Monday, December 14, 2009


In the world of puppetry, indistinguishable strings are attached to little docile dolls of different colors, sizes and shapes. They are then given voices and maneuvering techniques by their puppetry masters, who control their body, legs and arms to their suitable tunes, giving them a mind – each master standing above the head of their little docile doll. The master bequeath total control over this lifeless docile little doll, entertaining onlookers - some of whom are themselves puppets of the world, if not being indoctrinated to be puppets of the future.

My late grandfather, spoke leisurely about such puppets, in his narrated repetitive enlightening history lessons about South Africa – puppets of the system. A system that interlays within microcosms of systems that form a humongous single manipulative system, controlled by capitalists, communists, war-mangers, dictators, undefeatable pillagers of greater systems from Europe, Asia and America.

According to my late grandfather; a puppet system seeks to pin-down and impose total control on its citizenry. A puppet system creates men and women who cannot think for themselves – men and women who are taught and told by their government, dictators and learning institutions on how to think and treat others. Puppets emulate their masters in their prejudice ways and ways of thinking.

Racists are born and bred by the puppet system which pumps fuel of hatred into the hearts and minds of its nation. The Nats and AWB turned white people into puppets; they were puppets and are still puppets of a greater system of hatred, still operating in places such as Pretoria and Bloemfontein in South Africa.

White people, who are still full of hatred for Black people for no particular reasons, were indoctrinated into hating by their great puppet master called Apartheid. This hatred towards people of color emanated from a doctrine of servitude and docile passivity that white people still believe is the nature and character of a Black persona. The mentality of a Black person was reduced to a docile doll state, to a place where they should serve the ‘white-master’ and think of themselves last, even if it meant they should turn a blind-eye towards indiscretions done to other people of color. My grandfather warned me about native Bantu who were initiated into a hatred system by hateful whites, thus became puppets of their system.

A puppet is not human; it is maneuvered by strings and given a voice by its master, therefore exists in the surreal world of its master, which can be changed by the master at any given time. A puppet, just as a man or woman that walks around with hatred in their hearts and mind cannot control their environment. The environment is all set unconditionally and unconstitutionally by its master - restraining the development of individuals, tribes, nations or even the world into the hands of racist, capitalist and communist puppeteers.

The world is being trained to be an economic puppet of richer nations through monetary policy systems that aim at manacling underdeveloped regions of the world into their own puppet systems, by means of aiding or lending policies that stripe other nations of their economic and social freedom, rather than improving their living standards.

In this economic puppet system, the rich utilize their capital power to impose their extremist political, religious and social status upon simpletons of this world. Tricking them into believing that they are helping, when in actual fact, they are doing more damage to their way of thinking and survival thus making the rich, richer.
A puppet system knows no Human Rights nor the constitution of any country and does not abide by the United Nations’ ideal of universal harmony; it uses good hearted people with morals to create disorder in the world, thus turn them into immoral barbarians - barbaric people who belittle other ethnic groups and impoverished people into doing their evil deeds in the world.

When you teach a man how to fish, you do not tell the man not to feed the fish to his family and community, because the whole aim of teaching him how to fish is for him to learn how to feed his family and community. A man who learns how to read and write in any education system cannot be told what to write and how to think. The whole aim of an education in a puppet system is to liberate the mind and body from all strings of a puppeteer that pull and push – reducing him into a docile little doll. A puppet system does the opposite; it tells the man to sell the fish to his family and community, not share it thus transforms him into a greedy and power hungry individual. It instructs the educated mind to write what people want to hear, not what they should hear, therefore turns him into a manipulative intellectual ignoramus.

My grandfather warned me about this puppet system years after the father of Black Consciousness, writing under the name Frank Talk, uttered these words: “It becomes more necessary to see the truth as it is if you realise that the only vehicle for change are these peo¬ple who have lost their personality. The first step therefore is to make the black man [or any man] come to himself; to pump back life into his empty shell; to infuse him with pride and dignity, to remind him of his complicity in the crime of allowing himself to be misused and therefore letting evil reign supreme in the country of his birth.” (Steve Biko, I Write What I Like: 31)

A puppet mentality robs humankind of its dignity and pride, changing individuals into zombies, integrating them in a puppet system, to supply its cruel intention - hence taking away the ability for one to think about the welfare of other human beings. One of the greatest leaders of our time once said: “Do not surround yourself with ‘yes man’, surround yourself with people and individuals that oppose your opinions and challenge your mentality – People that will feed your mind, making you a great listener and a great leader.”

Human beings are not docile little dolls that are commanded with indistinguishable strings to act and feel as any government or conglomerate see fit or want them to act at any given time. Human beings have their own voice and opinion that elects leaders to pedestals of debate, who in turn become representatives of the people, and serve those people.

Individuals should unequivocally state that, they are not prejudice, racists, sexists and homophobes. Individuals should state unequivocally that they stand for equality to all and not for suppression of any race or ethnic group. Individuals should not be ‘yes man’ to a voice of a government that is a dictator to its masses – silenced by a salary at the end of the month. Individuals should not be fools that are reduced into puppets of any system, playing a role to the tune of a puppeteer. It should be noted that in a mass revolution puppets became extremist militants - in turn, government institutions should not be factories that aim at creating people that are puppets in their system, but aim to create free thinkers that build a particular nation.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

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