Sunday, November 3, 2013


For those of you who don’t know, I was actually initiated as a Traditional Healer. Although, I prefer  the title of ‘Spiritual Healer’, because like a Priest or Pastor, I can enter a room and you won’t know that I am a Healer.  Skins and Beads are overrated!.....Unless, you are attending a ritual gathering.

No, I am not Jesus, nor do I try to be, although my little nephews meekly call me, Uncle Jesus (Malume Jeso)...They mumble it at times, “M’lum Jeso.”  A title reserved for those who act humanely towards other fellow human beings. Not magicians*

No there’s no magic or conjuring of anything when I do my Healing. Actually, by  ‘healing’ I’m referring to ‘talk’ – I listen, and reciprocate my analysis on what I think about your dilemma. Some say I’m good at it, others mull over it and don’t say anything, but they always come back my way to solve their dilemmas.     

Now, here’s a thing. One rackety-rodent-rascal (I call him 3-R) nephew of mine, decided in his limited mind that because I help people, and I am a Writer and Poet, I am therefore an “Illluminati” and should be called the ‘GOATHEAD’.

At first when he christened me Uncle Goat, I thought he meant G.O.A.T, as in ‘Greatest-Of-All-Time’ However, his stares told a different story.  So, I sat him down and spoke to him, only to find out that the Donkey was mocking me, his Uncle, Uncle Jesus.  

Well, nephew 3-R! Uncle Jesus, ain’t no goat, and was born in 1979. Wait... come to think of it, according to the Chinese Calendar, 1979 was the year of...oh hell! Year of the Goat*  (I don’t want to say “bloody goat” that might give some peeps ideas, unwanted ideas)

It troubled me. Really, really troubled me. So, I started inwardly mewling over it, day and night. Am I a goat? Am I really, Uncle Goat? Thinking*

Is there any symbolical meaning behind the ‘THE GOAT”? 

Well, I don’t certainly chew everything that comes my way, but I surely do mentally and spiritually imbibe it. Oh not food, I chew that....  Let’s see – I don’t have horns, and surely not goat-bearded. I’m certainly not a Goatman, or  a mythological creature, called  Satyr (No not Satan)  No, no I don’t cry like a goat, and no one in their right mind calls me, Billy - because that is not my name.... Although, I do call my member, Billy, for reasons known by a hand few women who’ve seen my member* Anyway, I am not  a ‘goat’.

Mxm! Nephew 3-R, you need therapy son! The only thing I’m chewing is words. Not paper! You crazy son! Stoetskool wena!

Being called an Illuminati is a compliment because as we all know ‘The Prophets of Illumination’ wrote the Holy Bible. What does that make their readers?

And there’s no bloody trail behind me*


Linda Sakazi Thwala

Linda Sakazi Thwala
Occupations: Journalist, Poet and Spiritual Healer
Contact: 0719727764


Anonymous said...

You are really talented! That was great(: !

Linda Sakazi Thwala said...

Thank you :-)