Saturday, July 16, 2011


Not that it’s anybody’s business, however there are individuals in our social order that believe that people are suppose to be judge by the amount of people that they bed or sleep with. Some even go as far as judging people walking in the streets as to what type of sexual preference, they are inclined to fall under – Lesbians, Gay, Straight or Bisexual, without knowing anything about them.

This mental perverted social happening has been going on for ages, where women would fall victim to men who distinguish them as mere sexual objects to please their sexual fantasies and sexual edges. Women, were and still are an easy target to such perverted male attitudes toward women.  To this day, young girls are forced to marry older men when they are suppose to attend school and further their education – “Ukuthwala”.   

Take the rape justification that’s been used against Lesbians around South Africa – Corrective Rape. When someone is being raped, there is nothing corrective in the darkness of forcing that someone to spread their legs,  when being gagged, trying to scream for help - when their genetic makeup attracts them to other women of a similar nature and not men.

The troubling part about this, is that there are ‘face-clipped’ individuals who believe that when they don’t see any woman or man walking in the streets with a person of the opposite sex or interacting with a person of the opposite sex openly, publicly, then that person must have some form of handicap in their loin area that prohibit them to perform sexual acts with the opposite sex.
Is it right for one to take a glimpse at any individual and form a premise about their sexual affairs, whether be it Lesbian, Gay, Straight or Bisexual? Is it right for one to take a decision to alter any individual’s sexual genetic order preference, by force or form of corrective rape?

Now, the most disturbing flip-of-the-coin about Gay and Lesbian folk  is, knowing that there are people who understand and accept their sexual genetic makeup, without being Gay or Lesbian themselves. They want to impose what comes naturally to them, to people who are hereditarily heterosexual, but have no qualms with sharing, interacting or associating with them. It is called “Transcending Attitude Towards Acceptance”.  

With the difficulty that the world has with the strain of the pandemic of HIV/Aids, people who commit such dehumanising acts, do not have a clue on the iniquity and consequences they will have in creating an imbalance in our society. Clearly these ‘face-clipped’ individuals do not see the whole picture.       

The social order around the world is a multifaceted plethora of different personalities, different mindsets, different attitudes and different genetic makeup, as a result different sexual preferences. However being matured about people, is being able to transcend your attitude towards accepting others for who and what they are – with of cause eradicating abuse in every manner.

Do not be a pervert that creates sexual conclusions about people you’ve never had sex with. At any rate, a society that keep on looking at what goes on in other people’s crouches makes for a sick society.    


By Linda Sakazi Thwala    

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