Sunday, November 3, 2013


For those of you who don’t know, I was actually initiated as a Traditional Healer. Although, I prefer  the title of ‘Spiritual Healer’, because like a Priest or Pastor, I can enter a room and you won’t know that I am a Healer.  Skins and Beads are overrated!.....Unless, you are attending a ritual gathering.

No, I am not Jesus, nor do I try to be, although my little nephews meekly call me, Uncle Jesus (Malume Jeso)...They mumble it at times, “M’lum Jeso.”  A title reserved for those who act humanely towards other fellow human beings. Not magicians*

No there’s no magic or conjuring of anything when I do my Healing. Actually, by  ‘healing’ I’m referring to ‘talk’ – I listen, and reciprocate my analysis on what I think about your dilemma. Some say I’m good at it, others mull over it and don’t say anything, but they always come back my way to solve their dilemmas.     

Now, here’s a thing. One rackety-rodent-rascal (I call him 3-R) nephew of mine, decided in his limited mind that because I help people, and I am a Writer and Poet, I am therefore an “Illluminati” and should be called the ‘GOATHEAD’.

At first when he christened me Uncle Goat, I thought he meant G.O.A.T, as in ‘Greatest-Of-All-Time’ However, his stares told a different story.  So, I sat him down and spoke to him, only to find out that the Donkey was mocking me, his Uncle, Uncle Jesus.  

Well, nephew 3-R! Uncle Jesus, ain’t no goat, and was born in 1979. Wait... come to think of it, according to the Chinese Calendar, 1979 was the year of...oh hell! Year of the Goat*  (I don’t want to say “bloody goat” that might give some peeps ideas, unwanted ideas)

It troubled me. Really, really troubled me. So, I started inwardly mewling over it, day and night. Am I a goat? Am I really, Uncle Goat? Thinking*

Is there any symbolical meaning behind the ‘THE GOAT”? 

Well, I don’t certainly chew everything that comes my way, but I surely do mentally and spiritually imbibe it. Oh not food, I chew that....  Let’s see – I don’t have horns, and surely not goat-bearded. I’m certainly not a Goatman, or  a mythological creature, called  Satyr (No not Satan)  No, no I don’t cry like a goat, and no one in their right mind calls me, Billy - because that is not my name.... Although, I do call my member, Billy, for reasons known by a hand few women who’ve seen my member* Anyway, I am not  a ‘goat’.

Mxm! Nephew 3-R, you need therapy son! The only thing I’m chewing is words. Not paper! You crazy son! Stoetskool wena!

Being called an Illuminati is a compliment because as we all know ‘The Prophets of Illumination’ wrote the Holy Bible. What does that make their readers?

And there’s no bloody trail behind me*


Linda Sakazi Thwala

Linda Sakazi Thwala
Occupations: Journalist, Poet and Spiritual Healer
Contact: 0719727764

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Animus, will make you do and say cretinous things with aplomb – to a degree of outré insanity. 

The irrational becomes the rational when you lose a sense of touch with reality.  However, the worst part is when a bunch of irrational minds gather to make their irrationality a propagation of truth.

One never knows what goes on inside a surreptitious mind of an individual, with sinister intent, until that individual opens their mouth to speak, or worse scenario, take action to put their point across.

In South Africa, there is a plethora of cultural diversity, that ranges from traditional customs, educational institutions, political affiliations, to religious unions.

Animosity towards any constituency, whether be it individual, traditional, religious, or political – to make those that do not subscribe and conform to your ideals of certain levels, and standards of societal cohesion and citizenship, is  to its own degree insanity.

There are various forms and platforms of dictatorship. Some come in a robust, instructive manner. Others come in a subtle richly manipulative manner.    

In the land that respects the rule of law, respects its constituencies, and respects it citizenry, governed by its Constitution and the Democratic process. No religious group, political, ethnic or traditional standing is above another. No colour is better than all the colours***

Matters of great concern, that will affect the masses and set a cultural-national-revolution, in a ‘democratic land', must be placed on the public platter for proper public scrutiny, debates and referendum – then and only then can the matter be propagated as law. Highlights, E-Tolling and Expropriation of Land*

A Cultural-National-Revolution is an inevitable action, in any land that is governed with rule of law – however, the implementation of a revolutionary action must be done with some level of sanity and rationality, that the end goal is achieved within the confines of the Democratic process in line with the Constitution, the law and concept  pertaining to a constitutional process.    

Adolf Hitler never implemented his animus attitude towards the Jews in the 1930’s Germany, that led to the World War II, Holocaust without the following of his Nazi masses and its leadership. An action that changed the whole world immeasurably. Madness took course because the irrational seemed all rational.  

Animus attitudes, are what leads the masses to public-hysteria, imposing behaviour, self-posed, smooth-tongued political, or religious, conventional insanity.


Linda Sakazi Thwala


What do you say to an individual that has pride? Do you rebuke them for having that pride? Do you applaud them for being proud? What do you do?

Self-importance is a good personal character trait. As everything else in life, there are two sides to everything, hence there are two types of pride or self-importance, that can make or break an individual.

When an individual imbues a radiating pride that jells with their persona, parading an endearing confidence, coupled with respect for another fellow human being, and their belongings – that is good pride. A necessary confidence that will lead them to achieve their ambitions through life, and assist others to achieve their goals.

The negative side of pride, which is listed as one of ‘the seven deadly sins’, is when an individual has pride that destroys others and does not give a hoot, nor hinder in afflicting pain in anyway necessary – be it verbal, emotional, or physical.

Such pride and individuals that bestow such pride, do not want to listen or admit that have erred others or themselves.

When a man or a woman comes into your life and they have ‘pride of being’  that doesn’t necessary mean that they have disregard or disrespect for everything and everyone around them.

Pride is at time a reflection of self-love, and appreciation of what and who you are in life, and in the lives of others. Having pride is not a sin.

On the contrary, an individual can have pride, and be proud about themselves and their achievements but still humble themselves in the presence of those who are less fortunate and needy.  

Look around you. All individuals that have influence and are influential in other people’s lives encompass a little pride within themselves, pride that makes and builds empires.

Not pride that is obnoxious. Not pride that breaks and kills.

Pride that loves and nurture.

Have a little pride for yourself**


Linda Sakazi Thwala

************************************I am Pride********************************************

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


When a culture of abuse is intentionally instilled, by parents who lack the values of discipline, within a household - it creates an unimpressionable environment that aims to destroy the minds and dreams of those who need guidance, and assurance towards their future.

When a parent’s intentions are aimed at destroying the lives of the children, without cushion, and reprimanding accountability, there is no hope in the family and lives of those children.

At times when a parent is frustrated and is put under strenuous mental, emotional pressure, certain decisions  made for the wellbeing, of their family and their children can be misconstrued, confusing and wrongly implemented.

Purposefully implementing a behavioural system, or a prometheus commitment that is misleadingly courteous, and favours one child from the other child/children, and intentionally creating an atmosphere that is rude and cruel for the other child/children – is one of the major parenting inaccuracy that needs to be dealt with in many households and parenting skills.

In countless Counselling sessions and discussions, with couples, parents and friends who are parents – preferential treatment, ‘favouritism’ is a key concern within the family framework, with single parents and presence of both parents.

Favouritism, has created a division in many households and families that has led to recurring emotional, verbal and physical abuse for decades.

Parenting and implementing good behavioural skills are reciprocal - being bias in conversational dealings with your children, and in reprimanding skills can and will lead to public embarrassments, misdirected anger and vast polarity between a child and their parent, as well as a child and their siblings.

It is an instinctive thing to love, nurture and protect your children as a parent (s) However, divided attention and divided love, can sway towards one child/children being ‘favoured’ more than another child/children are - drifting the family apart.


Linda Sakazi Thwala