Friday, April 23, 2010


The type of environment that one shares their love with their partners can make or break their relationship. Society’s norms and values are the constitutional determinants of how an individual perceives their own norms and values, at times even the things that drives them to make wrong choices come from society’s influence. The societal determinants, such as the political environment, economic environment, religious environment or social structure from your particular country; contribute to the types of legacy that your relationships create.

To gain prosperity of self from the type of surrounding that an individual is born in, one needs to understand and acknowledge that they are physical beings that are born and will someday die - leave upon your earthly ‘temple’. When an individual’s psychological make-up flows into the big realms of realism by acknowledging their status of being: who you are, what you are, what your aims in life are and what life offers to you - developing the prosperity of self, and leaving an everlasting legacy becomes easier.

Personal machination in developing the self, is undeniable and a necessary determinant, especial to your cognitive development combined with understanding of the environmental social variable influences that can build your personality or destroy it. Constitutional determinants which are, international and national politics, economics, embargoes, proliferation treaties, global policies and legislation, have an influence on how your personality, meaning the self, is shaped, coupled with the type of individuals that contribute to your cognitive development.

To gain understanding of how the self may prosper in this world, an individual needs to define the type of happiness that they are searching for transcending happiness or transforming happiness. Material-love is the type of love that the physical-self gain in this world after earning a reward from working hard. Material-love or ‘outside conformation’ can never fully fill your life with transcending love and prosperity of self. There are many men and women who attain the riches (material) of this world, but their spiritual side feels drained and robbed, when they reflect on their achievements. However by attaining the true understanding of self and learn to show acting love, without selfish acts – the influences that aim to break you.

The determinant structures or constitutions of this world will form part of your relationships and influence the type of choices that you as an individual will make in determining your future, in spite of this, to attain the true prosperity of self, an individual must be wary off gaining the world consequently lose their authentic-self. The self that is born of love and of light, filled with salvaging-love, which is acting-love.

When there is violence in the streets and in the media, do not come home and perpetuate the same violent acts in your home by abusing your children or your spouse. When your man cannot find a job, do not shout at him and say he is useless, if the corporate structures do not find him adequate enough as a job seeker. When your wife modestly ask you to please assist in cooking or doing the laundry, do not walk away and say, those things are not manly things to do. When the politicians are shouting at each other, do not shout at each other as partners.

At a certain point of your life, assiduous critics and constitutional barriers arise; therefore alter your course to self-worth, self-love and transcending love - killing your willpower, eventually leading to personal moral decay and self-destruction. To prevent this, self-love is an imperative asset, to being a nonconformist to abusive constitutional determinants that work at altering your authentic-self and self-worth.

The prosperity of self is determined by an individual’s ability to withstand influences that lead to physical, emotional and psychological abusive in any societal or constitutional form. Personal machination to self-love, self-worth, acting-love and transcending love is what brings about real life fulfillment in your love life and family environment. The environment may influence you; however it all starts with you, knowing yourself and acting out your authentic-self with hope, prudence, fortitude, temperance, chastity, charity and faith.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

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