Monday, January 6, 2014


Loving relationships between couples are taking an inhospitable route that paints a peremptory gauging impression that partners, in a loving relationship should buy each others’ affection.    

What happened to enjoying each others’ company without remittance, of any kind?

Being in a relationship has its own challenges, and one of those challenges is maintaining a good financial base to keep that relationship flowing.

However, financing your partner, does not mean that when there’s no finance at particular juncture in your relationship, all else break-loose, sensual pleasures seize, and the relationship is doomed to the axing annals.

If money, and only money alone, drives the loving flames which burns between two individuals, it only means one thing. It means, humans are becoming ‘Mechanical Beings’_ hard-hearten, cold, emotionally incomprehensive beings -  beings that will act callously towards their partners when it is befitting on their part.

Are we encouraging multiple partners and an unhealthy sexual life style? Are we saying, ‘It is okay to leave your partner and sleep with someone else, not for the enjoyment of love but, for money’s sate alone’? Are we saying, ‘survive, even if you drift through it, emotionless’?

Relationships are hard - that’s a fact. Is it possible to live in an age where a woman and a man do not see each other for who they are? In an age where there is no love that brings them closer together, love that leads to an emotionally constructive reproduction, which will add intelligent worth to their lineage - not just broken measure* 

If as an individual, I will skip from one partner to the next by the measure of their pocket-value, then it only means, I only value myself as an infectious disease conniving harlot.

What a means to an end?   


Linda Sakazi Thwala


It  is a shame to witness many families around South Africa making their kith-and-kin deliberately suffer through starvation.

With many countries around the world struggling to feed their own families, below a dollar level daily expenditure, feeding a family of three a day is a hard earn toll on its own, never mind a family of five or more. Here in South Africa, we are privileged to have a much fortunate level of daily surplus to be able to share with others. However, the spirit of sharing is annulled by greed, judgements and perpetual verbal, emotional and physical abuses that ensue in many households around our country.  

What will you earn by starving a family member, because they are at a disadvantaged possession, through work or ailment?  

The ironical thing about individuals that perpetuate such ills, not to exaggerate the fact, are good, well earning, churchgoers who stand in the face of belief and claim to protect their own. Alas, to starve them out of their families.

There are outright vindictive Mothers and Fathers out there, who can afford to feed their families but choose not to because, they feel the need to be feared, not because they fear sparing-the-rod. Hence, create an endless circle of adult to child abuse, which reveals  itself through posterity.

Hence you find nephews and nieces who feel the need to avenge their ‘fathers’ for abandoning them through starving their uncle to death*   

There are unassuming women and men out there who starve their spouse because, they feel the need to ‘control’. And feel the need to be the head and be heard at whatever cost,  when they have a job and the other doesn’t.  

Others preach the holy word, ‘fasting’ to instil their misguided suppression. Yes, it is truth that God comes closer through ‘fasting’, however that ‘fasting’ period must be rightly guided through a ‘Spiritual Journey’ not through callously starving children who don’t even know why they are ‘fasting’ in the first place.  A starving mind doesn’t comprehend anything*

Jesus Christ did not handout bread as a symbol of death and repression, how he gave bread as a symbol of life and cultivation.

In any case, outright starvation leads to delusion.

Many families in countries such as a United States of America and Britain, noteworthy G8 members, go to Feeding-Stations every midday or evening to line-up for sustenance, in order to make it another day.   
It is one thing to help a family member out, and another to spoil them rotten. Giving a supporting hand means not giving up on that person, BUT starving them is equivalent to killing them.

Others eat to live, while others live to eat, however you put it, one can never use food as a weapon of suppression. No one in their right state of mind uses bread to persecute another.


Linda Sakazi Thwala

Sunday, November 3, 2013


For those of you who don’t know, I was actually initiated as a Traditional Healer. Although, I prefer  the title of ‘Spiritual Healer’, because like a Priest or Pastor, I can enter a room and you won’t know that I am a Healer.  Skins and Beads are overrated!.....Unless, you are attending a ritual gathering.

No, I am not Jesus, nor do I try to be, although my little nephews meekly call me, Uncle Jesus (Malume Jeso)...They mumble it at times, “M’lum Jeso.”  A title reserved for those who act humanely towards other fellow human beings. Not magicians*

No there’s no magic or conjuring of anything when I do my Healing. Actually, by  ‘healing’ I’m referring to ‘talk’ – I listen, and reciprocate my analysis on what I think about your dilemma. Some say I’m good at it, others mull over it and don’t say anything, but they always come back my way to solve their dilemmas.     

Now, here’s a thing. One rackety-rodent-rascal (I call him 3-R) nephew of mine, decided in his limited mind that because I help people, and I am a Writer and Poet, I am therefore an “Illluminati” and should be called the ‘GOATHEAD’.

At first when he christened me Uncle Goat, I thought he meant G.O.A.T, as in ‘Greatest-Of-All-Time’ However, his stares told a different story.  So, I sat him down and spoke to him, only to find out that the Donkey was mocking me, his Uncle, Uncle Jesus.  

Well, nephew 3-R! Uncle Jesus, ain’t no goat, and was born in 1979. Wait... come to think of it, according to the Chinese Calendar, 1979 was the year of...oh hell! Year of the Goat*  (I don’t want to say “bloody goat” that might give some peeps ideas, unwanted ideas)

It troubled me. Really, really troubled me. So, I started inwardly mewling over it, day and night. Am I a goat? Am I really, Uncle Goat? Thinking*

Is there any symbolical meaning behind the ‘THE GOAT”? 

Well, I don’t certainly chew everything that comes my way, but I surely do mentally and spiritually imbibe it. Oh not food, I chew that....  Let’s see – I don’t have horns, and surely not goat-bearded. I’m certainly not a Goatman, or  a mythological creature, called  Satyr (No not Satan)  No, no I don’t cry like a goat, and no one in their right mind calls me, Billy - because that is not my name.... Although, I do call my member, Billy, for reasons known by a hand few women who’ve seen my member* Anyway, I am not  a ‘goat’.

Mxm! Nephew 3-R, you need therapy son! The only thing I’m chewing is words. Not paper! You crazy son! Stoetskool wena!

Being called an Illuminati is a compliment because as we all know ‘The Prophets of Illumination’ wrote the Holy Bible. What does that make their readers?

And there’s no bloody trail behind me*


Linda Sakazi Thwala

Linda Sakazi Thwala
Occupations: Journalist, Poet and Spiritual Healer
Contact: 0719727764