Monday, July 11, 2011


Believe it or not, there are mothers out there who think less of their own children in this world. The hatred is rooted from neglect; no not necessarily from their own parents’ neglect but from unmitigated abandonment from their fathers.

Some children who grow up without their fathers, grow up with a perception that men are a breed of species that are invisible from their lives, besides the uncle or grandfather that untimely pitch in whenever they want to. Hence everything they aspire to have: nurture, love, protection, education and a warm meal every dinner time, will be provided for by their never shaken mother.

However, some mothers never fall victim to post-natal depression but, emit to a much destructive form of depression – mid life crisis. This is when a mother reaches a stage in their middle years of their life and realise that they still want to be little girls, dress up like their own teenage girls and go gallivanting with different men, in the name of fun, forgetting their children’s emotional and mental well being. An unhealthy maternal regress which creates a drift between a mother and her children.        

Mothers are an important foundation to a child’s well being, therefore if a mother fails her own child or children by assuming and emulating childish behavior, just because they have reached a phase in their life where they think that they need a reprieve from their motherly duties. A menopausal dilemma, or not? Some mothers fall into this trap, and create a circle of abuse in their households.

When there is a relationship breakdown between a mother and his child/children’s father the loathing amongst them can burn their child/children's attitude towards life, and can make the mother of the child loathe the very image that was procreated with love. Seemingly forging a space in a woman's heart to get rid of this child/children as soon as possible.        

When this happens an unnecessary verbal, and at times physical altercation between the girlish mother and their teenage or adult child/children leads to the huge family breakdown in many ways than one, which in most cases initiates a lifelong emotional struggle. 

Mother who are jammed in such an emotional imbalance are most liable to spread rumours about their own child/children; be verbally abusive; throw tantrums and call the police without a viable reason; be financially unwilling and nonsupport to their child/children’s needs. Worst scenario – disappear in their child/children’s life.   

Mothers who think less of their child/children, do not know the joy and love that children who are well taken care of and brought up with respect, education – do not know the intuitive wisdom of loving your won and the holistic rewards one will be blanketed when they are wrinkled, frail and need loving nurturing aide.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

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