Saturday, October 31, 2009


In the dictionary the term, journalism is defined as: “the work of collecting and writing news stories for newspapers, magazines, radio, or television”. However in recent years the terms of what journalism is about and entails has evolved beyond the structures that form the bases of acquiring the story and reporting the story. Graham Greer, in his book; ‘a new introduction to JOURNALISM’, states: “Journalism is the profession or practice of reporting, about, photographing, or editing news stories for one of the mass media. [i.e. Internet, newspapers, radio, magazines, and television]” .The are a lot of facets to be considered before the requirements of a deadline are met and the final publication is distributed. To delve into these facets that make up one of the largest mediums in the canon of mass media, print media, I take a look inside, “THE PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE”, The Sunday Times.

The Sunday Times is one of, if not, thee largest paper in Southern Africa. It was first established in the year, 1906 and has evolved over the years to being the biggest national paper in the Southern hemisphere, including countries such as, Lesotho, Botswana and Swaziland.The Sunday Times is a weekly publication that consists of six publications that form one paper, including a magazine. The first editorials feature current affairs which include national and international political news, world news, and social news, entertainment and gossip columns. These editorials have the cover story and the title of the magazine, results for one of South Africa’s favorite pastime, the Lotto and a list of what is to follow inside. The second editorials are titled, ‘Insight & Opinion’, which carries personal accounts or narratives of prominent people and events on the first page, (reported by special reporters). Then obituaries and critical columns that feature politicians, doctors and the scholarly elite of South Africa’s academic society, it has opinions and views from the public and the editor’s viewpoint article, and my personal favourite, ‘Mampara of the Week’, that is followed by Sports News both national and international. The third editorials are titled, ‘Metro’, which feature all News reports around the city of Johannesburg and Gauteng, adverts of social events, (Drama, Theatre, Music ext.) under the title, ‘Entertainment’ with photographic reporting of social gatherings. The page titled, ‘Good Morning’, leaves a tingle in your taste buds, with a savvy on the best cuisine in and around Jo’burg’s finest restaurants where all the restaurants are critically rated on their customer service and food expertise. The back page features an interview with South Africa’s who’s who, from mass media to sporting activities. The fourth editorials are, ‘Lifestyle’, which covers the best holiday destinations both abroad and locally. It has a special report, in-depth article from any form of entertainment, be it fashion, films, new trends or music. It gives more attention to publications, biographies, and autobiographies, book fares, writers and the arts. Inside the publication you also get international news and current affairs, in the form of: ‘The New York Times’. Last but not least you get the ‘Business Times’, which feature corporate reports, careers, money ( JSE, Investments, Stock ext.) and articles for upcoming businesses called, ‘It’s My Business’. And also not forgetting the ‘Magazine’ with columns from one of South Africa’s best reviewer and columnist critic in the film industry, Barry Ronge and also provides the nation with a weekly TV guide. (

This year, the Sunday Times celebrated its centenary with an overwhelming number of about, 504 657, average sales per week and an estimated, 3.24-million readership. Cementing its long standing as Avusa Media's (previously Johnnic Publishing's) proudest offspring and rising luminary in the print media world. Over the past hundred years the Sunday Times has bare witness to humanitarian reports, political turmoil, assassinations of prominent leaders, World Wars, racism, natural disasters, revolutions, antisemitism, murders, rapes, sports, fashion, music, euthanasia, terrorism, tribalism, voyeurism and the outbreak of HIV/Aids. (

The Sunday Times, as a witness to South Africa’s microcosms has managed to flourish under the previous regime of the apartheid government rulers, who jerked the shackles with an iron fist of the National Party through censorship. It survived propaganda, segregation, massacres and the unfair treatment of the natives of the land, when white supremacy reigned and miscegenation ideals were a blasphemous notion in the tongues of the tyrannical administration. Those who wished for freedom and democracy were imputed of terrorism, communism, (Marxist idealism) and sabotage and were sent away to Robben Island or other correctional, ‘dungeons’, renowned for their interrogation tactics, (i.e. Sun City prison). (

The photographic archives of the Sunday Times, is the home of the best artistic photo journalism the world has ever seen. As a wise man once said: “A PICTURE SPEAKS A THOUSAND WORDS”, from the epoch of its birth the paper depicted a strong sense of fairness and diplomatic reporting to foreign countries, with a splendour of journalist dignity, proximity, timeliness, prominence, novelty, conflict, human interest, topicality, eyewitness and sex, ( ‘Elements of news value’: a new introduction to JOURNALISM, p.19). The photographic images, together with textual articles played a formidable part in defining the ethical value of the Sunday Times and have since catapulted the paper to its well known slogan, “THE PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE”.

The Sunday Times employs close to three thousand journalists, both locally and internationally, with a largest percentage of journalists, ranging from, Beat reporters, General Assignment reporters, and Special Assignment reporters to Correspondents, either freelancing or full-timely employed. Its news or articles are in-depth and gives more time to information than any other news paper does, (In South Africa) although most of its revenues are contributed by the advertising in their news paper, with adverts from corporate companies, N.G.O (Non-governmental Organizations), Government Departments, retailers to small business. The paper also dances to the strings of the populous at a reasonable price, with the administration and circulation side of the paper handled by Johnnic Publishing and the production done at, The News Paper Printing Company, in Johannesburg. It has foreign and national bureaus with editorials from London, Cape Town, Durban and Port Elizabeth, undefeated with a distribution network spanning beyond the borders of South Africa.

In my journalistic prowess, I spoke to ‘Buti’ who has been working for the Sunday Times in the past ten years, although being a feminist at heart, ‘Buti’ confirmed to be as astute as they come. I asked ‘Buti’, what he thought was the integral part of being a journalist? He said: “The most important thing you have to lookout for is being opinionated by your own ideals and indoctrinations of how you perceive the world. A journalist must never be bias and prejudice towards the people that provides the story. You must remember that objectivity breaths wisdom and subjectivity breaths ignorance.” I then asked if he thought sensationalism was good or bad for the news paper. ‘Buti’ answered thus: “You must remember that the print media industry is a business at the end of the day and it has to feed its employees, to do so it has to create some form of hype in the way it illustrates its articles. I guess there has to be a creative drive in providing the story through proper channels and not fabrications.” Are you proud of being a journalist? I sensed a sigh, then: “I am proud of my achievements, from where I was to where I am today. Yes.”. I wanted to ask if his earnings or salary is what keeps him motivated, however knowing what journalism entails and the amount of time required for one to prove themselves worthy of being editor of any kind, I decided, to let sleeping dogs lay. (‘Buti’ source at the newspaper)

The Sunday Time is managed by the most prolific people in the print media industry, which also includes the journalistic ability that the news paper represents. It plays host to a diverse selection of journalistic artistry, from crime reporting to economical news. With the outmost integrity descended upon the world of print media. The structure of this news paper is governed by the strongest ethical duties of being, “Independent, Current, Accurate, Fair, Honest and Critical, Responsible and Objective.” (a new introduction to JOUNALISM). Freedom of the press truly governs the hierarchy of the Sunday Times. Open the pages of the ‘Lifestyle’ publication that has the most appetizing editorials of holiday destinations and human interest stories from the callow peripheries of the African Safari to the mountainous regions of Europe, cultural demonstrations and fabulous cuisine. The publication explores new trends and lifestyle of the bourgeoisie. ‘Lifestyle’ has its own editor: Laurice Taitz; assistant editor: Lerato Tshabalala; sub-editors: Garth van der Walt and Sue Plein; writers: Bongani Madondo, Caspar Greeff, and Lin Sampson. The book review pages are by Michele Magwood and cars expect page done by David Bullard. The news editor of the Sunday Times is Jessica Bezeidehout; sub-editor Berry Smith and chief sub-editor Simpiwe Philiso.

The last time I visited a news room of any news paper, I was in my early teens and I was taken abreast the walls of earthly concrete heaven with serenading sounds of keys tapping into the unknown earth, the unexplored. In my perceived thoughts that bare all the appearances of Joseph Conrad’s, ‘Heart of Darkness’, when the character Marlow reminisces about his boyhood, dreaming of adventures in the ‘Dark Continent’, and articulates: “At that time the were many blank spaces on the earth, …..But the was one yet – the biggest, the most blank, so to speak - that I had a hankering after.”. The news room that unleashed my emotive spirit into subliminal thoughts and anointed my head with an ink of poised creativity, to flow into the constant river of prose poetic streams, was none other than, Fred Khumalo’s alma mater, ‘THE SOWETAN’. Where Fred Khumalo polished his journalistic skills under a pseudonym then rose to be one of the best journalists in the Sunday Times. Their news room to my perception was like, the coming and goings of humanity, pieces of paper, silent conversations, shouts and deadlines, it captured my core. It was my first experience inside a news room and that has resided in my memories to this day.

The loveliest day of the week, is on a Sunday morning, when society rest peacefully in their soft beds and the songs of angels and birds are heard in the distant trees and worship houses, vehicles maneuvering, in the streets with House-music busting in the eardrums of men, to delete the memories of regretful deeds from the previous night of horror and booze. The breeze strikes my face, a man shouts in the distance: “Your paper, Sir!” I walk towards the gate and there, she sleeps her bold words scarlet like a Rose with thorns of black ink tears, ‘THE SUNDAY TIMES’. I pick her up in merriment and into my house, I herald her. Then, into the pages of her short knowledgeable life my eyes are lost in scrutiny, inside ‘The Paper for the People’.

By Linda Sakazi Thwala

(Please note that, the aforementioned names of journalists and editors may have changed since this article was written in the year 2006)

Sunday, October 4, 2009


When African countries became independent, political leaders were faced with two main challenges. The first was consolidating their political power and achieve domestic stability and peace. The second was transforming their countries economies from their colonial design as suppliers of raw material produced through the exploitation of indigenous population.

Today this dream seem impossible, Africa story is far more complex. Old conflicts continue to erupt creating dashed dream to the people. Example include the genocide in Rwanda, civil wars in Algeria, Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Liberia, Gabon, Uganda, DRC, Cote d’ivoure and Zimbabwe to name the few. These conflicts caused untold suffering and destruction to already underdeveloped infrastructure. What went wrong to this continent -shaped like a question mark? Well let me dissect my thesis.

Historically colonisation was not design to develop the human capital of indigenous people. The driving motive was to extract the continent mineral and agricultural raw materials to be shipped to the mother country for processing into manufactured goods. With this only in mind, colonisers required from the colonised a steady supply of unskilled labour.

Independency did not bring economic transformation in Africa as it did in Asia. It entrenched the economic inequalities inherited from colonialism. The new black elites merely replaced the former white colonial elites, and the exploitation of blacks still continues as before, as did the exploitation of Africa ‘s mineral resources-the copper, gold, bauxite, iron ore, cobalt, oil, timber, cotton, coffee, cocoa beans-drawn from the continent and exported to the rest of the world.

It is this drive to retain control over the continent resources that goes some way to explaining the interest of these black elites not to help the dire African population. Allow me to take you to Equatorial Guinea. This country was never well governed from the start. Mr Obiang Nguema, the president seized power by executing his uncle in 1979. The oil has made his regime paranoid. Several members of the ruling family are thought to want a bigger slurp at the oil barrel.

Mr Obiang sees plot everywhere and arrange periodic crackdown. Several opposition leaders were jailed last year after a mass trial, to which many of the defendants turned up with broken arms and legs. Mr Obiang scoffs at notions of transparency, insisting that how much money his government earns from the oil is nobody business. Oil has turned me crazy lamented Mr Bacele a brave opposition politician.

Next door in Gabon, Omar Bongo has been in power since 1967. Unlike Mr Obiang Nguema he does not torture his enemies but buy them off. Decades of oil revenues have corrupted Gabonese work ethic. Citizens aspire to non-paying jobs like taxi driving or shop keeping, others leave the country to the poorest countries such as Mali and Togo. Infrastructure development in these countries is nothing ,but the death end.

Zimbabwe represents a textbook story of how a successful country turns into trash. Today, this country pride itself with fossils of pre-industrial, pre-agrarian formation that are unable to deliver any economic sense. The stunted subsistence economic systems established by colonialist and perpetuated since their departure have left Zimbabwe unable to absorb new technologies and new management methods. Thanks to greediness between Mugabe and his close allies. Zimbabwe has become notorious-declining life expectancy, capital flight, brain drain, deforestation and growing dependency on foreign food donated by other counties.

A few kilometres away of Lusaka lies a town Kafue. Once upon a time, Kafue was a hive of economic activites. It had textile, fertiliser, chemical plants and railway line that serve these industries, but today Kafue is a ghost town. Once again thanks to poor management from the country political elites who see power as a vehicle to move to the oasis and left the dire population in poverty. Zambia is not the only country with nothing to show for its post-independency but also Nigeria. The alumium smelter and oil in Niger delta leave much to be desired. Corruption linked with kidnapping have left majority very poor while political elites emerged with lump sum from kick bags from western countries.

Kenya provides a graphic illustration of the assassination to destroy leaders who questioned the neo-colonial agenda from these black elites. Within the few years of independency several progressive Kenyans –Tom Mboya, Pio Pinto, J M Kariuki and Robert Ouko, to name but a few died in mysterious circumstances. Therefore, Africa underdevelopment crisis can then be described as a slow and frustrated emergence of an independent black middle class from the mid 1960 to the present. This class has not only fought for independency but also control of Africa mineral resource and re-colonise its own people.

I wrote this article out love for Africa therefore, I should speak the truth unopposed. Politics in Africa has failed the people dismally. It has failed to develop new institution of cooperation among its citizen and to produce the type of leaders required to take society forward in this ever changing global environment. For the continent to develop we need leaders that energies the citizen to achieve a common objective. In order for citizen to do so, however two key elements must be present- institutions that facilitate cooperation and leaders who ensure that these institutions function and deliver on expectations. Among other things are incentives of fairness, social justice, equity and significant investment on human capital. The millennium development goal will forever be dream in a pipeline unless, Africa start uprooting the evils of neo-colonial and fill the missing piece of the puzzle

God bless Africa.

By Cyprian Thwala

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Marriage is truly a hard and complicated union to get into – When you get into it, you have to drive a really hard compromising and winning arrangement. Others seize to exist and lose all contact with their friends and family. Others get into marriage for the wrong reasons, thus end up burning the other end of the stick, by committing adultery. In other situations people are forced to marry whether they like it or not. Notwithstanding, couples that cordially agree to get into the bonds of marriage to honour their love together, ‘in sickness and in health, till death do them apart’ and actually be true to their genuine life long commitment.

If you are a sucker for companionship you are bound to burn a few fingers and plunge yourself into an insensitive despair - Especially, when your bonds are with a wrong person, either in marriage or in any other relationships. On the other hand, if you value your life, you do know that; it is neither safe nor wise to go into any courtships without questioning the intentions or true feelings of another unless, that particular individual has you engrossed around their little finger and you are drooling and drumming to the beat of their music. Consequently, lose your reality and principles on life.

In one occasion, I met this lovely charismatic young lady, who related (to me) the problems she encounters in her relationship with her husband - how she goes out of her way to try and gratify his manly pleasures and yet, he is not willing or prepared to nurture her needs. She confessed to having anticipated his behavioral patterns, way before they started contemplating marital bliss but, was blinded by the eyes of her heart and encouraging comments by her friends, who thought (according to her) he was well endowed in bed - thus will be an excellent provider and shelter or balance her emotional imbalances .Others thought, they’ll be well suited into a harmonized relationship, in holy matrimony and that they are a match made-in-heaven for each other.

Regrettably for her, the truth about their relationship started settling-in when the honeymoon stages ended for him, and he started seeing, how imperfect a woman she is. That’s when he started on using her affection for him to his advantage - even though she was religiously loyal to him.

She told of ghastly, disappointing accounts, when she would arrive home early to surprise him, after a long business trip, in their own apartment and heard sounds and groans of sexual gratification of him and another unsuspecting young lady, coming from their own bedroom, in her own bed. Now, being a good woman she is - she would leave the place and come back later when the deeds of infidelity have been done. Afraid of any confrontation that will drive him away; which will end-up for her losing the one person she truly loves. She would resolve pretending nothing happened.

Not only that but; whenever they have a chance to go out together, he would leave her to oversee the bill for their expensive outing. He doesn’t show any respect to her opinions and lends no support to their (childless) family obligations. At times, her husband is so secluded to their financial hardships, to the extent that he steals from her purse. I asked her; why not kick the brother to the curb? She dreamily replied: “When he touches me, I just, melt.”

Besides the former incident - my sister always complains constantly, about her husband cheating on her with young high schoolgirls - the type that speak and handle themselves like older mature women, when they are actually little insecure girls inside and in appearance. The type of schoolgirl that is seeking for a good time, from sugar-daddies, forgetting the pain they inflict to their sugar-daddy’s spouse. The marriage-wrecker type of little girl, that doesn’t realize that she still has a life ahead, beyond what my brother-in-law or any other sugar-daddy can provide for her. Fortunately my brother –in-law is the type of man that acknowledges his wrong deeds – hence he took necessary steps to mend the broken bridges, between him and his wife.

I confess to haven’t experienced the bliss or blast of marital life but, according to what my friends and some elderly couples whom I closely associate with – some of which, have been married for decades. This is what I know:

Some relationships or marriages are driven to the point of destruction, due to infidelity, high expectations and communication breakdown. In some, this destructive pattern comes in a form of abuse that could be: substance abuse (i.e. Alcohol), emotional abuse, physical abuse or verbal abuse. This is what I innately know, and have incessantly communicated about maltreatment.

Maltreatment towards women, whether emotionally, verbally or physically has been an outdated behavioral pattern exposed in some, if not all relationships – that is created by the unfortunate notion which maintains that, a man is a proverbial ‘head of the family’. Other men inflict judgment upon their women and find it, their god-given right to handle their women indecently; therefore creating a perception that portrays all men to be within the boundaries of cowardice conduct when relating to their spouse. This creates a dilemma, where the women have to face the challenges of day to day decision making for the livelihood of their children thus, deterring the traditional notion of gender superiority in relationships.

Gender plays a pivotal role in our society especially, in identifying and suppressing the weaker sex. In democratic countries educated women have disproved the gender issue, by taking over the role of bread-winner in so doing, enraging the chauvinistic ideals of men who have it in their preconceived thoughts that women are the weaker inferior sex. Globally, assumptions as these, about women and their femininity have dampened the struggle of women’s emancipation and ultimately their image. Leading to an impression that analyzes women as sex objects and baby-makers, in contrast to their male counter parts, who are seen as macho and capable of handling laborious tasks. And can womanize and abuse as many women as they wish, without being labeled or branded a ‘harlot’. The irony is that throughout history masculine dominance has been supported by a timid nature of tribalism minds of women, who allowed this indoctrination to take-over their god given right, of not only as care-giver but, also as leader, which in this modern world, is a formidable part of motherhood.

Essentially the effects brought about by gender segregation in our nations; filter through to our relationships, formulating bias and prejudice connotations against females. The questioning roles of which, have been taken far too seriously by males, who conclude that being provider equally places them on the pedestal as decision-maker therefore, enables them to encompass the hopes and interests of the children and, the spouse in their decisions, even though those decisions are self-indulgent.

Eventually creating stereotypes in relationships, where women who rebel are trapped in a pool of physical, verbal and emotional abuse – hence, affecting the equilibrium of the relationship and hindering the development of each individual whether in a physique or spiritual form. It is vital to remember that, a marriage situation is in essence a place of growth for both man and woman. In a realistic relationship scenario, respect and trust should take precedence to any flaws that your partner has or lacks and in-turn try to accentuate the good qualities or values that each spouse contributes to the union.

Matrimony whether it is holy or not, was not meant for dominance of one sex to another, rather a joint struggle to reach the superior values of life and give each spouse a direction to faith as well as, loving procreation.

In Love and Light Peeps!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


It is mind and heart blowing, what the heart can behold when it comes to the feelings of affection. The topic of love is a truly complicated emotional, spiritual and physical conundrum we all seek to experience and grasp. Love is an elusive, yet comforting thing to have. It is said to bear all things and endure all things - love is blind and it sleeps in the eyes of the beholder. It sometimes comes with a great price and an equally great pain, that no intellectual or scientist, in their earthly selves, can ever decipher.

A question was recently posed by our, South African eloquent luminary poet, Lebogang Mashile; via the popular social chat network, Facebook: “Why are all the really hot guys unavailable [or girls]? I’m (Are we) living in a crazy vortex, or is this reality? Do guys experience the same with women?”

This question was met with some intellectual evoking observations by some of Mashile’s friends on the site. Here’s what some had to say:

Precious Mabusela: “What is hot? What if all the so called ‘hot men’ are taken? Are you gonna be single till kingdom come? You know what, my man is definitely not a Mr. S.A. candidate, but his actions are more than ‘hot’ for me. Ke mo rata a le jwalo (I love him the way he is), hot or not.”

Manthatisi Machepha: “Most Eligible Bachelors” are cohabiting for decades with their women, have a string of ex-girlfriends with their kids; yet they always declare I am single and looking for a relationship! They will never invite you to their houses, they will always be busy, and they will want to marry you tomorrow, 3 months down the line the topic of marriage will vanish and later on, they are hardly if ever available on phone….etc! I think men today live a number of lives, and its so appealing to them to have the baby-mama there, steady concubine, steady partner (cohabiting with)…etc, but still single and hot.”

Denzel Edgar: “Really hot guys don’t solve our relationship problems…Relationships are tyranny not love. It is two empty people trying [to] fill their emptiness with each other cause they do not how to fill themselves. So we create an image of the person we are in a relationship with so that they can give us all the Q’s and expectations are not met the image is compromised so we suffer and find somebody else. We do not date human beings we date protected images in our heads of these people, i.e. our images are the things in the relationship, not the people. So there can’t possibly be an understanding of love in the current human relationship format, cause we’re all a bunch of ideas of self we have made reality. This applies to us all (men and women) cause we all exist in each others realities.”

Earl Joseph: “Sadly, it’s always about demand and supply. And unfortunately the high demand for the good guy often turns him into bad guy. Ego is the corrupter, which results in an even smaller pool of good guys. The converse is that the bad guy, while dealing in consistent miser attracts the good girl who, through the process of natural selection, chooses him as a project to convert to the good side. Sadly this process does not increase the pool of good guys but just pushes up the ratio of unsatisfied women to unattractive good guys higher than it should be. In truth there are no good guys or good girls - only greener pastures. And we all know that the grass is always greener on the other side…”

Manthatisi Macheba: Quote: “Things are meant to be used and people must be loved, in today’s world people are used, things are loved.”

In a nutshell - In today’s society, love is mixed with materialism filled with such conniving immorality and deception, which makes it a rare precious thing to find. Materialistic love comes with lust and unfortunately doesn’t last. Take time to know the one you spiritually, mentally and physically bond with. Take care of the eye that beholds and make that truthful lasting love connection.

In Love and Light Seekers!


Monday, August 10, 2009


The gift of insight is an appealingly fascinating, depressing, and unpredictable thing to have. It is what Macbeth, one of Shakespeare's characters, indirectly pointed out as a tale; “Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Well, it really does mean nothing when the visions are not shared and people are seeking for what is beyond this world.

It means nothing unless someone is goggling at you with eyes pleading for glorified mercy, as though you are of the messianic order – to castaway all the evil and wrongdoers in their lives. There are numerous disturbing things about this gift; that I have never uttered to a single soul since the Creator bestowed such an honorary conceding persona to this vessel called I – conceding: because if you do not yield and humble yourself to the Creator and allow the visions to come through – you are as good as a raving lunatic seeking for a ghost from an unknown tomb.

The first dilemma that makes one move into the boundaries of dementia is the inability to communicate the things that the Creator is kindly revealing to you – in a form of dreams, premonitions, omens and the other that will remain untold. The inability to unbridling the enigma that leads to this confusion and dementia.

Dementia is not the only ultimate setback, no not in the least bit. The other significant problematic bit about this gift of insight is the lingering stigma of witchcraft that people always associate you with – they maybe your neighbours, your day to day acquaintances and religious folks, who imagine you spend your timely gifted days conjuring evil and mixing concoctions to bewitch others. A shameful misconception about the gift of insight that has led to a number of people crucified, for what is beyond their comprehension.

On the contrary, this dishonourable crucifixion of people with insight can be blamed on the ungodly acts that truly diabolical individuals engage in. These acts have been reported on daily in our media – about individuals who believe that they are God. Traditionalist, who use animal flesh and fat to brew up potions for luck and prosperity, - at times going to the extent of murdering people, just to acquire human flesh and bones to realize their inhuman psychosis. Consequently - keeping the flames of stigma burning and wreaking havoc on those with insight for good intentions. (Thank goodness the archaic tradition of crucifying people with fire in public has since been quelled)

This leads to my other point: The archaic gift of insight was revered and respected, before the pretenders to this honorary throne started creeping up from every valley, village and vistas of this world. Duping people about what they foresee just to pocket a few pennies to their pockets - which, led to people thinking that this gift is a get-rich-quick-scheme and is there to sustain your livelihood for good measure, another misconception. It can, but it was not meant for that. There’s a Zulu proverb that says: “Imali iyiphande yesono.” Loosely translated means: “Money is the root of all evil.”

What wearies my spirit is when a spouse enquires about a potion to keep the fires of a marriage burning. Therefore, requires one to give the other spouse the potion orally, for them to see and agree to their own point of view. What lunacy! Herbs like Pills were meant to heal or remedy the sick, not change the persona of the other spouse or partner in a relationship. What happened to a loving amicable communication channel in a relationship!

The worst part about this gift is when you counsel a patron that is obsessed about knowing the future. Now, this is when I regularly and constantly warn my patrons about: “Do not get OBSESSED”. Obsession is a deadly pill to digest, which does not only obliterate your mind, but can reach to the intangible confines of your soul, thus lead to ultimate dementia. (i.e. believing that your seeing things when you actually are not, thinking that things will go amiss if you don’t come for a spiritual consultation, or the inability to make your own decisions)

This gift is associated with dementia, mainly due to the spirit communing through you, which is why there’s this thing called ‘THE CALLING’. The calling is a spiritual tale filled with drums and songs - which to someone standing from the outside looking in truly is a demented tale, “Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury; Signifying nothing.”

In Love and Light Folks


Saturday, August 8, 2009


PLAYER: What life is with Snooker 
Confessions are in order – When it comes to the game of love, I’m a bit rusted not to mention frazzled. This uncompromising oxidation was brought about by endless heart-breaks from infatuations that I thought were love in my high schooling years and a long term relationship that amounted to naught. In all expects of metaphysical existence regarding love in affection either on its physical parts or its emotive side – thus my long-term attachment ended in mistrust and emotionally unfortunate detachment. My emotional misfortune - for I realized then, that I was at that period of time to many steps shy of being a PLAYER.

The latter (emotional misfortune), left my mind and soul lingering in a sea of uncertainty, to what love really is. I thought I knew it all – of cause Boyz II Men, T.P. (Teddy Pendegrous), Marvin Gaye (or is it Gay), the Manhattans, R. Kelly and Michael Jackson (Yeah! Michael Jackson), to some extent, taught me about ‘snookering the game of love’ – after all there was no father figure to tell me about these things - girls and all. One fine holy Sunday morning my mother just threw a glance at me from a corner of her eye, whilst Pabi Moloi delivered her summon on Metro (or was it Kabzela on YFM) and sighed; only to throw me with a box full of condoms hours later, on a Monday morning, a royal blue one nogal. She warned: “Dare not get pregnant at your age under my roof!”. What confusion! Pregnant! Did I miss something at birth? Maybe she’s on Ritalin or something, PSYCHO!. So, I took the learn-as-you-go-route, no not pay-as-you-go, I had a box full of expendable condoms. World, here I come! (Oops, excuse the pun). Bump n’ Grind baby!

Unfortunately the box in action was thrown away exactly a year and two months, five minutes and two seconds after the clock registered the thirteenth hour. With only one condom used (in practice, mind you), expired - what a waste, environmental waste. The box came at the time when I was unschooled in the matters of playing the game – What amazed me though is that, everyone called me a player: “What’s happen’ Player!”… “Howdy’ do Player!”… “Man, you look like a Player!”… “Man, you’s a Player!” - Well I was a player… Soccer player, Cricket player…Basketball player...and I could run the 100 meters mark in precisely 13.73 seconds, but who cared about that.

Love was in the air and the ladies all looked good in my eyes, but I was still lacking in taking the trophy for ‘Playerdom’. Whatever cretinous game that was! This was way before the AIDS/H.I.V pandemic started ravaging our society, before being a player was a safe game to play. Gone are those days.

These days, ‘snookering the game of love’ is more dangerous than going to church. In the apartheid days one could be boomed to pieces in church before the Pastor could shout: “Peace!”, gees Desmond Tutu was lucky. Ag, no wonder ladies tell me about Jesus when I propose a date, these days. “In church you shall be safe from all sexual exploits including H.I.V/AIDS!”

I guess it’s true what they say: “It takes a fool to learn that love don’t love nobody.” Except Jesus, amen to that!

So, I learned to snook the game of love….

Play Safe Kids!


Monday, August 3, 2009

Sexual economy in South Africa, what it means to me

Blessed are those who see light in darkness, they shall be called angels of this word. More than ever before, our country deeply yearns spiritual guidance towards legalization of prostitution. The great enigma that lingers within my mind is the lack of godlessness in some of the policies we have adopted in our premature democracy. It is this country that has legalized abortion, but yet again condemn death penalty.

At times and in fear I often wonder about the price we might have to pay if sexual economy is declared to be in order. Think about operation between men and women on a continuum of benefits ranging from basic needs, provision of luxury goods in exchange for sexual favours. What picture will be painted to the born free who are entrusted to make valid choice?

Think about the vulnerability of people to HIV /AIDS. Poverty and hunger is still the order of the day in South Africa. I foresee the situation where trading with human flesh will dominate any profession in this country. Will our country be proud to collect tariff of tax in this illegal trade of human contact, South Africa, where is your moral fibre?

Think about the growing number of Aids orphans, estimated at more than a million in 2006. Once again, I foresee another means to weaken the already strained social fabric as children become heads of impoverished households. Children growing up without parental guidance are emotionally at risk. Many drop out at school and become vulnerable to exploitation that may further fuel the pandemic.

Dear brothers and sister’s quite diplomacy on this may prove in a long run to be incompatible. Let’s liberate our psyches from western myth. The fact that Germany legalised prostitution does not mean we should do the same for 2010. We are civil-society blessed with morals and Ubuntu. Let’s renegade any effort that may leave us with stains that may prove to be difficult to wash. Those who want to impose on us shall belong to the dustbin of history.

By Cyprian Thwala

Friday, June 5, 2009


Growing up as a child one remembers the painful sounds of panic that emanated from my father and mother’s bedroom. They were the sounds of a dying flame, extinguished and strangled by society’s expectations of what a relationship should be between a married couple. Screaming expectations that drive all men and women to committee the sin of adultery - even though their actions were not forged to hurt anyone, they ended up traveling in these but all familiar spousal roads with dark cul-de-sacs.

These expectations that lead to abuse commence with infatuation, leading to a road flamed with endless passionate nights that are tranquil with smiles of joy and hallucinations of a trouble free life. Followed by vows of promise that procreates, thus bring more expectations and insurmountable hills of responsibilities, which render more trouble to a relationship that was in tatters and had no time to learn its ways; “time” being the operative word - a relationship that was forged by sex not truly loving mutual ways.

Too many relationships in society start off by skipping a number of steps that make a relationship to what it should be. Steps, which are vital in moulding two personalities with two separate minds, two separate hearts; into a single harmonies vessel of two hearts in one mind with caring, sharing, and understanding. Flowing unaltered, unfaltered by the troubling, broiling storms that rise and surge with marriage.

Troubling screeching screams that emanated from that bedroom, were followed by a tag-of-war, of who-knows-what, only be known by their harsh shifting footsteps, then slaps and punches that all landed straight on the fragile façade of my mother’s face, (evident the next morning) – all, but one calculated punch. One punch that killed the elegant dark brown antique glass of my then, belated paternal grandmother’s bedroom door along with little love my parents shared. After many punches that landed plainly on their target, denouncing the legitimacy of their quickly forged relationship. Abuse, physical to be exact, is what took place in that bedroom, after a long brawl of verbal and emotional abuse.

In the morning, my infantile eyes would patrol the quiet kitchen and living-room space from an ajar bedroom door - after tiptoeing from a fearful late night strained sleep. In my childish sleepy eyes, the evidence would show its self – abuse; evident in my mother’s face.

Expectations that lead to such horrendous spousal cul-de-sacs are witnessed everywhere in today’s society. Recently, our South African television screens were splashed with a news inset of a police officer that got into a squabble with a man that was with his wife in a car, that the police officer bought with his money for his wife – only to find out his wife is having an affair with another man. The altercation ended in tragedy when the police officer pullout his gun and shot his wife, her boyfriend and then himself, right in front of his colleague. Now, what you need to ask yourself is - why was she having an affair after he bought her a car? We’ll never know.

A friend of mine was also recently milled in a bad relationship with his wife of two and half years, who has borne him a young healthy boy (the wife). Counseling both of them; followed a period of a lengthy emotional struggle between the two – both withstanding their own views to be the ultimate correct view. It dawned on me that these guys were two similar poles that repelled each other. How do two people get into such a character minifying position in their marriage? Well this is what happened, as my friend succinctly explained - They met at a social gathering, had sex, moved in together, paid Lobola (which is equal to a married in tradition), started fighting, had a baby and had more intense aggressive fights (signs of abuse); now he wants out and she doesn’t want to let go. It all transpired too quickly, by the time they found out who the other was, it was over.

In more counseling sessions with my friend, after a mutually agreed upon separation between the two - he reluctantly admitted at upholding certain expectations towards his wife and vise-versa - expectations that were never met from either side.

Love at times harbors abusers and abusers at times render love as a weapon to perpetuate their abusive ways. It is said that love is blind - therefore the abused may think that being made a punching bag, is a form of love or being loved. Of cause, this love comes with certain enmities concealed by couples who move in together after a brief period of getting acquainted, that are camouflaged by materialism. As opposed to couples who build their lives from nothing into wealth, then part amicably when their lives come to a cross-road. (Not buying gangsters to kill your spouse and set then alight in a boot of a car somewhere in the wilderness)

Kneeling down in that corridor, aged five, listening to my father and mother’s arguments that ultimately led to their divorce – a certain truth dawned upon my tiny emotionally dingy body. There was no love left between my parents, as there is still no-love-loss between them to this day. Why? As I frequently articulate to both my parents when they verbally scorn each other behind each other’s backs – “You should have taken time to know each other.”

Getting to know your partner is an essential role as to what your own role is in your relationship or marriage. Each partner embodies certain qualities that complement what the other partner may lack in character or emotion. When complementing personalities merge, a symmetry of emotional security, (minus financial security) is forged with mutual respect, thus creating a long-lasting stable relationship that builds both partners emotionally, mentally and financially. At times a personality merges with a personality that may prove in a long run to be incompatible mainly due to some emotional imbalance, which leads to abuse, adultery, or an emotional detachment from either partner. Materialism is not a form of love; it is a condition that may dissipate at any given moment if not properly secured.

A Wiseman once articulated: “We are captives of our own identities, living in prisons of our own creation.” Let’s free ourselves from our own personally created prisons and merge our identities with those of our partners – subsequently finding common ground that is filled with inner peace and mutual love, consequently eliminating abuse in any form.

Love Free!


Saturday, May 30, 2009


What is life? A question which has been pondered on over centuries by philosophers, astrologists, clergymen and aristocrats not only them mind you, even the lowest in the order of hierarchies of the latter. The insane trots of a hobo-man, pioneers, seeking for the answers of breath its self in the mid-night skies, gazing at the stars of mystery. Watching in the placid yet violent oceans, to the streets which are dominated by the callous in the mist of its walk, knowing petulantly of its canning dark price, death. What is life?

I shall attempt to quell this anonymity that rises with us as mankind’s innate conundrum and dangling adversary. It is a certainty that life is indebted through birth, though some perceive it as a penalty to end all sorrows, I beg to differ though. In my short but, expendable existence I have witnessed life as being merely a miracle, a privilege. It lays in the hands of the aesthetics of the world, defined only by the beholder in his persuasion to explain or rather paint it in the most explanatory canvas known to the human race. I see life as a pathway to greater things to come and death as merely a necessary accident to revolutionize the evolution of our human race. You may see this as madness and wonder about the bases of my thesis but, I assure you life is death and death is life. These are two amalgamated entities that compliment each other all-so-well.

Life evolves on what is expected on a particular soul or person. Every person is a visitor in this world, each imprinted with a data base on what is expected of them, which is their personalized mission. This imprint resides in the soul not the brain, the brain is meant for the mobility of the body and its veins and the soul drives the core of what you are, your authentic self. There are four types of visitors in this life: Those who are observers, those who are actors, those who believe and then the idlers.

The observers are people who chronicle the events that happen in a particular era or time in the evolution of man. These are people who fall under the canon of enlightenment, the scholars of wisdom, the philosophers. They watch and deduce from life in its most simplicity, drawing from social economical structures, politics, arts, religions and sports. They scrutinize every ounce of evidence recorded by ancient scholars, their predecessors, formulating new interpretations for the betterment of generations to come. People who fall under this group are very much introverts in their own right, they embrace life from within, from the chest area and abdomen. Where the soul or voice of wisdom emanates from.

The actors are those who create or act out their true self, These people live life to the full, their motto being, ‘Seize the day’. The actors take every opportunity they receive and turn it to gold. In life they play a pivotal role in revolutionizing technological advancement and the economical structures of our world. They speak out against cultural and social immorality, political issues, and the environmental carnage in contrast with its development. This group is ruled by the passion and wisdom they receive from interactions with varies personalities, together with enlightenment from the canon of observers. Actors are very much extroverts in their own inborn right. Which leads my thesis to the topic of “The believers”, who are also partially actors.

The motion of belief encompasses or derives its premise from faith, in-a-form of religion. The religious debates, as well as political ones are structures of hierarchy based in acquiring power. The soul thrives under the veneer of power, which is the whole purpose of living and permits humanity the honor to pursue the quest of life in achievement of power. The believers give hope to the humankind, in a form of motivational speaking and giving purpose were the is none, driving individuals to create choices that will influence their lives thus, planting roots which will affect the wheel of change, bringing about evolution in the human race. I am sure the question of death, still lingers in your mind, to where it fits in contrast to life. Well let me explain.

Death is related to faith, for it takes us to a place of mystery, an unknown Utopia. In which the believers are a representative entity of that existence. I state again, that: ‘Death is life and life is death’, which falls interlocked with the spiritual side of things. In life as well as in death the are two sides that we as individuals must choose from namely: “Darkness and Light”, or if you prefer, “Evil and Righteousness”. The path chosen by an individual paves the road for the evolution of humanity, in which one draws from a pacifist view and the other from a militant view. The pacifists are the ones who believe in progress and the glory of love in light and honesty, through the betterment of life; mentally, physical and spiritually. Which includes technological advancements to enrich our environment both in games and social dwellings. The militants seek to destroy the structures of progress and hinder all efforts pedestalled for peace. The dead are also divided into two spiritual orders which continuously contend against each other, creating a pendulum of water and fire. The dead communicates with the living trying to relay messages about the past, the present and future in a colourful spectrum of dreams. The pacifistic spirits bring life and health whilst, the militants offer madness and evil thoughts. Which explains the importance of the believers and their role in the game of life. The believers are in the least extroverts and at the most rate, introverts.

The idlers are people who are not interested in their own lives, they distance themselves from anything wealth-while and procrastinate day in, day out. Nothing gets done by the latter even devotion is at the least of their priorities, although they are not necessarily diabolic, they just do not see any point in it all, life. The idlers often indulge themselves in intoxicating substances, (e.g. drugs and alcohol).

The spiritual realm plays a major part in our existence. If a person commits murder, his psycho-analysis will most likely conclude that the person was influenced by an outside force or was not in his right mind, therefore in some cases, plead temporal insanity. In another instance if a person saves a life, then that person will be perceived as being a good spirited person. Fortune-tellers rely on the spirit to relay visions about the future, and sometimes bringing about change which offer atonement to better health. The are people who use the spirit to evoke evil in this world by entertaining the bad side of worship. And so degrade everything that is on the road of righteousness.

To exist we need a better understanding of death and its enriching qualities to life and if we are to reach a conclusion to, what life really is. Ultimately life is seen as a gift that needs to be nurtured, it is a miracle beyond all reason. I once wrote in one of my poesy called Miracle:

They say a miracle is past
For those who believe in God
No explanation is necessary
For those who do not believe
No explanation is possible
For it is to you, to make it
The best life you are living
If you fail
It will be you own fault
No one will have an answer to
For the successor, the victor, the winner
The hero, the best of you
Lays in you!
For life is a special gift
Only you can make it
A Perfect Life!
For life is undoubtedly a miracle

In conclusion: Live life to the full and experience every moment as your last, for all the answers come with death. Be an action person and motivate others in the processes and the key being, ‘purpose’. Seek out you purpose in life and love it and life will do the some to you.


Monday, May 25, 2009


It never seize to amaze me to hear people chanting unsavoury names towards people who ‘seem’, through their behavioural manner to be homosexuals. Homophobic behaviour has grown to the point of weird obsession in our societal existence in South Africa, mainly due to a lack of knowledge to, what it means to be in touch.

In this life, a brother who is in touch with the aesthetics of the world will not see the light of day, unless he becomes two sides of a single coin and pretends to be something he is not, machismo and homosexual. It doesn’t matter whether this brother is attracted to the opposite sex or not. Meagre acts like admiring the stars at night, glancing up at the sunset or calling a flower ‘beautiful’, in front of his gangster brethren will render him ‘homo’.

If this brother happens to be on the hygienic side of things and is poised on keeping, his clothes clean, his shoes sparkling, face spotless and his body in shape; a metro-sexual male. Once or twice uses cologne and facial products. Well, that is equivalent to taking a rope and putting a noose around his neck. Moreover, being straight won’t save the day for the poor fellow from society’s well schooled eyes. After all, it was Somizi Mhlongo, the expert, who blurted a comment on the youth radio station YFM, by arguing: “If you are metro-sexual, you have to decide whether you’re bisexual, heterosexual or homosexual, there’s no such thing as metro-sexual.” Agree don’t agree?

Sensitivity and intelligence, which a metro-sexual has in abundance means nothing to the erudite eyes of society. Eyes that will reap him apart, lest he shows his affection for art, poetry and books; and pays attention towards, true loving educated women. However, educated women also, turn to shy-away from a brother that’s in touch. He’s either too uptight, serious and extremely spiritual for their predilection.

To society’s norms this brother, similar to Jesus in prehistoric Jerusalem is excessively taboo. He loves his fellow man, a pacifist (not coward), at heart and a true leader. His neighbours adore him and women admire him. However, like Jesus he is a gentle mannered man, especially at this present time where H.I.V/Aids reigns supreme in our lives. Where, women prefer brothers who have big pockets and flashy wheels no matter the condition of their sensitivity. Like Jesus, the brother is not wedged in the circumstances of the flesh but of a spiritual nature. He shies away from intoxicating braveries, not deliberately but by nature. As Jesus was persecuted, by his fellow man so is this brother, for being who he is. Like Jesus...oh, maybe that’s pushing the Jesus parody a bit too far, but you get the drift.

Now ladies; would you rather have a brother that is narcissistic and spiritually inclined or have a thug that leaves everything laying around for you to tend, immediately he hits the door - A brother that will understand your position as a nurturing woman and helps you to be at your super best. A man, who is in touch, through understanding what he wants from his woman and meets the needs of what his woman, wants. A man who shares intuitive virtues, which are personified through nature, by masculine and feminine powers. A man that gets it and is not preoccupied in what people think about his pink shirt and his cologne.

A person who is in love with the exquisiteness that life possesses and takes it in their stride to enrich their environment by celebrating its existence. With an extreme flamboyance should not be branded as homosexual, especially when their true interest lies in uplifting life, for others.

Mannerisms are not all that define homosexuality or the validity of being in touch with your inner self. In a book written by South African author and Noble Laureate for Literature, J.M. Coetzee, (Who has immigrated to Australia), Youth. The narrator, a young man who has turned a new lease in life by immigrating to England, from South Africa. Is a rigid character, that’s into poetry and has fantasies about venturing into history to rediscover his sexuality by sowing his yearning oaths, with as many women as time permits. At one point, he encounters a homosexual epiphany, he sighs: “Is that homosexuality? Is that the sum of it? Even if there is more to it than that, it seems a puny activity compared with sex with a woman…”

Spiritual attachment is seen as an epitome of homosexuality, mainly due to church brothers who hide what they are, behind the veil of religion. Therefore, promote clandestine sexual exploitation of young lads, in the name of religion. In addition, you find brothers who are gays and insist on courting brothers who are not. What’s up with that? These brothers are spiritually ignorant and so they perpetuate their persona as every ones. Such church brothers and their forceful counterparts are the ones who give a bad name to a brother that’s in touch with life.

Being in touch with both powers of masculine and feminine panache, and understanding the aesthetics that life has to offer, does not constitute one as a homosexual; however means only that one is ‘gay’ about life. Gay, as in being content about whom you are. A transvestite is not necessarily gay, and a gay person is not necessarily a transvestite. These two individual dichotomies compliment each other, however are not necessarily a norm in all male behavioural manner.

Why judge a book when you truly have no idea what the contents of that book entail? Do mannerisms define one’s personality or sexual preference?

To reach a new ground in human evolution, we must understand that our spiritual self is not bound only to our matter-physical appearance of masculine and feminine, however to an entwinement of all sexes. This makes us who and what we are. Individual development is the key to unlocking the shackles of sexual repression amongst people. Let’s not denigrate individual birth rights that we see as taboo. Let’s not permit the fear of the unknown rule our hearts. Whether their preference is immoral or moral, that’s for God to judge, not us.

Ladies and gentlemen, don’t judge a book by its cover, because there are some reasonably interesting books out there. Next time you come across a brother that seem to be a metro-sexual male, whether their homosexual or not, have a conversation with them and found out who they are and what their about. Let’s liberate ourselves from sexual stereotypes.


Bob Marley the prophet was on par when, in his rendition; ‘No Woman, No Cry’ intoned words that reflected an emotional and physical detachment, brought about by perpetrators of racial prejudice between women and men during our pre-democratic state. Everyone embraced this song during those days as it spoke volumes with the masses against the oppressor and its symbolic meaning for liberation and hope. Therefore compelled the government of the day to censor or ban such intones from this country. However, what people did not realize was that this rendition had a paradoxical intone embedded in it.

In today’s society, ‘No woman, No Cry’ depicts a somewhat different social revolutionary statement, that’s between matriarchal and patriarchal forces. The playing-grounds of this neo-revolutionary state have changed to a certain extent from pre-democratic racial South Africa. The rules of engagement have altered people’s perceptions in their societal existence and norms; evidently, endorsed by freedom.

Democracy: liberated black men and black women - conversely, democracy took away from society the moral stance that keeps the human torch burning in its core from its habitual norms. In Marley’s paradoxical rendition, he cries: “Good friends we had, good friends we’ve lost…No woman, No cry” Who are these friends that Marley is referring to? It is evident that Marley was pointing towards modern-day women, who not only look down on men, but are willing to cast them out from the societal responsibilities, as protector and provider.

Matriarchal domination in business has created a paradigm shift, which render masculine powers useless in relationships and corporate environments. These days women are given first preference when it comes to issues of employment as oppose to men and that is a fact. Fact: women want to dominate jobs that are preordained for masculine domination, in spite of their inadequate physical disposition. Fact: no woman will pay a man for sitting at home doing nothing, no matter how much they love each other; a man can do that. Fact: when a man has no money, there is no relationship. Fact: a woman can’t do it all on her own and bare children without male assistance; those who claim to be fine about it all, their liars. Fact: a man can look after five women with children on a single salary. Fact: no woman does that, if there are, there are few. Fact: a woman won’t pay Lobola, clear and precise.

We as a society are killing the very bases of our nation, by cutting the heads that are meant to be protectors and providers. Having grown-up without a father figure in my life, I wouldn’t want to get involved with a woman who sees me as inadequate as a man. I would want a woman who will appreciate me as my mother does regardless of money or no money.

However, the current status qua that aims at preventing men from reaching their most high in business acumen and family environment by favouring women only is not what every man signed up for in birth. Just as no woman signed up for sexual abuse, physical abuse and emotional abuse. No man in his right mind would want to have children and be unable to provide for them, emotionally and physical. Without a job or financial assistance, a man is no man. Therefore, many men abscond from their duties of fatherhood by either denial or escapism.

We speak about mentorship for young women and schools for girls. Tell me this; will these boys growing up in today’s society match the standards that are given to young women currently. When they reach manhood, will they be adequate providers and protectors? On the other hand, will they also find some kind of escapism or deny the whole shebang of having children and a family to look after?

Patriarchal domination was and still is in all facets of society a pale façade to comprehend and agree to. Mainly due to men that abuse the system; men who see women as tools of their sexual satisfaction and things that are designed to be dominated. Repression in any form is repression, whether it is emotional or physical and it needs to be expunged from all social spheres.

Every man should think of himself as a father of their nation - a man who views and reflect from every sector of life and societal vicissitudes, thus act accordingly to bring harmony to all societal problems that arise in the nation. In countries like Afghanistan, women are still seen as symbols of ridicule and inferior to their male counterparts. There are still to this day, tortured and killed without condemnation from that country’s lawmakers.

We as South Africans need to be very careful as to how we spread equality amongst men and women. This needs to be done in a way that benefits everyone and lives no capable man or capable woman from any element that brings a revolutionary change that is beneficiary to our society. Our statute; from the constitution to our lawmakers, in every bill and every act needs to cater for change that is gradual and unimposing.

Any man who loves women knows that it is tough to live without them. Women are nurturing and intuitive beings who makes men what they are. “No woman, no cry. No woman, no cry x2. I remember when we use to sit in the government yard in trench-town…..little daughter don’t shed no tears, little sister don’t shed no tears. Everything is gonna be already…” Bob Marley was certainly on par: “No Woman, No Cry” Without women, men are nothing and without men, women are jointly nothing.

As society, we must come together and rectify the sins of the past, not by being gender bias, however by bringing equality to all, utilizing the proper channels. Not by ousting or utilizing discriminatory tactics that will leave half the nation with hatred in their hearts. Let’s not dent this nation with an emotional detachment that will be hard to mend. A future stain, which will be hard to wash away; in future. Where our dear little daughter will shed tears, little sister will shed tears. Where everything ain’t gonna be already. Is that the future we want?



It’s been at least sixteen years since the dawn of our new democratic dispensation; thirteen years since we saw the sun rise into the birth of our so-called ‘Rainbow Nation’ in South Africa. When Nelson Mandela walked out of prison (after twenty seven years), on February 11th, 1990; black South Africans welcomed the newly formed Democratic State, after a long fought palpable battle of hatred in the struggle for emancipation from the dark hands of apartheid.

People started realizing what this freedom meant to them; both in the peripheries of the country, over mountainous borders and beyond the sea. In countries were numerous freedom-loving South Africans where imprisoned and exiled by the Whiteman’s intolerable heart for the indigenous people of this country. Those who went to exile during the traumatic, treacherous period in South Africa, suddenly realised that the great wizard had wiggle his magical wand and the call for the great trek back to our motherland was thus summoned to end white domination. And begin a new balanced, fair, unbiased path for our nation. Is our nation truly emancipated?

Taking a walk in the suburbs, one could sense the fear that still lingers in our country, in our streets, in our house-holds, and our hearts; particularly within the white community. In business and in pleasure white South Africans are still fearful of a black face. Thirteen years into our democracy the greater majority in our nation still has to reel in the unwilling minority into understanding the meaning of ‘togetherness’.

We live in a country that is divided by the notion of our pigmentation more than anything else in the world. There are those minority whites who are trapped in thinking that, their skin colour is superior to that of a black man; white people who will never patronize black businesses, other than those of their fellow whites. A white person that will never hire an equally qualified black person into his company and that will never pay an equally deserving salary to a black person, thus creating what I call an ‘Economic Segregation’. It seems to me; black people are needed more to create wealth for the white race and keeping the white global investment mechanisms functioning properly. It’s a give the crams and keep the pie, game. We blacks know all-so-well through the hardships of our past. This is mainly through ignorance of the white race.

In many of my conversations with my college peers, I find my self dumb-founded by the knowledge my white peers have about black culture and living standards in the townships. Black teens in contrast know so much about their white counter part’s westernized living standards, culture and dialect through going an extra mile of tutelage in white created indoctrinating disciplines and by burning the midnight oil to understand their world.

Every time we have these ‘enlightening’ conversations about my white peers’ ignorance, the more I come to a realization that white people are not willing to compromise their position or stance in life to understanding the servitude and suffering of blacks in this country. That job is only left to the black race. Beat them or join them.

How many white people do you see walking around the township on a daily basis? How many black people do you see walking around the suburbs on a daily basis? For white people to understand their country as much as black people do, they’ll have to be willing to merge with blacks on an equal footing without trepidation. It is human nature to fear that which you do not know, however knowledge breathes understanding and understanding breathes contentment, thus killing fear. If blacks leave the townships (black settlements created by apartheid), everyday of their lives to patronize white businesses in the big cities and little suburbs, why can’t whites leave the suburbs to see how life is like in the townships? Whites must feel the agony of standing in long, unbearable queues every morning, hoping to make it in time to your destination.

White people in this country need to comprehend the danger of self isolation from their own country and the danger of the inability to know your fellow countryman’s dialect and culture.

Black people in South Africa must seize promoting ‘black inferiority’ within the white community. The spirit that united black people during the struggle is needed to expunge the deep sited fears that envelopes the Whiteman’s mentality in this country. We must reach out to our communities and rebuild what is lost with pride. We must rebuild the essence of ‘Ubuntu’ and open our townships to all and sundry.

Whites need to acknowledge that the problems that transpire in this country are not all to be blamed on blacks, only. They need to take responsibility for the role they play in their own trepidation.

To bridge the great divide in our country, we as South Africans, need to overlook the colour of our pigmentations and work together towards the betterment of our nation and future. We need to create a country that supports South Africans from every level and sphere. Patriotism means loving your country and your follow citizens. Acting towards that love to alleviate poverty in your follow citizen’s livelihood and making sure that everyman has the basic needs in his country before dusk summons darkness. This must be done not mainly through curiosity, but through love for our fellow human beings.