Saturday, February 9, 2013


We, as humanity are all bonded by respect and bound by respect. Hence by respecting one another, as man and woman, husband and wife, teacher and scholar, black and white -  we transcend our being beyond the descriptive confines of colour, creed, sexuality, physicality, and non-concrete things that make us individuals, and a collective with values and principles that make a sensible, and coherent existence.

This sensible and coherent existence which is made concrete by these aforementioned descriptive ethnical and generic personality differentiations, are a step-up point to creating a cohesive society, that does not discriminate, hate and causes harm against another in any manner or form.

There are so many illustrated and vocalised differences between our ethnic groups in South Africa that makes us as a collective lose the common goals that binds us together. However, those polarising  differences can breathe commonality to a nation seeking for one common identity.

A diversity that is unified by an idea that is stronger than what separates each individual, traditional, and factional  standings.  A National Identity.

Nationalism is bound by a cohesive National Identity, without it no country on earth will ever reach its true potential as a collect autonomous, or authoritarian rule.

It is this reason why Dictators seek to dictate. A reason, why restrictors seek to restrict. And the ultimate reason why totalitarian rulers end up violating, and committing human right atrocities.

It’s all perpetuated on the grounds of creating an identity that cannot be tarnished, or questioned by any other nation.

However, in relation with totalitarian rule, forced respect leads to fear imposed persona’, which is what we as South Africans are striving to curtail and alleviate totally from our society.     

How do we as a diverse society find commonality in our democratic rule?

A very difficult yet very easy question to answer. The secret lays in collective things we do as a Nation, which will help in alleviating racial tension amongst our people. The difficulty lays in the attitudes that are imbedded in every individual, a difficulty that begins within one’s home and forms one’s mental and physiological attitude.   

After a long formative humiliating age of Apartheid, and a semi-volatile transitional period, from white reign to black reign, a euphoric period of uniformity followed, creating a falsified  homogeneous existence, that sheds its camouflage behind closed doors.   Attitudes that inflames the “Racial Tensions” that demoralises our society.

Racial Tensions highlighted by Trevor Noah, one of  South Africa’s best stand-up comedians,  in one of his gags in his latest stand up comedy stint, That’s Racist. As he comically notes, “We need to fix the meaning of words that offend us as society. You can’t just condone the thing! Fix it! ”   

We, as humanity are all bonded by respect and bound by respect. We should respect one another, as man and woman, husband and wife, teacher and scholar, black and white.


Linda Sakazi Thwala 
Linda Sakazi Twala

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