a relationship!

The worst part about this gift is when you counsel a patron that is obsessed about knowing the future. Now, this is when I regularly and constantly warn my patrons about: “Do not get OBSESSED”. Obsession is a deadly pill to digest, which does not only obliterate your mind, but can reach to the intangible confines of your soul, thus lead to ultimate dementia. (i.e. believing that your seeing things when you actually are not, thinking that things will go amiss if you don’t come for a spiritual consultation, or the inability to make your own decisions)

This gift is associated with dementia, mainly due to the spirit communing through you, which is why there’s this thing called ‘THE CALLING’. The calling is a spiritual tale filled with drums and songs - which to someone standing from the outside looking in truly is a demented tale, “Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury; Signifying nothing.”

In Love and Light Folks


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