Sunday, October 17, 2010


In this life we try to make it all, nicely fit
When we run with all, our yearning feet
Nearing to these so, likely wearing years
As a jacket of time that has lost its wears
Tears no more when eyes have it all known
Wallets with press pinchpennies in our own
When we run with all our mix cheerful beat
Towns, parks and clubbing places, we meet
Simplifying framing gears of time, that is fear
The sounds we hear shapes the mind to peer
Life is a journey with endless flames in space
Vaguely vanquishing souls to a sleeping place
Those that have lost the ties of love relation
Who’s emotions in motion to store in fashion
A razzmatazz in flowing clubs and in derbies
A remembrance of smiles in wearing years

“Those that embrace the power of love, find the power of light.” Linda Sakazi Thwala

Monday, October 4, 2010


Finding a balance in life is what defines the freedom of the Self and aids towards achieving the best homogeneous relational within the three essentials of the Self. We all want to acquire perfection in this world, however acquiring perfection can only be attained in the ethereal, heavenly realm. The only thing that we humanly beings can strive towards achieving in this life time, is a good sustainable, enlightening, building, content-filled environment for the self; where each individual is able to live their purpose fully, without cry outing for attachment or unnecessary affirmation of existence from destructive places or preying individuals.

There is a popular maxim that says, “Too much of a good thing is poisonous” This relates with your daily interactions and daily interchange with your environment and people around you. When an individual places themselves in a destructive obsession to a place or self-destructive addiction to a substance, then that individual is crying out for HELP. Attention seeking behavior.

Too much self-indulgence is self-destruction, especially when you as an individual go out, seeking for a thing or something that will make you physically or mentally whole. A person that is desperate to achieve a higher percentage from an exam of something that they cannot grasp fully, thus spends fifteen hours reading, reading, reading on without understanding or taking a study-break, achieves nothing but madness and total failure, because reading without understanding only adds more confusion in an already confused mind – too much undirected reading.

This also relates to too much partying, and always seeking for some sort of escapism, from what life is expecting from you, yourself appointed goal, your destiny. Procrastination leads an individual to idleness - a life without purpose and without direction. The self, your authentic core may cry out for what it needs, its purpose in life and the way it should journey, however life’s obstacles may hinder that destined journey, at times deterred by people surrounding you as the traveler towards your destiny, or by you as an individual.

When your journey reaches a blockage, or an unexpected impasse, your purpose in life seems unreachable and too distant to achieve, thus leaves the self in emotional and mental disarray. At times the suppression of what your journey must be as opposed to expectations; by your parents, your friends, your aunts and uncles, your siblings, your classmates, your colleagues, can lead one to realize that life has no purpose and that no one cares. This may drive an individual to conform to things or ways that will ultimately push the Self into the state of inertia for life, or self-destruction.

Over-indulgence in anything can lead to two different character defining objectives. The one objective can gradually build an individual to be better at what they do, be better humans for the betterment of life; the other objective can gradually break an individual, temporary or for a lifetime. We as individuals get court up in what we do daily, not realizing that the things we do define our way of life and how our purpose or directive to make humanity better is constructed, by how your views to life relate to other people’s views, merged with your purpose or destiny.

In life, no one knows how you feel emotionally or how your mental faculty is figured, unless you speak out your problems or do something that makes people notice that help is needed. When the Self is seeking attention, its objectives may be emotional and psychological affirmation of what it is destined to be, which is growth; or it may be emotional and psychological degradation due to seeking or needing debilitating emotional and physical attachment to verify their existence, which is conformation or docility to a destructive environment.

When the Self cry out, it is in need for new breathe to enable it to move towards achieving its goals, therefore aids to attaining its destiny in life. Your life starts with the self-love and self-light that is in you and is emanated by your temple in the world. Finding a balance in life, is a crypt to your destiny.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The proposed Media Tribunal, is a selfless travesty to a selfless course to our struggle, and contradicts everything that the African National Congress stood for and stands for today. A tyrannical era of passive and sporadic semi-armed resistance was fought to attain a Democratic, Liberal South African State. What is self-governance and freedom, when the politicians that govern our country want their actions and unruly discretion go clandestinely unnoticed and untouched? Where is freedom in that notion?

Media freedom, is an essential cornerstone to what is known as Democracy. It is the strength that keeps political and social relations flowing in a harmonious plateau. Media freedom is a partner to breathing, living developmental policies of our Constitution. The Constitution enshrines the seeds that will build our country into the best Nation in the world, including the transparency to the dissemination of information, without bias or prejudice ideals.

Media Tribunals are aimed at denying South African journalists their freedom to impart societal and political information about corruptions and corrupt individuals. Placing objective reportage in a bad subverted view, is an undeniably imprudent and inhumane, dictatorial stance that has subjected journalists around the world with unnecessary torture and destructive imprisonment. Where is a Selfless Struggle there?

When a governing cabinet constructs a Democratic State, from a directive of a solid Constitution, with corrupt individuals standing in the shadows, trying to undermine the power and control of the hand that voted it to power, by overlooking and substituting its demands to a better life; to jobs, housing, good health plans and education, with acquiring wealth and going to overseas tax-sponsored holiday trips with hedging diplomatic reasons, without considering what their position and duty is to the very masses that helped to construct the Democratic State, with a directive of a solid Constitution. Then, that individual’s pillaging mentality, needs to be placed in the public eye for scrutiny.

The Media’s Ombudsman and other regulatory ‘watchman’s judgmental heads are the only heads that have to reign over journalists without imposing or denying the media its fundamental right to do its job. Journalist who falsify information, are not the only ones that are guilty of that falsification. The responsibility of clarifying information falls with the person that gave information, the journalist that acquired that particular information, the sub-editor and the editor that has to check for the authenticity or source of that particular information before it goes to print. Why should political parties regulate the media, when the media has the Press Ombudsman and the Press Council?

South Africa has come a long way to emulate the ways of Zimbabwe or the ways of Cuba. The responsibility to what future generations of our land will have to deal with, starts with how we view our society - politicians included. The Media’s freedom is linked with the freedom to speak, write and acquire information without infringing on other human beings’ right to life, and National Security. An ideal to a selfless struggle does not exempt an individual from a lawful reprimand when a white-collar crime has been committed and when National Security has been compromised.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


HISTORY teaches us clearly that the battle against colonialism does not run straight away along the lines of nationalism. For a very long time the native devotes his energies to ending certain definite abuses: forced labour, corporal punishment, inequality of salaries, limitation of political rights, etc. This fight for democracy against the oppression of mankind will slowly leave the confusion of universalism to emerge. The lack of practical links between God and the mass devise a moment of the struggle that give rise to tragic mishaps.

In my opinion, it is not necessary to talk with Africans about African culture. However, in the light of the above statement one realizes that there is so much confusion sown, not only amongst casual non Africans, but even amongst Africans themselves, that perhaps a sincere attempt should be made at emphasizing the authentic cultural aspects of the African people by Africans themselves.

Since 1652- we blacks have been experiencing a process of acculturation. It is perhaps presumptuous to call it acculturation because this term implies a fusion of different cultures. In our case the confusion has been extremely one sided. The two major cultures that met and fused were the African culture and the Anglo –Boer culture .Whereas the African culture was simple and unsophisticated , the Anglo –Boer had all the trappings of a colonialist culture and therefore was heavily equipped for conquest. Where they could, they conquered by persuasion, using a highly exclusive religion that denounced all other Gods and demanded a strict code of behaviour with respect to clothing, education, ritual and custom. Where it was impossible to convert, firearms were readily available and used to advantage. Hence the Anglo –Boer was the more powerful culture in almost all facets. This is where the African began to lose a grip of himself and his surroundings.

It was the white missionaries under the veil of Christianity who confused the blacks with their new religion. They mythisized our people with stories of hell. They painted their God as a demanding God who seek worship “or else”. People had to discard their clothes and their customs in order to be accepted to the new religion .Knowing how Africans were, these pseudo- Christians stepped up their terror campaign on the emotions of the blacks with their detailed account of eternal burning, tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth. By some strange and twisted logic they argued that theirs was scientific religion and our was superstition. This cold and cruel religion was strange to the indigenous people and caused frequent strife between the “converted blacks” and the “resisting blacks”, for the “converted” have imbibed the false values of white society. The converted blacks were taught to ridicule and despise those defended the truth of their indigenous religion .With the ultimate acceptance of western religion down went our cultural values.

What I have tried to illustrate here is that in South Africa, religion has always rested under the white envelop. Not only have the Whites been guilty of being on the offensive habit but also, some skilful manoeuvres. They have managed to control the responses of the blacks to the provocation. Not only have they kicked the black but they have told him how to react to the kick. For a long time the black have been listening with patience to the advice he has been receiving on how best to respond to the kick. With painful slowness he should now beginning to show signs that it is his right and duty to respond to the kick in the way he sees fit.

While I don’t wish to question the basic truth at heart of Christianity, there is a strong case for blacks to re-examine their cultural religion which was bastardised at a helm of evils of colonisation. To the best of my research, I uncover very fundament aspects of black theology through our worship of ancestors. This theology wants to describe God as a fighting God not as a passive God who allows a lie to rest unchallenged. It grapples with existential problems and does not claim to be a theology of absolutes. It seeks to bring back God to the black man and to the truth and reality of his situation. The distinction between people and ancestors appeared to stem from the nature of the relationship between the living and the dead for it is believed that the dead are in close proximity with God. In Christian faith this is known as saint.

This acknowledgement of these beautiful angels opened a channel of communication between the living and those in the afterlife. Unfinished business in black theology is acknowledged and peace is made through rituals and ceremonies. Moments of transition at mile stones along one’s life are marked by rituals. Transitions such as births, initiations, graduations, changes in places of abode, acquisitions of important property, marriages and death are communicated to ancestors. Key ancestors in each household or clan are called by name and asked to participate in the significant occasion and bless it.

Such key ancestors are usually fathers, mothers, and grandparents. Whenever appropriate, ancestors are visited at their graves and informed about matters for which thanks are due and blessings are requested. In the event of personal or work related problems, rituals are performed to appease the death and restore good relationships. These rituals enable the living and those who have passed on to make peace and maintain it. It is this peace that is believed to open up opportunities for present and future prosperity. Therefore, when I survey all this and much more besides, I find nothing to sustain the long-held dogma of black theology, according to which our ancestor practice have become a symbol of fear, evil and death.

I speak of this long-held dogma because it continues still to weigh down the African mind and spirit, like the ton of lead that the African slave carries on their own shoulders. This heavy myth dictates to us that we will never straighten our back and thus discover that we are as tall as the slave master who carries the whip. An essential and necessary element of us blacks is that we all must take it as our task to encourage whoever carries this leaden weight, to rebel and assert the principality of our humanity. This is an important aspect of blacks who still swim in a mire of confusion –the aftermath of missionary approach.

We need to rewrite our history and produce in it the heroes that formed the core of our resistance to the white invaders. More has to be revealed, and stress has to be laid on the successful nation building attempts of men such as Shaka, Moshoeshoe and Hintsa. These areas call for intense research to provide some sorely-needed missing links. We would be too naïve to expect our conquerors to write unbiased histories about us. We have to persistently destroy the myth about our own religion, culture, customs and rituals which were wiped under cruel acts. We must reject as we have been doing the individualistic cold approach to life that is the cornerstone of the Anglo –Boer culture and keep the burning ashes of our ancestors -for to them blessings nourish.

By Cyprian Thwala

Monday, September 6, 2010


The Self is a wonderful place to be in, especially when it has realized, the three essentials contained by the Tree of Self, an individual’s spiritual affirmation and knowledge of the Self contained by the ‘temple’. Power and Possession are characteristics which are synonymous with the PROSPERITY of SELF. A yearning for Power and Possession is a psychological aspiration, which the Self needs to experience within, which leads to a content individual. Out of temple, materialistic or worldly Power and Possession can lead to tyrannical arrogance, when an individual is not accustomed to giving orders or reigning over others in an amicable way.

We as humans, are beings of Power and Possession. It is in our nature to take control in everything around us and in anything that wants to consume, manacle our physical, mental and emotional power. We are beings of rebellion and at times nonconformists in the ways of our forced habitual habitat. When an individual’s survival is, in any form threatened, and their living conditions are reduced to a degrading unruly state of chaos and free-falling pillaging. Is Power and Possession the right path for us humankind? To be in the right place in mind and spirit, is to understand that the material wealth that we are all casing, brings greed unto the world and kills the bonds that people had formed for years or decades.

Power and Possession is aligned with knowing how to talk the talk, walk the walk and walk the talk. Talking the talk is a mental centralism position, linked to your mental capacity – a loud mouth can be as load as they want, with sense or lack of sense, without acting on their rhetoric, it means nothing. Walking the walk, aligns to the impression of physical stimulus which is a form of physical dependence, which can be senseless, ineffective or null and void minus the talk. Walking the talk is an effective acquisition of results to the an individual’s goals in life – allies to Power and Possession. However, walking the talk can be arrogant, cold and lethal when talk turns dictatorial and dogmatically overtly that it shows the dark side of an individual’s hunger for Power and Possession, consequently the walking turns physically aggressive and diabolically uncompromising thus brings chaos unto the world (reflections of World War Two).

Out of temple or out of body acquisitions are meant to make one feel better about life and their individual efforts, however the buck stops there. Steve Biko, father of ‘Black Consciousness’, spoke of the “Noble Savage” (I write what I like: 1978), a relative concept that was not exploited to its peripheral nuances, to what it means to be a savage and yet be noble. A Noble Savage, means a person that is in a position of nobility or affluence, talking the talk, but is savagery in their actions - their way of doing things or leadership quality. A Noble Savage tells you what you want to hear, and does something else to the contrary of what was said. It’s a ‘you my friend with a smile and I’ll stab you in the back later’ type of thing. A Savage of nobility is an earthly dictator that aims to pillage a nation of its wealth and livelihood of its masses without considering, the consequences of their savagery actions.

A Noble Savage, thinks not of the inner spiritual entity that its masses need, coupled with the daily survival essential. A Noble Savage thinks not of their country, other than their possession perception in their pockets. A savage promises numerous things, but delivers zilch. Its yearning and acquiring of Power and Possession is uncompromisingly attributed to destruction to attain respect and honor. A Noble Savage thinks not of its Nation but its self-centered persona in pursuit of Power and Possession.

Out of temple, materialistic or worldly Power and Possession can undeniably lead to tyrannical arrogance, when an individual is not accustomed to giving orders or reigning over others in an amicable way. Power and Possession does not build resonance to acting love, transcending-love and to self-belief, it can assist in maintaining your self-worth, and serving as a humanitarian tool for the betterment of the world and humankind, when power and its possession is used in a proper way, to serve and protect. The Self knows no savagery ways, it is taught to be violent through earthly acquisitions.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

THE TREE OF SELF: Three Essentials to Self Development

Within the Tree of Self, there are three essentials that can help improve and sustain the branches of self, in accordance to Self belonging. These three essential are: Mental Exercise, Emotional Exercise, and Physical Exercise. The three exercises of the self can help in improving your whole attitude about life during tenuous times and during salacious moments in your life.

It is imperative that your Mental attitude towards life is in harmony with what you believe in, what you are experiencing and with what you want to achieve. The Mental Exercise of self starts with a well grounded educational base (meaning what you read, see and hear), that an individual acquires from their family environment, combined with colorful social interactions or relations with other fellow human-beings. There is an axiom that states: “It’s all in the mind” – your mental attitude determines your latitude and it initializes with a good upbringing or learning to overcome restraining obstacles in your path to attaining sustaining growth.

Growing up in an environment that offers a right mental attitude to life, guards an individual to attain mental strength, adjoined to all your relationships with day to day conversations that help to champion your emotional strength. After all, assorted conversations lead to clarity of the self. Emotional strength is gained through Emotional Exercise. How your parents treated or treat you, how your siblings or relatives treat you, how you treat yourself, how you treat your friends and how you treat your lover; is linked to your Emotional Exercise to life. Controlling your emotions within all your conversations is an essential trait to life and to your mental well-being. Failure to do so, can lead an individual to commit themselves to unwanted violent tendencies that will lead to self annihilation.

Going out for a walk, a jog, weight lifting, or playing any type of sports is Physical Exercise and builds your physical strength, which builds your life’s longevity. Why is Physical Exercise an essential? When an individual exercises, a positive attitude towards life increases and gives mental refreshment and emotional relief, that helps to reduce stress (which is why romantic moments with your partner are also an integral part to improving your relationship, as they combine all three essentials of self). Physical Exercise helps towards self-love; it is when you are in love with your ‘temple’ or body that you learn to love others without hindering their existence or compromising your own path to realizing transcending-love. Physical Exercise is a form of Acting-love.

Love is action – how you are treated, how you treat your family or your lover in a relationship will determine the latitude and longevity of your love; acting love is also an emotional and mental triptych to all your friendships and all your acquaintances – showing hate gives back hate, showing love gives back love. Acting love comes in different forms; one being self-love – the ability to realize that you cannot love another unless you love yourself; two, exuding that love in everything you do; three, talk the talk and walk the talk – act on your promises; four, ability to know when you have faulted and acknowledge that you have; five, good communication – knowing where you stand with your life and where your partner stands in your life is critical.

The branches to the tree of self are the three essential; Mental Exercise, Emotional Exercise, and Physical Exercise – that will build resonance to acting love, transcending-love and to self-belief. These three essential can assist to forming a well balanced self and maintain a resilient love that is never shaken nor destroyed by our brief earthly matters, however a makes an individual a shining beacon, the necessary light in the world.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Friday, August 20, 2010

THE TREE OF SELF: When the Self Belongs

It is indispensable for the self to find a sense of having and knowing where it belongs, a close niche family that understands and loves you; a career path that bequeaths a sense of self-worth and self-affluence; and a place to gather up your inner spiritual power in order to face another day, in spite of your shortcomings or disappointments, in this world –these are just a touch of the fundamental building blocks to strengthening the self in you.

The self has a deepening need of knowing its true origins and why it exists and why it is life. So many questions have been asked of why we are and where we are headed as humans and these questions have contributed to a lot of confusion to us, as humankind, which have led to countless pursuits of our existence, with numerous archeological excavations dedicated to our civilization’s cultural interactions and social behavior – which is, in all honest reality, is just a touch of who we are and why we are.

The tree of self is the route of who and what you are in this life, reflecting from what your lineage is and how it was manifested. Be known to all humans, we are a mixture and flamboyant abundance of Races that have, in all cases roamed the earth through evolution, to be where we are and what we are. However, that does not answer who we are and what is the next step to our evolution as humans. The things we do in this world are things we do to feel at home with ourselves, however at times those things do not make us reach our true contentment. The debatable is not the metaphysics of who we are and the physical of what we are, but the metaphysics, physical and spiritual, us one to form a completeness of an individual’s journey in life.

A spiritual journey amongst other things is derived in many ways through various cultures, traditions, religions and through individual submission or sanctity. Alas, this spiritual journey can never be fully attained by focusing solely on what is physical. Its attainment needs to be a balanced triplicate of metaphysical, physical and inner spiritual. Which is knowledge or enlightenment of the self and other, adjoined with the metaphysical; your shape, temple or body that houses the spiritual; and your authentic self, your inner self which is the spiritual - one needs the other to form a completeness of who you are.

When the self finds a sense of belonging in this world and in all facets that form life, it finds a spiritual place to grow without envy, anger, lust, greed, pride or idleness. The completeness of self is forged and formed by the entirety of the journey of finding the transcending love in self and everything you do towards the attainment of Self belonging. Acting-love is transcending love, which transforms an individual spiritually, mentally and at times physically.

To reiterate - Our bodies are a shrine, a place of worship where true faith begins and where it ends. We are all of love and light and are given choices in this world by our indoctrinators, the structures that are erected, and laws enacted to guide us in this world, which ultimately shape our personalities and drift some individuals away from their humanity and humility, ultimately from the Self, thus a sense of belonging is lost forever.

The branches of Self should know no iniquities and no archetypes - this should be the nature of our evolution, a personal complete and complementary triplet brand to self. The self in every one of us can be strengthened only through self-belief of where we come from, what we stand for, i.e. Religion, Culture, Ethnicity, without building walls or segregating against anyone or anything in this world. A holistic approach to life is rejoicing in life with its metaphysics, physical and enjoying the nature of all things - stacks of spiritual strength that will build strength in self.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Monday, August 2, 2010


Going to church and worshiping God has become an essential and fashionable trend in South Africa. Religion has grown to be a very lucrative and profitable business more especially here at home and internationally. Worshiping God within a congregation (argumentative) is very expensive affair these days. However, whether it is a lucrative and profitable business, it’s certainly not an issue. The problem is, making people conform in what you believe in by force.

South Africa, as many countries in Africa and the world at large has a Religious Diversity, from Zionists, Muslims, Judaism, Buddhists, Traditionalists (or Culturists) and Christians (which fall under - Born-Again Christians, Baptists, Orthodox et al). All these diverse religions have assorted attires and colors that bestow emblems, which distinguish each church from the rest, only sharing a single commonality of the Crucifix(the Pentagram for Judaism). The aim of worship is a sacred trajectory of that one magnanimous, benevolent and omnipotent being, the Alpha and the Omega, Jehovah, Umveliqange - GOD the creator; from these religion, all cordoned and directed by inspirational words from various Holy books: The Bible, The Koran, The Torah, The Book of Mormon, et al - its messages, a directive from the Almighty through prophets or chosen believers of that particular faith.

As individuals, our faith and spirituality conforms, and is derived by one of these Religious convictions but, only by choice of worship in any of the former mentioned Religious convictions. Each choice of worship by tradition is different from any other worship, from congregation to congregation. And a Religious conviction is taught, analyzed, and imbibed by an individual through their own ‘self-perception’.

God loves all his children, with their diverse cultures, nationality, tradition, creed and religious convictions. No one, especially in a Democratic state, governed by a Constitution can be pushed or pulled by force or emotional submission to conform to any of these former mentioned Religions. In South Africa it is our Constitutional right to be followers of any religion, creed or traditional group.

There is no discrimination in the Kingdom of God - only different ways to praise and individual ways to faith. It is an individual’s choice to conform or follow a particular Religious group which, some of us are born into and some of us learn to follow. We as individuals are one in the name of the magnanimous, benevolent and omnipotent being, the Alpha and the Omega, Jehovah, Umveliqange - GOD the creator.
It is our perception to whom and what God is; which separates individual’s religion and spiritual convictions.

There is a popular ignorant belief, which aims to separate puritan cultural groups that have evolved over the past millenniums, to powerful movements that aim to heal the world, through entertainment and artistic accretion, from other religions, to a mere diabolical movement that brings chaos into the world. What lunacy? The Illuminati and the Freemasons, (which can be linked to the church of Scientology) are and have been recognized as masters of lyrical, artistic creativity, architectural and mechanical experts; who chose to congregate themselves through their creed and form of worship.

True faith, in any of the earlier mentioned religious diversity; does not discriminate or shun upon ‘different’ religious groups or religious convictions of any individual or ethnic group. True faith, does not create boundaries or build walls against any individual or ethnic group. True faith, does not seek to break, but aims to build. Real faith does not seek to kill, but aim to heal.

It is my opinion that any man can do as they please with their lives, for as long as they do not KILL, STEAL OR HATE. In forever Love and in forever shining Light - true conviction in God.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Saturday, July 24, 2010


My counseling sessions have been spiced up with a mental and characteristic blend of quite interesting young ladies. In many discussions with these submissive, eloquently posed, beautiful women, I have uncovered a variable, yet deep seated emotive drive towards men and life in general. This unforeseen, mind-blowing similar cognitive thinking that has clutched young women’s psychological makeup that they, “Want A Readymade Man”, has wowed my senses beyond my existential being.

Traditionally or culturally for all things that matter, what is known is that; a woman and a man court each other, the man playing the biggest role, before reaching a mutually agreeable position that will enable them to build a relationship, luckily commencing a life together, through hard work, sweat and tears. All things acquired through a strategically planned mutually agreed upon loving relationship.

Now, what is this new premise that young ‘gold-digging’ women are coming up with, “A Readymade Man” In all essence this damn-founded principle makes women seem unrealistic, overtly pretentious, greedy beings in this world. Everyone wants a fabulous life with their loved ones, however if women intentionally pursue men that are readymade – meaning wealthy, then the foundation of love is not there at all, except materialistic in form. What woman in their right senses, wants to have a man that they don’t know anything about, and how they acquired their riches. It is what makes young women pester married women’s relationships with their husbands.

It’s these, “I Want A Readymade Man” young women, that breakup marriages that were built through a long emotional journey, at times a rollercoaster, of sweat and tears, between two people that have a goal with their love and their life. These young women flaunt what married men have been craving from their liaison, promising to be different in every way, enticing a psychologically beaten man, that has forgotten how it feels like to be young, to sink-their-teeth into that apple. “A Readymade Man” seeking a new adventure with their young flashy pick-pocket in hand, playing ‘sugar-daddy’ with a wife and children at home.

Truth be told, it’s really not happening. We all want a brilliantly ‘readymade’ life; however it will not come without working hard and this applies to love and marriage too. Life unfortunately does not come with ‘readymade’ packages of men and loving relationships, these things are built through long conversations, mutual understanding and a lot of compromise by each individual in that relationship, of course accompanied by acting-love.

A friend on Facebook argued that ‘human-beings were not meant to be monogamous’, which is a strong fundamental point, seeing how life has driven women and men apart due to adultery, and a quite argumentative point, with the number of people infected with a the virus around the world, some acquiring it within their marriage.

What young submissive, eloquently posed, beautiful women do not comprehend is that “A Readymade Man” comes with a lot of emotional baggage and deep scars that are mentally glued, which are tough to scrape away. It’s a case of, ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ It’s best to get a new puppy and teach them what you do like, and don’t like whilst adoring them at the same time. Consequently some of your expectations will be met; however it is not guaranteed either.

To all you young spunky submissive, eloquently posed, beautiful women, a ‘Readymade Man’ is, in most cases a marriage man, therefore chasing a kept man isn’t such a good idea. The type of love you will receive will be materialistic and distant from what you had envisaged. Chase personality not material attainment, then the things you wish for in life will reach realistic fruitful fruition. Anyway, the world is filled with people that are chasing paper, orgies and creating broken families, without a care in the wind. Do you want to contribute to breaking up another marriage as a young lady?


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Friday, July 9, 2010


Xenophobia is not an exceptional problem to South Africans only; some European countries have in the past dealt with a dilemma of an African Diaspora offering cheap labor to its middle class populous. Those people that aim to exploit people from other countries so that they can get richer, do not comprehend the economic impact felt by a citizenry of a particular country that carry legal documentation and belonging to that particular country by birth, left out for a cheaper option, that has illegal documentation to be in that particular country.

Xenophobia attacks are a Human Rights violation in any country. South Africans are faced with a quandary of finding jobs and fighting cheap labor. Foreign nationals are not to blame for being used as tools of cheap labor, because their destitution is a position of exploitation. Our government is not fully in touch with ordinary South Africans that roam in our streets daily. The South African government must come up with a strategic plan that will benefit hard working South Africans and those who are prepared to build our country, by creating peace in their families and community, thus prosper in their own country.

Government must fully address and solve the Zimbabwe concern as it is the main instigating point to this problem. We as humans cannot let evil reign amongst us, we cannot let fellow Africans die in their own country without food and aid. We cannot kill our brothers and sisters in our streets, when they are fleeing an uncompromising political situation in their own country.

South Africa and South Africans loves our brothers and sisters in our continent; however they must not be utilized as tools of cheap labor, to make South Africans suffer – which makes them wayward in their daily ambles. Let Love reign!


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Heart Breaks of Sibling Rivalry

One subject that has lingered in my life and pestered my existence is Sibling Rivalry, which is said to be: “The often aggressive, contentious interactions between siblings?” Siblings engage in this tenuous struggle for dominance due to the no peculiar reason but jealousy. Jealousy that leads the other sibling thinking that they own and deserve everything that the other sibling, be it brother or sister, has or acquires from their parents or through share hard work.

When one has a sibling, brother or sister, younger or older, that has no self-direction and lacks self-worth and self-discipline in their existence, looks at what their sibling has, thus want to dominate and control their achievements; sibling rivalry turns from a simple game of what’s mine is yours, into a serious life of self-loathing and unnecessary pathos. A life of kinship adversities that is formed and merged by lineage and blood. In some cases leads to murder, due to an uncontrolled parental supervision.

When parents lose the grip on discipline and ignore how their children interact between each other, the often much needed emotional attachment is replaced by material affirmation, which leads to an uncontrolled home environment, which sieves through to our social environment. The brother or sister that thinks that they are more prone to be loved or hated by its parents, ends up thinking that they can takeover and assume the parental role without considering other siblings. Therefore, become the ‘aggressor’ in everything that the other sibling contributes towards their kinship, be it physically, verbally or emotionally.

The extra aggressive sibling, will go out of their way to blame, trick and create squabbles between their siblings and parents. The trickery comes in the form of creating untruths against their brother or sister, taking everything given to their sibling as theirs and destroying it purposely to make the other sibling’s self-worth seems unwanted and trounced. The aggressor is the attention-seeker, always wants attention from its parents in every way and every form, at whatever cost, even if they are wrong in their jealousy crazed pursuit. The aggressor has no self-perception and takes no self-criticism, as a result is blinded by the storm of jealousy brewing within them. There is no peace in the world of the aggressor, only division, finger-pointing and a lot of bickering.

The power struggle for acceptance is what drives a sibling to do things that will disparage their brother or sister from achieving or living their lives in their home, or social environment. Sibling rivalry can be extremely aggravated if the other sibling is talented and has something to contribute to the world. When the aggressor has no voice of their own, they want to take the voice of the one that has it, thus fail to appreciate and acknowledge their shortcoming – you can’t have it all and you can't have power over your siblings.

When it comes to constructing a strong family base, self-control amongst siblings is an important and essential trait. Parents need to understand each sibling for who they are and what they want out of life - give special attention to the sibling that needs it most, and give encouragement to the one that gets it; which will ultimately help in polarizing two or more opinionated minds, each character formulating their own spiritual and mental base in love and light.

Illuminate your home with love, and conversations that will bring clarity and understanding between your siblings. If you have a sibling that hates you for who you are or you hate, try and build a sense of worth by bridging that gap with love and understanding that your sibling will never be you and you can never be your sibling. Alas, your life can never be your brother’s or sister’s, but yours. Eliminate jealousy; eliminate the touchy subject of Sibling Rivalry. In Love and in Light!!!


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The South African Love Revolution

To build a prosperous nation, we as South Africans need to allow diversity and transparent integration in our beloved nation to give us individual cultural and patriotic growth. Growth can only come if we let our individual love for South Africa reign supreme, regardless of our pigment or cultural ideals. We are South Africans! Our land must give birth to generations that will inspire better technological and environmental change.

Generations that will aim to accrue economic growth and eradicate hate, and poverty in our loving nation, we as a nation must learn to love each other without any racial reservations, exploitations of wealth, criminal or non-criminal, against any South African. Violent action or ignoring our past political indiscretions can never atone our hearts and economic impact suffered by our nation. We are in this boat together, against this ravaging storm of a new social and cultural identity that can only be forged through a love revolution. Love that respects our structural change, love that respects each others’ cultures, love that respects every individual’s choices and personal identity, love that respects our fellow brothers and sisters in our continent and the world at large.

The lives and livelihood of the masses must take precedence over and above any rogue interests by any individuals; more especially political figures and conglomerates that aim to exploit rather than build. Let’s spread our wealth amongst our own and uplift the spirits of those who subscribe to a nation of liberty and peace. The right attitude towards everlasting patriotism and love for our country, we must learn to love each other, without any racial reservations, exploitations of wealth against Africans. No South African citizen should go to bed with an empty stomach. In the world of charlatans, this is a foreign language, as they aim to break the world and not build it. Let’s build our land with love and peace in our hearts.

We are South Africans, we are Africans. This is our Love Revolution!