Thursday, March 21, 2013


BOOK: Endings&Beginnings by Redi Tlhabi

The effects of rape, have silently ravaged the South African community for so many years, and still continues to do so, even to this day.  One cannot count the insurmountable bodies and souls - girls, boys and women, whose human rights were violently violated, all in the name of power and control. 

Pervasive reports in all news networks: radio, newspapers and television, of children, young girls, as young as three-years-old, who have been gang –raped and murdered by young boys, in some instances adults -  are a constant reminder that our society’s social-perception on sex and sexual behaviour needs to be gravely dealt with.   

Rape in its cruellest sense, is a sick, perverted act that’s  about Power and Control, and should not to be condoned, as it is a heinous crime that no individual, young or old deserves.  

The perpetrators of this crime must not only be punitively reprimanded by being given harsher prison sentences, however the act of rape must be alleviated in the minds and thoughts of young boys and young girls as a resort to control another human being. A mental-behavioural attitude. 

Youngsters need to be taught that, the act of rape/ raping a person, does not bring power or control but, brings mental, physical corrosion and disgrace to the victim coupled with humiliation and a stain that is hard to erase from their family and community discernment. 

Redi Tlhabi’s book Endings & Beginnings, delves into the depths of the effects of rape and the ‘just’ and wicked entrenchments of societal behaviour that aids in creating and recreating such  a monstrous Human Rights violation on women and children.      
Endings & Beginnings, is a poignant and emotive realistic account of sexual violence and violation, that will leave your chest jumbled up to the effects of desecrating another’s body to fulfill your own evil gains. 
The consequence of sexual violations are a merciless throne in our society, an injustice that needs to be mitigated. 

Let us show other humans, what it means to be humane. Let us alleviate gross sexual violation. 

Linda Sakazi Thwala  

 *****Redi Tlhabi, is a 702 Talk Radio Host and presenter of South2North, on Aljezeera*****

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