Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Taking the law into your own hands, resides beyond the regular criterion of society at large – it resides in the frameworks of total iniquity . When society fails to adhere to the rules and regulations that are aimed at imparting peace and stability within its jurisdiction, a chaotic state is affirmed.

South Africa has witnessed many such occurrences of a chaotic state in regards to many issues of governance that require more bureaucratic, political attention than others – namely corruption. Decisive steps need to be taken towards municipal, legislative and government malpractice that is very rampant in our society. Bureaucratic, political steps that will assure effective governance to any political order, be it socialistic, capitalistic or democratic (Notwithstanding totalitarians).

Criminal activities and criminals come in many forms, without any doubts, however bureaucratic crime or white-collar crime is one massive driving force behind lesser misdemeanor crimes. Bureaucratic crime, is an instigating pestilence behind vigilantism, which led to numerous unexpected sporadic attacks on foreign-nationals, in many parts of the country. Bureaucratic crimes were fully driving these xenophobic attacks. Many vigilante groups are seen as apolitical, when in actual fact their core stems around politically driven affiliations.

The policing structures of our country, from walk-about policing, to National Intelligence was centralized to focus mainly on what was broad to the fore by the infamous, crime fighting unit, the Scorpions. The Scorpions had a punitive shortcoming with the bureaucratic elite, due to its investigative aptitude, and for enforcing punitive legislative measures upon bureaucratic, political criminals without favoring their aristocratic ranks in society.

The Scorpions unraveled diminutive white-collar crimes which pointed a big tinted finger towards influential heads within the South African political circles; when the puzzle of these diminutive crimes were adjoined to be a compendium of one large bureaucratic misgivings in our political history - which of cause led to the political demise of one beloved African Renaissance’s son. The Scorpion’s sting fell off, when its intelligent head was chopped – giving raise the soothing Hawks.

A bureaucratic crime is discovered, a political head goes to prison, to secretively sweep the conspiracy under - millions of Rands aimed for development go unaccounted for under false companies. Nine months in total bliss, a few shakes here and a few shakes there, Eureka! The bars are off.

The country has seen a neo-Political atmosphere with our commander-in-chief President Jacob Zuma and his appointed, reshuffled and reappointed cabinet of Ministers – with Julius tailing the Mine Nationalization issue with his young bureaucratically ambitious cadres. Capitalism or monocracy?

The major issue with President Zuma’s cabinet is the Media Appeals Tribunal and the newly proposed Information Bill, that will force the Media or journalists, by law to reveal their sources; overtly allow government officials to hide damning information against officials from journalists and the greater public. The frameworks of total iniquity will come with these projected diplomatic legislative chess pieces, that will see South Africa become another China, and Gambia with its freedom of expression curtailed by an authoritarian hand that induces propaganda upon its citizenry.

The jurisdiction of the law can never serve its society fully, when its bureaucratic elite wields the power to impose issues of greater public significance without placing those issues on a Referendum, to weigh-out the pros and cons of those particular issues, within the public domain.

No political party is bigger than the Constitution, the law of the land – accordingly, no political party is exempt from operating within the jurisdiction of the law. In our Democratic State, no bureaucratic heads shall take the law in their own hands, and deem others fit for persecution. The People shall Govern!


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

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