Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Is there really “the one”? The notion of finding true love has become nothing but a distant fallacy of unbeknown true affection, filled with misgivings of pretense and blind thin lines of love and hate, between spending and expenses - mostly due to the lack of honesty with pursued aspirant lovers, or “the one” you with.

Love is an age old thing that we all want to have, craze after, at times knock heads and break legs to get to it, without considering the consequences of being in it and keeping it – a loving relationship.  

Watching etv the other day, an advert that came in as a promo for the station “Everyone wants love”  tingled my thoughts on the subject of L.O.V.E -  are we addicted to the sex and nudity of being, or are we addicted to the communication and the sharing that makes up love?  

Love is a very complicated and complex emotive facet of being, and a personal transverse issue. People fall in love for various number of reasons unfathomed by anything and anyone - differ from person to person.

In others it is really true love – that is a cosmic related affection that can never be explain by those that witness its revelation, as in “Did she really go that far for him?” or “Did he really do that for her?” or “ Are these people in love or mad?” – they could move in a dumpster, and they will still see no one but each other, real love – naïve love. That’s what I call love!

However, there are those of us out there who are not looking for true love, but the false ideal of being in love. We go searching for a lover to carry us financially and not emotionally. We give it up at night and hope he gets through it quickly, because he is not “the one”, then rollover when it’s done and close our eyes in pretence of the reality that will unwrap at dawn – we selling in a good dwelling.

Have you ever sat near a couple that are married but see no camaraderie between them - the man just takes out a big wallet and hands the woman the money, then inwardly growls, a slit perceptive growl, like “Why am I paying you to love me.” She doesn’t even look at him or give thanks. What is going on! No affection! Don’t know about anything, but showing appreciative affection in public makes one appreciates you more.  

What’s  important? The relevance of the situation or the situation’s relevance? Are you in a relationship because you love your partner in spite of everything good or bad around you, and anyone that tries to shake the boat that is carried by that sea of love, thus earn a holistic existence? Or are you in a relationship for the niceties when the nudity is over and done with, thus look to someone else to fulfill the emotional need?  

J Cole and Trey Songz say they “Can’t get enough”. Will people reach a phrase or place where they will be truly enough with their chosen partner, without the laden part. Love matters and has a lot of matters  

A couple can be really happy in the open and behind closed doors and complete each other: communication, emotionally and physically, and reach their relationship's real benefits - longstanding true love.     


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

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