Friday, November 26, 2010

CHANGING THE SELF: Self-criticism

Falling into the frenzy of self-pity can be a wicked emotional and psychological knock-out blow for an individual that has witnessed trauma beyond their wildest existence. In the mist of self-pity, lingers self-doubt and self-criticism; blaming and beating yourself for the things that you have done.

Self-criticism is all about an individual acknowledging and responding to critics or responses on the things that they have done in their lives. Criticism come in two different forms – there is constructive criticism, and there is destructive criticism. Constructive criticism aims to build ones character traits and pave the way to their reasonably idyllic future, when destructive criticism aims at violently debilitating and finally exhausting ones character and self.

Destructive criticism is when an individual fails to face up to their own mistakes, thus succumb to blame-shifting, which is one of the major selfish acts an individual can ever do to themselves, their community members, their partner, their family or relatives. When one consistently blames others for their own failure and fall short of owning up to their own doing for the failure, everything they do becomes destructive. Alternatively, destructive criticism is dished out by people surrounding you to make you negatively quill your ambitious ways.

A subtle destructive criticism comes when an individual, persistently beat themselves up emotionally and mentally for abusive things that were done to them by others; at times abusive things that they themselves did without planning to do them; in some cases, failure to achieve their goals in life due to the inability and lack of skills to reach that particular goal, therefore the failure becomes an abrasive stain to their inner self. Condemning themselves into the dark psychological wilderness of self-pity, which at times may lead to suicide.

Constructive criticism also emits mirrored ideological view points with a different psychological aurora each time an individual is criticized. Firstly, constructive criticism comes negatively, when viewed from a personal view point, aimed at criticizing your persona, disapprovingly and not what you do or did, can strengthen your inner self when you learn to overcome it. Which does improve yourself self-belief and self-assertiveness in things that you do – meaning, it bring growth to an individual.

Secondly, when your work or your behavior is criticized constructively, aimed at improving the quality of your work or your behavioral pattern it brings betterment in your pursuit of living your destiny, psychologically, and physically - the type of environment you live in or aim to chase your destined life in. It is constructive criticism from other people, that gives you a different ideological, artistic, stylish view point from what you thought was the accepted, or uncharacteristic that aligns your mental-self, emotional-self to greatness. Constructive criticism separates a genius from the ordinary in the fraternity of thinkers, artists, workers and sporty individuals.

It is important to know that people view a different person differently from what is constituted as being normal in every community. Therefore, an individual that excels or is seen as strange physically, mental and spiritually will be criticized for who they are or what they are. This negative form of criticism is does drive individual to commit cruel psychological and physical atrocities to those different from who or what they are. Leading to psychological and physical trauma.

At a certain point of your life, assiduous critics and psychological constitutional barriers arise; therefore alter your course to self-worth, self-love and transcending love. We all view criticism differently, evidently react differently towards certain critical moments, however when we chose to react negatively towards certain critical moments in our lives, we end up destroying the positive phenomenal aurora aimed a uplifting our Self. Criticism, whether be it noble or wicked can aid in assuring the path of growth for the Self. It all depends on how you take it.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

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