Wednesday, September 18, 2013


When a culture of abuse is intentionally instilled, by parents who lack the values of discipline, within a household - it creates an unimpressionable environment that aims to destroy the minds and dreams of those who need guidance, and assurance towards their future.

When a parent’s intentions are aimed at destroying the lives of the children, without cushion, and reprimanding accountability, there is no hope in the family and lives of those children.

At times when a parent is frustrated and is put under strenuous mental, emotional pressure, certain decisions  made for the wellbeing, of their family and their children can be misconstrued, confusing and wrongly implemented.

Purposefully implementing a behavioural system, or a prometheus commitment that is misleadingly courteous, and favours one child from the other child/children, and intentionally creating an atmosphere that is rude and cruel for the other child/children – is one of the major parenting inaccuracy that needs to be dealt with in many households and parenting skills.

In countless Counselling sessions and discussions, with couples, parents and friends who are parents – preferential treatment, ‘favouritism’ is a key concern within the family framework, with single parents and presence of both parents.

Favouritism, has created a division in many households and families that has led to recurring emotional, verbal and physical abuse for decades.

Parenting and implementing good behavioural skills are reciprocal - being bias in conversational dealings with your children, and in reprimanding skills can and will lead to public embarrassments, misdirected anger and vast polarity between a child and their parent, as well as a child and their siblings.

It is an instinctive thing to love, nurture and protect your children as a parent (s) However, divided attention and divided love, can sway towards one child/children being ‘favoured’ more than another child/children are - drifting the family apart.


Linda Sakazi Thwala

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