Sunday, November 1, 2009


One of life’s most unanswered questions, is the question of destiny. What is destiny? Is it the things we acquire in our journey of life, the love we seek and sometimes find, or is it the way we carry ourselves, our being. Is it our sensual attitudes towards our environment and the social interactions which offer us with solitude at times, laughter, happiness, and sorrow. Is it the roads we travel? Whatever we think or do destiny is a place that each individual is destined to reach.

Destiny is an innate entity that needs to be nurtured by our loved ones, meaning your parents and close relatives, if not by ourselves. Destiny is a promise from the heavens, it is an endorsement made by ourselves in a divine order, in love and in light. It resurrects with growth as soon as a toddler reaches puberty, influenced by the social imprints experienced day-in and day-out through peer-pressure in addition to paradigms of social immoralities and the struggles well fought to reach a lucid base in life. These influences form or pave the way to your destiny. I always maintain that, our destiny is assured however, it all depends on our choices. As in Robert Frost’s poem, ‘The road not taken’, where the speaker says

“I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

Your destiny is assured but, your choices are not. In life everyone has two choices; to be or not be, live or die, inhale or exhale, work or be idle, win or lose. Your choices determine the culminations of your journey in life, that being your destiny. Everyone was given the right to choose and that chose is interlinked with your personal data base. In life there are two sides namely; wrong and right and so an individual must make a decision that will affect their journey in life. It is all enveloped in knowing yourself and the energies that surround you, in which the are many possibilities in the divine order to how your life turns out. And that has to be determined by you and only you.

The other day I was watching Oprah, on SABC 3 and she was interviewing the author of, ‘A Million Little Pieces’, James Fry, a book based on the author’s personal experiences and realities about drug addiction. As the author related his story, I was mesmerized by his accounts of having started using at a very tender age of ten. First drinking alcohol and then moving on to heavier staff at thirteen, from there on he was involved in ‘dealing’, attending college in an apogee of white powder. Having overdosed twice previously. Then decided that enough is enough and took another road in his life, which is to rehabilitate himself and be a positive beckon in the lives of other addicts by writing about his endeavors in the state of mental absenteeism and a form of escapism from his reality. And that was the birth of the best selling novel, ‘A Million Little Pieces’.

This is a true depiction of destiny. Clearly the author was meant to write this book one way or another and help bring people to the realities of addiction, be it drugs or alcohol. The universe had paved a pathway for him to do this, that being his destiny, however the universe also left the author a choice, for him to realize his personal strength in acquiring the power within himself and taking that necessary step towards his destiny by choosing the other ‘road not taken’, offered to him in the eternal universe. He could have chosen to be idle and gave up on life, died a lonely spasmodic death of drugs and alcohol but, choose to get clean, get married, have children, and two dogs, which he happily walks before sitting next to his computer and writing yet another best-seller, (The dogs not the children).

Which reminds me about the interview that Miss O, had with the cast of the movie Crash; a motion-picture that paints a bleak image on interrelations between people of color and their white counterparts. In life just as in the movie, prejudice is a choice and if a person chooses to be hateful to another person, because of the color of their skin, their destiny will be an unfulfilled life of hate, resentment and labeling. Which ultimately will lead them to being seen as racist and that is not a wise choice in life. Humanity will be better served if people learned to be less bias or racist to their fellow man and help reach an abundantly loving destiny for our nation.

I sometimes have greeting glances of the sun at dawn and cheerful goodbyes at dusk, and think of the million possibilities in the world that are there for a single individual however, cannot be acquired all at once, but can be reached all in good time. Time also has two sides, just like choice, your have the ‘past’ and the ‘to’, day and night, yesterday and tomorrow. We all flow in the essence of time, and need to be patient. A person must choose to be patient through the walk of life. I have friends who are in jail today because of their choices and impatience. They use to talk of a nice materialistic life style and fast cars, and having sexual related games with women they hardly knew. I saw no problem in that but, what disturbed me is the way that my friends took to acquire this wealth, that is by stealing or hijacking. I know that if you are from the township and you live with a single parent, some things are hard to come by when you want them to. Even education can be a far-fetched realization for you, as you are surrounded by abject poverty and negativity. However I do not condone violence as a vehicle for penury emancipation. Unfortunately some of my friends found if necessary to follow such a lifestyle and choose to live a life of a rabbit , always in the hurry from the police, like the rabbit Dorothy chased in, ‘The Wizard of Oz’. My friends chose this destiny of a ‘jail-bird’ and I choose a life of wisdom filled with poetry writing, (And reciting), and that has made a difference for me, and hopefully, someday the world. My destiny being to fly with ambition of self and resurrect the leader to be, a voice of hope to all and bring light into the world, like the sun at dawn, I will endure the day, my mind never sleeping until I reach my glorified dusk, my destiny.

In a relationship two people who are in love must not have fairytale perceptions of love. They must understand that loving another person is based on choice and understanding, therefore the destiny being a fruitful relationship, marriage, and sometimes children. Yes there are other factors to consider like, emotions such as caring, compassion, and attraction but, if someone chooses to ignore these feelings nothing can ever blossom or ignited into a romantic experience. This includes abuse between two individuals be it verbal or physical. When a person decides or chooses to be abusive they draw themselves a mapped destiny of emotional and physical scars that will be hard to mend

We must remember that the choices we make determine our attitude which will determine our latitude that will equal to our destiny. Destiny is about living life the way you where meant to live it and engaging all the obstacles you come across, in a positive light and to do that, you need to be wise in your choices. As I always tell my friends that: “Wise-ways come from wise-thinking which result into wise experiences enriching your soul equaling to wisdom.” ( And that was not a quote from anyone famous ). In good choices lays a destiny far more greater than your own expectations and your dreams. Be patient, be wise, and make excellent choices and watch as your destiny unfolds.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

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