Monday, February 14, 2011

Love is an everyday thing
It is now, it is sweet, it is true
It is a fountain of all senses
A tranquil delightful stream
Love is eternal in its youth
Flawless exuberance of youth
Its words are all soulful, nation
It is now, it is sweet, it is true
It makes one bold in their hunting
It comes, with your heap’s canvass
Love’s mixed footsteps flaunting
It leaves one winched in an elation
The heart beat geared to eruption
Its destined spectrum called trance
Our hot body drooling to its trounce
A tangled dance in its royal feet
It is red wrapped in a white sheet
Love is an everyday thing
It is now, it is sweet, it is true

by Linda Sakazi Thwala

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


The dwindling of the world’s economy has been extensively attributed to the United States’ failure to distinguish, political and social commonality with the Arab/Muslim nationalities, internationally – especially Islamic extremists. Foreign political fallibility, particularly pertaining to Oil reefs, and to the United States’ Foreign Aid policies, cannot be solely pointed towards one state, country, or political party; as all fiscal or non-fiscal foreign policies are negotiated as cross national bipartisan negotiations. However, the United States Military advantage has created allegiances and allies far more reaching, combined with their international Economic Aid, and Foreign Aid policies.

The power that the United States of America wields in the Military and Macroeconomic arena, places them at an advantage in terms of Economic prosperity, and playing liberator to politically, economically trenched nations, with the dollar being the second strongest currency in the world. Therefore, in enables the country to gain territorial progression in lesser militarized regions, globally.

The chess boards of political advantage, however powerful they may be set towards the United States’ gains, do not advocate the world to be idle and docile around the table of discourse and implementation of Foreign Economic Aid, and Foreign Trade Policies.

African and Arab leaders who become tyrants against their own population, often together with the oppressed masses, reproach the USA’s economic aid activities and their Foreign Policies, when everything else fails in their respective states. What the populous does not identify with, before the finger is pointed, is the nitty-gritty surrounding the policies that were set during all foreign aid policy discourse, thus aim at deficiently inverting the failure of their leaders, on the very hand that brings peace and harmony in their territory.

If truth be told, the world doesn’t really know Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda’s renege against the United States of America. The Bush to Bush (George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, father and son) administrations were coiled in negotiations with Bin Laden family, the Oil reefs of Saudi Arabia were centralized as being the main cause to Osama’s rebelliousness, ultimately his militia terror attacks towards the USA. What really happened between Osama and the Bush family after his military training in the United States? Yes, the Republicans or the ‘Grand Old Party’ (GOP) were involved, as many Oil trade policies were administered by them during these family affiliated presidential incumbency. However, foreign conflicts are widely opposed by GOP.

The current uprising in Egypt is unanimously blamed not at the tyrant leader, Mubarak’ s failure to acknowledge his country’s Economic shortcomings, and the widening gap between the poorest of the poor and the privileged rich in that country, but at the United States and GOP in particular. Why is Mubarak still in office after three decades?

The United States will always be a scapegoat, whether Independents, Democrats or Republicans. Why don’t we Africans and Arab nations, acknowledge that our leaders’ agreements and signatures to discourse and implementation on Foreign Policies is clouded with intent of filling their own greedy sacks, and not improving the lives of the masses. Mark these words: ‘The Muslim Brotherhood, will be blaming President Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats, if and when they do take the reins from Mubarak.’


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Thursday, February 3, 2011

SOUTH AFRICA: The course to a sustainable Economic Growth-Path

Developing the right economic Growth-Path for South Africa’s volatile Economy will prove a significantly taxing task, given the past’s pre-Democratic policies of Separate Development and Free-For-All attitude that come post-1996.

A strategic approach to formatting the correct formula to a sustainable Economic Growth-Path that will create jobs for the currently unemployed; measurably creating a sustaining employment economic development opportunities for posterity, is what South African bureaucrats are searching for.

With ante-investment partners that supported the banality of Westernize development-economic-policies to Africa, experiencing an economic submergence due to an economic global crunch. The prospects of world leaders to lessening the deficit between socially thriving economic hubs and lower impoverished class within their respective countries, was thwarted by market trading hikes stemming from unreasonable global Oil-Fuel-Hikes over the past decade, filtering austerely to industrial, trade and investment sectors worldwide.

This brought about worldwide austerity, with a great number of lower class and some middle-class families unable to sustain themselves from daily, monthly expenditure with their meager disposable income – hence, the recent Austerity Protests in England, Greece, China, and the well publicized chaotic economic revolt in Egypt, where anti-Mubarak protesters want the incumbent President booted out.

The Growth-Path is aimed at creating sustainable employment and aid in developing essential township infrastructure and speedup service delivery across Municipal structures. South Africa’s incumbent leadership, in keeping with the current successful economic growth trends, has to dilute regional boundaries that were formations of Separate Development in the past, and decrease economic volatility by implementing a reasonable fixed price-trade-agreement policies to most imports, to eliminate losses, price rigging, and maintaining concurrent pricing in all respectable trades, and food pricing – value differences must be distinct, however not exploiting ordinary plebs. With a fixed Electricity Rates services across the board, in all Municipalities in our country and bring competition in the Power Generating Plants industry – we cannot allow Eskom monopolize the Power Generating Industry and suffocate electricity consumers by hiking its rates, inconveniently plunging families, communities and businesses into darkness.

A developmental approach to diluting regional boundaries is to allow Macroeconomic hubs to flourish, with the removal of Recruitment Agencies. It is governments social responsibility to instruct the corporate sector to recruit, train and deploy workers within their own capacity, utilizing their own ‘Human Resource Departments’, as it was done in the past. By so doing, all these salary share pillaging Recruitment Agencies will be abolished, allowing a worker to earn the salary that was initially allocated to them – not a salary allocated by the Recruitment Agency. This will increase skills training and allow workers to balance the ratio of expenditure and lifetime savings. The situation at this moment, is hand-to-mouth for many families.

In the townships, micro-businesses i.e. vendors, with fake goods have to be close down and allow proper aspirant business owners to bring it accredited goods to the township consumer that cannot ferry themselves to town.

Our Housing policy needs to be scrutinized considerably and lowered to an affordable price for all South African. A house, as it is known appreciates in value, thus it is deemed as a good asset for investment, however how can one invest on something that is monetary unattainable, even if you were to save to attain it. Real Estate prices are appalling. This coupled by monthly Property Tax – in hindsight Property tax is the same as renting your own house, from the government, whilst paying a bond on that same house.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


It is a monastic attitude to attach a label on any individual that rebels against a system of abuse; in any abusive form. It is a universal ideological stand point that an abuser is made – no woman or man, wakes up and decide that today, I am going to be an abuser.

A fundamental question to ask is: ‘Why does an individual become an abuser?’ It is a pragmatic concept of fighting fire with fire. When an individual lives in a secluded environment and is constantly being bombarded with impromptu verbal abuse about things that do not concern them, or things that do not have any bearing on their livelihood; it creates verbal altercation which ends up with someone getting slapped or gravely beaten up.

What a Verbal Abuser doesn’t comprehend, is that when you shout at a another person without explaining or communicating your concerns in a proper grown up way, they create a mental confusion to the recipient of that verbal attack. In the cloud of that confusion nothing the Abuser says is coherent because of the way it is communicated, alternately renders a similar reaction from the shouted-at-recipient or abused.

In most cases, women are Verbal Abusers to their spouses and at times to their siblings. Some women want their way out of a relationship hence succumb to verbal abuse as an instructive or defense mechanism, to ‘this is what I want and I am going to get it, as I want it’; or as frustration to what life is dishing up for them, ‘I am not content with you, so I am going to shout at you to make you leave me or make you change’.

No one wants the stigma of being an abuser, however when an individual goes into a home environment, they want to lay back, do an introspection and retrospection about their life, what’s to come in their life, and how to approach certain situations. No one wants to go into their homely environment and be verbally attacked or shouted at about things that they cannot change.

When I am a sensible, quiet man and my woman comes and shouts at me, my initial reaction would be: ‘What is going on? What does she want? Why are you shouting?’ And if that shouting continues I am inadvertently going to get angry at ‘what are you shout at me for?’ I will take my hat and walk away, however if my woman sees that picture of walking away as some form of weakness; constantly wants a reaction from me as man, night after night, week after week: ‘I am shouting at you! What? You not man enough to stop me?’ The mouth is mightier than the hand.

The stigma of abuser will fall on me as a man because, by societies standards I am physically stronger than my weakling woman that shouts to stir up trouble – then cites abuse as justification to what happened in the relationship. My man is an abuser, not me, him! The hand is mightier than the mouth.

Conclusively, an abuser is a victim of another abuser. Relationships are based upon reciprocal attitudes. When you treat me with respect, I will in turn reciprocate that respect to you. Taking my hat and walking away in the heat of an argument, is an ideal honorable thing to do when you are verbally harassed. However when you continuously give me fire, I will undoubtedly overtime return that fire with a more vicious intent. Why? Because, I am also a sensual human being that feels, and that doesn’t want to be verbally, emotionally harassed.

Abusers are made, therefore when an individual wants to instigate a violent reaction towards another individual, they do that as a cry out for help. They do not know better than perpetuating the same abuse that was reciprocated to them.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala