Wednesday, February 9, 2011


The dwindling of the world’s economy has been extensively attributed to the United States’ failure to distinguish, political and social commonality with the Arab/Muslim nationalities, internationally – especially Islamic extremists. Foreign political fallibility, particularly pertaining to Oil reefs, and to the United States’ Foreign Aid policies, cannot be solely pointed towards one state, country, or political party; as all fiscal or non-fiscal foreign policies are negotiated as cross national bipartisan negotiations. However, the United States Military advantage has created allegiances and allies far more reaching, combined with their international Economic Aid, and Foreign Aid policies.

The power that the United States of America wields in the Military and Macroeconomic arena, places them at an advantage in terms of Economic prosperity, and playing liberator to politically, economically trenched nations, with the dollar being the second strongest currency in the world. Therefore, in enables the country to gain territorial progression in lesser militarized regions, globally.

The chess boards of political advantage, however powerful they may be set towards the United States’ gains, do not advocate the world to be idle and docile around the table of discourse and implementation of Foreign Economic Aid, and Foreign Trade Policies.

African and Arab leaders who become tyrants against their own population, often together with the oppressed masses, reproach the USA’s economic aid activities and their Foreign Policies, when everything else fails in their respective states. What the populous does not identify with, before the finger is pointed, is the nitty-gritty surrounding the policies that were set during all foreign aid policy discourse, thus aim at deficiently inverting the failure of their leaders, on the very hand that brings peace and harmony in their territory.

If truth be told, the world doesn’t really know Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda’s renege against the United States of America. The Bush to Bush (George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, father and son) administrations were coiled in negotiations with Bin Laden family, the Oil reefs of Saudi Arabia were centralized as being the main cause to Osama’s rebelliousness, ultimately his militia terror attacks towards the USA. What really happened between Osama and the Bush family after his military training in the United States? Yes, the Republicans or the ‘Grand Old Party’ (GOP) were involved, as many Oil trade policies were administered by them during these family affiliated presidential incumbency. However, foreign conflicts are widely opposed by GOP.

The current uprising in Egypt is unanimously blamed not at the tyrant leader, Mubarak’ s failure to acknowledge his country’s Economic shortcomings, and the widening gap between the poorest of the poor and the privileged rich in that country, but at the United States and GOP in particular. Why is Mubarak still in office after three decades?

The United States will always be a scapegoat, whether Independents, Democrats or Republicans. Why don’t we Africans and Arab nations, acknowledge that our leaders’ agreements and signatures to discourse and implementation on Foreign Policies is clouded with intent of filling their own greedy sacks, and not improving the lives of the masses. Mark these words: ‘The Muslim Brotherhood, will be blaming President Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats, if and when they do take the reins from Mubarak.’


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

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