Thursday, March 4, 2010

SELF-LOVE: Transcending your love beyond words

When you love yourself, your words transcend beyond the material-love that define people in this world. It is essential that people learn to transcend their words into acting-love; love that learns to do love and be loved. Acting-love is transcending love, which transforms an individual spiritually, mentally and at times physically.

A holistic approach to finding the right love is to rip your-self of earthly possessions and find a way to assert your individual instinctive self into what is known as a ‘realistic-self’ or ‘authentic-self’. This ‘realistic-self’ that we as individuals forget to seek inside our selves is an essential entity that grounds us as people and paves our ways to our destiny, guided by our intuition and the knowledge we acquire in this world.

To gain a holistic understanding of transcending-love, one needs to move away from everyday notions of what is the world’s perception and expectancy from them – think and leave outside the norm. The world has shaped people into different classes or archetypes in terms of religion, social hierarchies, political affiliations, and tribalism, consequently individuals forget to look inwardly because they cannot shake the indoctrination that their different societal standings have implanted in their minds. Archetypes that are taught to execrate anything that doesn’t perceive the world from its point of view essentially go into the world with the aim of destroying that which is not known rather than seeking knowledge of the unknown.

Transcending-love begins with the self, your spiritual-self. It is a choice that is made between darkness and light – a spiritual entity that is not taught, that we are all born with and bestowed upon our earthly ‘temple’. Our bodies are a shrine, a place of worship where true faith begins and where it ends. We are all of love and light and are given choices in this world by our indoctrinators, the structures that are erected, and laws enacted to guide us in this world, which ultimately shape our personalities and drift some individuals away from their humanity and humility.

“What does it help for a man to gain the world and lose his soul.” There are many individuals that have lost their souls in this world by seeking outward transforming-love instead of inward transcending-love from the innate temple. As a person you do not need earthly things to define you - you want them to help you cope in this world. Letting earthly things define your ‘temple’, alters your personality and separates some individuals from their fellow humans. Gaining the world leaves you arrogant as you are driven by greed and power hungry ambitions – it inflates you ego and mind into thinking you own world and its entire race.

Self-love knows no iniquities and no archetypes; it originates from the love and light of the Creator that we are all innately anointed with. Self-love is transcending-love for it takes the goodness in this world of indoctrinators and chooses to be transparent, realistic and benevolent in its ambles in this short earthly experience. Self-love chooses the light and it’s not shaped by the darkness of this world – it is trust, motivation and healer to does that have left their own true worship place, their ‘temple’.

This form a big part in the importance of loving yourself - When you utter warm affectionate words to your loved ones, and motivating word to you people, those words must be met with acting-love, which will help to transcend your love into selfless love; authenticating your inner self-love - a resilient love that is never shaken nor destroyed by our brief earthly matters but innately shines to be a light in world filled with darkness.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

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