Monday, January 6, 2014


Loving relationships between couples are taking an inhospitable route that paints a peremptory gauging impression that partners, in a loving relationship should buy each others’ affection.    

What happened to enjoying each others’ company without remittance, of any kind?

Being in a relationship has its own challenges, and one of those challenges is maintaining a good financial base to keep that relationship flowing.

However, financing your partner, does not mean that when there’s no finance at particular juncture in your relationship, all else break-loose, sensual pleasures seize, and the relationship is doomed to the axing annals.

If money, and only money alone, drives the loving flames which burns between two individuals, it only means one thing. It means, humans are becoming ‘Mechanical Beings’_ hard-hearten, cold, emotionally incomprehensive beings -  beings that will act callously towards their partners when it is befitting on their part.

Are we encouraging multiple partners and an unhealthy sexual life style? Are we saying, ‘It is okay to leave your partner and sleep with someone else, not for the enjoyment of love but, for money’s sate alone’? Are we saying, ‘survive, even if you drift through it, emotionless’?

Relationships are hard - that’s a fact. Is it possible to live in an age where a woman and a man do not see each other for who they are? In an age where there is no love that brings them closer together, love that leads to an emotionally constructive reproduction, which will add intelligent worth to their lineage - not just broken measure* 

If as an individual, I will skip from one partner to the next by the measure of their pocket-value, then it only means, I only value myself as an infectious disease conniving harlot.

What a means to an end?   


Linda Sakazi Thwala

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