Sunday, December 12, 2010


An individual’s resilience within their own Self begins within themselves. Emotional negligence does cannot be exclusively be attributed to your parents, or to people that brought you up. Mental and emotional breakdown can be traced to an individual’s inability to comprehend and acknowledge the events or emotional situation that led to their emotional trauma, and the role they had to play for them to be in that situation.

It is undeniable that Psychopathic Tendencies are taught over a period of constant abuse, and emotional negligence by people that an individual perceived as their guardians, or loved ones – where an individual is constantly assailed with negative psychological and physical abuse. A child has no control over what happens to their livelihood and their living environment.

Psychopathic tendencies are malevolently entrenched during the fragile years of infancy and teenage years. When irresponsible adults impose their immoral, filthy habits upon youngsters, that do not have an inkling on how or what life entails. It is during these fragile years that a future abuser or pedophile is magnetism by the forces of abuse, dictating what they will be to society in the future; however during the teenage years, peer-pressure does play a fundamental psychological role in shaping a young person’s mental and behavioral aptitude and approach towards others and towards life.

An abuser kills the little resilience that a youngster has by constantly showing them the dark side of life, through remittent psychological disillusionment that was taught to them by other abusers. Through peer-pressure, youngsters want to be recognized and accepted by the fellow peers, therefore go out of their own moral belief to try and please their friends, hence conform to how their friends perceive life to be. It is through peer-pressure that youngster become abusers of drugs, and show signs of promiscuity, which does lead to a premature infection related death.

Life is immersed with positive things that can build a youngster to be an self-accountable, self-dependable, respectable and self-restraint individual within their community. It is through accountable, dependable, respectable individuals that youngsters learn to be a moral fabric to society. On the other hand, life is full of individuals that think that treating others badly is a normal thing to do. Life is a pendulum between goodness and wickedness.

To teach Self-resilience in youngster, adults need to know the limitations between good parenting and bad parenting. Adults need to know when to institute Tough-Love that is loving and not destructive Tough-Love. Adults need to know their own self-restraint and their own self-resilience. To eliminate unwanted emotional, mental and physical social environmental impacts, such as rape, verbal abuse, alienation, and physical abuse in any form – that do contribute to weakening ones spirit. That help in shaping a youngster’s perception, thus their personality. Adults/Guardians have to be uncompromising nurturing individuals to self-resilience to their children and for their children.

Self-resilience begins with you as an individual, however that resilience needs to be taught from a young age – meaning, physical and psychological nurture and protection for a youngster from infancy through to their teenage years. Self Destructive and Self Positive Criticism also contributes to Self-resilience. And builds Self-restraint for an individual through their adult years. Self-restraint needed to eliminate abusive tendencies.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

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