Friday, April 23, 2010


The type of environment that one shares their love with their partners can make or break their relationship. Society’s norms and values are the constitutional determinants of how an individual perceives their own norms and values, at times even the things that drives them to make wrong choices come from society’s influence. The societal determinants, such as the political environment, economic environment, religious environment or social structure from your particular country; contribute to the types of legacy that your relationships create.

To gain prosperity of self from the type of surrounding that an individual is born in, one needs to understand and acknowledge that they are physical beings that are born and will someday die - leave upon your earthly ‘temple’. When an individual’s psychological make-up flows into the big realms of realism by acknowledging their status of being: who you are, what you are, what your aims in life are and what life offers to you - developing the prosperity of self, and leaving an everlasting legacy becomes easier.

Personal machination in developing the self, is undeniable and a necessary determinant, especial to your cognitive development combined with understanding of the environmental social variable influences that can build your personality or destroy it. Constitutional determinants which are, international and national politics, economics, embargoes, proliferation treaties, global policies and legislation, have an influence on how your personality, meaning the self, is shaped, coupled with the type of individuals that contribute to your cognitive development.

To gain understanding of how the self may prosper in this world, an individual needs to define the type of happiness that they are searching for transcending happiness or transforming happiness. Material-love is the type of love that the physical-self gain in this world after earning a reward from working hard. Material-love or ‘outside conformation’ can never fully fill your life with transcending love and prosperity of self. There are many men and women who attain the riches (material) of this world, but their spiritual side feels drained and robbed, when they reflect on their achievements. However by attaining the true understanding of self and learn to show acting love, without selfish acts – the influences that aim to break you.

The determinant structures or constitutions of this world will form part of your relationships and influence the type of choices that you as an individual will make in determining your future, in spite of this, to attain the true prosperity of self, an individual must be wary off gaining the world consequently lose their authentic-self. The self that is born of love and of light, filled with salvaging-love, which is acting-love.

When there is violence in the streets and in the media, do not come home and perpetuate the same violent acts in your home by abusing your children or your spouse. When your man cannot find a job, do not shout at him and say he is useless, if the corporate structures do not find him adequate enough as a job seeker. When your wife modestly ask you to please assist in cooking or doing the laundry, do not walk away and say, those things are not manly things to do. When the politicians are shouting at each other, do not shout at each other as partners.

At a certain point of your life, assiduous critics and constitutional barriers arise; therefore alter your course to self-worth, self-love and transcending love - killing your willpower, eventually leading to personal moral decay and self-destruction. To prevent this, self-love is an imperative asset, to being a nonconformist to abusive constitutional determinants that work at altering your authentic-self and self-worth.

The prosperity of self is determined by an individual’s ability to withstand influences that lead to physical, emotional and psychological abusive in any societal or constitutional form. Personal machination to self-love, self-worth, acting-love and transcending love is what brings about real life fulfillment in your love life and family environment. The environment may influence you; however it all starts with you, knowing yourself and acting out your authentic-self with hope, prudence, fortitude, temperance, chastity, charity and faith.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Selfish Acts: Playing the Blaming Game

It’s quite extraordinary what individuals go through in their relationships, especially when their union is troubled with constant spats regarding issues in their affair. Some of those issues arise from various expectations and responsibilities that each partner has towards their spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend in that relationship. In many relationship-counseling sessions held with various couples from different walks of life, and through discussions with other counselors - many couples’ biggest barrier, that ultimately lead to the relationship’s demise, is blame-shifting.

Blame-shifting is one of the major selfish acts that couples unintentionally or, in some cases intentionally impose, emotionally, mentally or at times verbally towards their partners. When an individual gives away their power and responsibility in their relationship and forget what it means to communicate your aims and intentions within that particular relationship, truthfully and with respect, the blaming game starts surfacing amid their conversations. Finger-pointing, of what the other did or did not do, ether towards their psychological or physical welfare at a certain point in the relationship, can lead to endless emotional, verbal and physical abuse in your relationship.

Blame-shifting in society is generally prevalent towards women and seen as a social norm that men show towards women with slightly different behavioral tendencies, to what constitute a ‘proverbial’ woman. Many women are humiliated in public because, their dress-code commands rape upon them, some women are shamed, because their movements are manly and they fancy the same women that men want. At times, a tendency perceived by society in the streets is emulated by an individual within their close confines - a man that walks away from his child, blames that child’s mother for why he left a fetus that will be child for not being accommodative enough. A boy that makes a young girl pregnant blames the girl for giving him the fruit, or blames other man for putting the hot bun in the oven - An incessant circle of abuse, on shifting the blame from your selfish acts to the next person, for you to flee that particular situation.

During South Africa’s oppressive years, black men were blamed for ill-treating their women, whilst black men themselves were oppressed. Therefore, when the country was emancipated black women blamed black men for placing shackles around them, in all societal spheres, forgetting that the white oppressor had shackles around black men as well as black women on the similar Apartheid plateau. Today black men are blamed for not giving black women a ladder in all business avenues in this country. Are women shifting the blame? Is it the black men to blame for the past-oppressor? Are their black sons to blame for their fathers absconding on them and their family?

Township dwellers, predominantly in rural South Africa, have a tendency of blaming their neighbours of ‘Witchcraft’, which leads to some neighbours shifting their residential problems to people who are not in the least bit concern about what’s happening in their homes. This type of mob, blame-shifting is extremely dangerous mainly due to rumours scattered by a mob of people that dislike a particular person or family, thus branding them heretics - hated by all because they are easy to blame for creating supernatural occurrences that are hard pinpoint or proved to be real.

Individuals seek to escape their blame tendency by creating lies, on top of others lies and try to push the blame to people around them, be it friends, siblings, or their lovers. To take ownership of your own choices and actions of what you become in future is the hardest thing and the right thing to do. In a relationship your partner can only influence you; however it’s your choice to be influenced – if you know that your partners is a drug user, and you allow that partner to be part of your life, then do not propagate blame upon your partner to all and sundry, without analyzing the choices you made in that relationship that turned you into a druggie too – by avoiding the blame that is directed at you.

Even though physical abuse or any form of abuse, for that matter cannot be condoned, an abuser cannot carry on abusing you, unless you allow that abuser to keep abusing you – it may be hard, but walk away, stop blaming your partner for loving you too love and showing his affection by beating you. On the contrary, stop blaming yourself for his abusive tendency. Stop blaming your husbands or wives for not telling them how you really feel about your relationship, the result that led you to commit adultery.

Blaming your partner, friends or anyone in any situation can destroy the solid foundations which formed your relationship. Individuals take physical or psychological escapes by blaming their selfish actions on other individuals, thus fail to own up and mend on their past or immediate abusive selfish acts. Shifting the blame, from what you as an individual had to contribute to your relationship’s demise, is the easy way out. Acknowledge your own faults and fix them - in your relationship your partner can only influence you, however it’s your choice to be influenced. Blame-shifting drives an individual to highways of self-pity, self-worthlessness and makes you a self-protective chronic liar, that doesn’t care about anyone else’s self-love and self-worth; ultimately destroying your own transcending love and self.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

South Africa’s Integration Crisis

To attenuate the forces that aim at polarizing South Africa’s community without engaging in a proper channel of dialogue and debate in our nation - we need to face the political rhetoric of the past that has propelled the forces of hatred that has marginalized our nation without compromise. Instigating forces that have directly searched for ways to augment racial tension and division; to deaden efforts of the majority in our nation that aim at reconciling past indiscretions that were carried out by the minority within our population.

In the wake of an unfortunate death of AWB leader Eugene Terre’Blanche, who was the greatest polarizer in our nation by far - preaching white Afrikaner supremacy and badly beating, and mocking black people with his hate speech and violent actions, in his unworthy quest to polarize our nation farther - an antagonizing factor that was unnecessary in the process of healing our nation.

South Africans must be wary of inflaming violent acts instead of debating the problems that are a crisis in our country. Elements that need to be addressed unequivocally are the elements that aid racial separation in this country, which does include ANC Youth League president Julius Malema’s rendition of Apartheid reminiscing song, ‘Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer’. In the context of today’s Democratic society, the rendition does, according to our Constitution incite violence and inflame the hearts of Black Youth that are still entwined with bad sporadic treatments from their white counterparts.

The call for a united South Africa can never be met with the machiavellianist militant tactics that are presented by the ANC Youth League president – his heart and intentions maybe in a good place, however it is a paradox to what the African National Congress (ANC) stand for today (unless there are hidden agendas within the ANC, unbeknown to South Africans) . We can never have a cohesive, peaceful society without addressing the fundamental basics that had formed sections of our society who deem themselves superior than the rest of South Africa’s diverse society. The unjust prism of our ‘Rainbow Nation’ that is mangled by political dogma and corruption, will never be resolved; when the eyes of our politicians and society still see color, rather than humans coexisting with other humans.

The South African government needs to erase ambiguous puppetry systems that aim at pinning down developmental efforts for the blacks in our country that have been a consistent isolating element in our nation. The honorable President Jacob Zuma and his cabinet; need to stop dillydallying around important issues that have not been resolved since the introduction of our inaugural Democratic state – key being, service delivery and unemployment in our nation.

We can never deny that South Africa, particularly black South Africa needs economic and emotional healing from the indiscretions of the past, for as long as hateful images of the past that are still being carried-out by a few hateful minorities in some parts of South Africa continues. Our nation is still reeling from hateful treatment of black natives from agrarian fields to corporate boardrooms by those who do not believe in an integrated South African community that is governed by our Constitution.

South Africa is not yet fully emancipated from the shackles of the past - as a new Democratic country with issues of racial tension and service deliveries that are moving at a snail’s pace. We should not instigate violence in any form but rather point out unremitting hateful dogmatic attitudes that seek to polarize our nation; thus making it ungovernable.

In our nation building efforts polarizing instigators, have no place in our society – Integration is the only mechanism that will strengthen ties within the polarity factions between blacks and whites in our socially, linguistically, traditionally diverse nation. Without dialogue, South Africans shall endure a tenuous foreseeable future of civil war and genocide that has crippled many countries in Africa. We need to consolidate our efforts as a nation, and move forward in dialogue/debate through the South African Institute of Race Relation and identify critical areas that need hard work towards resolving the safety, wellbeing and prosperity of South Africans in South Africa.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Selfish Acts: A parent’s default.

To leave an everlasting legacy is a critical thing in this world – what you aspire to be in your daily interactions should reflect in your actions and how you as a person would want to be remembered and celebrated by your loved ones and the greater community at large. Paternal and maternal love is what drives an individual’s placidity and contentment in life – ultimately leading to your success. What happens when that love fails to protect or render a safe cushion to its offspring?

A parent’s love can at times turn to hurt instead of healing – failing love fails to inspire or fails to build ones character. A parent that has not achieved everything that they wished to have achieved in their youth, due to their irresponsibility, can times be restrictive to the children’s progress in life. Such restrictions come in the form of over-protectiveness which in its ripe state it’s total envy. Being over-protective as a parent puts boundaries to your child’s growth as an individual thus hampers their future prospects - be it career paths, business liaisons or love relations.

It is important that parents pursue their own ambitions, before or after having children. Why? Because, not doing so leaves an individual envies and angry at the world. Life has a way of throwing carve-balls at us as individuals, so much as we do not choose the time, place and why we are having children. Certain individuals have children for the wrong reasons, at the wrong time, or in unbefitting conditions; therefore leaves an individual to deduce or ascertain their unforeseen gift as a ‘mistake’- which is why numerous households in our population are in actual fact managed by single mothers. An unexpected pregnancy has a huge effect on why a man absconds and absentia in his children’s life; or a woman’s anger at having to cope with the fetus that will be child.

Parents, who become parents when they are not ready or without the assistance from their elders, draw negatively on their shortcoming, consequently become angry at themselves or the world thus applies their selfish acts upon on others. This anger does filter through to their children - constituting to some form of abuse or limitation to their children.

We as individuals grow-up in different households under variable conditions – some children are fortunate to have both their parents living with them in a loving relationship as life partners and are able to understand the power to love unconditionally with a purpose; hence they are able to show acting-love daily to their children and build their self-worth. Some children don’t have such loving parents; they are constantly bombarded with violent acts and abusive language which essentially expunge their self-love, self-worth and their life’s legacy.

However, it must be noted that parents with acting-love toward their children are and can be disappointed by their children in many unrequited ways – in a form of rebellion against what is expected of them. Children do flow against the ebb tide and are at times taken by the world and its debilitating formations or demoralizing structures (i.e. substance or alcohol abuse).

The biggest selfish act that a parent will ever administer verbally towards their children is to compare them with a person or individual that their children have never met, or an individual that they themselves know nothing of the circumstance. Your child/children are your child/children; they need inspiration from you as a parent through selfless love, acting-love and transcending love.

To leave an everlasting legacy needs a committing salvaging parenting love. Selfish love looks at what others have and try to replicate that without considering what it has right in front of them. What you aspire to be in your daily interactions should reflect in your actions and how you as a person would want to be remembered and celebrated by your loved ones. Self-love, through loving yourself and transcending love equals your self-worth which will ultimately inspire you to live your life with a purpose, leading to a valuable legacy – for you and your loved ones. It all starts with loving yourself as an individual, expunging resentment or your past inhibitions, which will make you a loving parent to your off-springs.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Thursday, March 4, 2010

SELF-LOVE: Transcending your love beyond words

When you love yourself, your words transcend beyond the material-love that define people in this world. It is essential that people learn to transcend their words into acting-love; love that learns to do love and be loved. Acting-love is transcending love, which transforms an individual spiritually, mentally and at times physically.

A holistic approach to finding the right love is to rip your-self of earthly possessions and find a way to assert your individual instinctive self into what is known as a ‘realistic-self’ or ‘authentic-self’. This ‘realistic-self’ that we as individuals forget to seek inside our selves is an essential entity that grounds us as people and paves our ways to our destiny, guided by our intuition and the knowledge we acquire in this world.

To gain a holistic understanding of transcending-love, one needs to move away from everyday notions of what is the world’s perception and expectancy from them – think and leave outside the norm. The world has shaped people into different classes or archetypes in terms of religion, social hierarchies, political affiliations, and tribalism, consequently individuals forget to look inwardly because they cannot shake the indoctrination that their different societal standings have implanted in their minds. Archetypes that are taught to execrate anything that doesn’t perceive the world from its point of view essentially go into the world with the aim of destroying that which is not known rather than seeking knowledge of the unknown.

Transcending-love begins with the self, your spiritual-self. It is a choice that is made between darkness and light – a spiritual entity that is not taught, that we are all born with and bestowed upon our earthly ‘temple’. Our bodies are a shrine, a place of worship where true faith begins and where it ends. We are all of love and light and are given choices in this world by our indoctrinators, the structures that are erected, and laws enacted to guide us in this world, which ultimately shape our personalities and drift some individuals away from their humanity and humility.

“What does it help for a man to gain the world and lose his soul.” There are many individuals that have lost their souls in this world by seeking outward transforming-love instead of inward transcending-love from the innate temple. As a person you do not need earthly things to define you - you want them to help you cope in this world. Letting earthly things define your ‘temple’, alters your personality and separates some individuals from their fellow humans. Gaining the world leaves you arrogant as you are driven by greed and power hungry ambitions – it inflates you ego and mind into thinking you own world and its entire race.

Self-love knows no iniquities and no archetypes; it originates from the love and light of the Creator that we are all innately anointed with. Self-love is transcending-love for it takes the goodness in this world of indoctrinators and chooses to be transparent, realistic and benevolent in its ambles in this short earthly experience. Self-love chooses the light and it’s not shaped by the darkness of this world – it is trust, motivation and healer to does that have left their own true worship place, their ‘temple’.

This form a big part in the importance of loving yourself - When you utter warm affectionate words to your loved ones, and motivating word to you people, those words must be met with acting-love, which will help to transcend your love into selfless love; authenticating your inner self-love - a resilient love that is never shaken nor destroyed by our brief earthly matters but innately shines to be a light in world filled with darkness.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Sunday, February 14, 2010

SELF-LOVE: The importance of loving yourself

The importance of loving yourself forms a resolute base in your humanity - who you are, where your origins are and where you are destined to go. Self-love is vital as it is the base for yourself affirmation and self-confidence. A destructive personality lacks self-love and cannot show or teach another to love or accentuate love in its real form – action.

Love is action – how you treat each other in a relationship will determine the latitude and longevity of your love; acting love is also an emotional triptych to all your friendships and acquaintances – showing hate gives back hate, showing love gives back love. Acting love comes in different forms; one being self-love – the ability to realize that you cannot love another unless you love yourself; two, exuding that love in everything you do; three, talk the talk and walk the talk – act on your promises; four, ability to know when you have faulted and acknowledge that you have; five, good communication – know where you stand and where your partner stands on your relationship is critical.

When you have self-love, you have trust in your ability to love whole-heartedly without giving away your responsibility, independence and self-respect to another person. Self-love affirms yourself realization and power to be in control to everything that comes your way and be ready to shed off disappointments from the people that you have entrusted your love to. Understanding that no one will love you as much as you love yourself, breathes understanding on why people tell you they love you and why they will err in their ways of loving, eventually ending their love. This also lays in association with knowing that you can never force anyone to love you, unless they love you for who you are. Forceful love needs a lot of convincing which eventually comes in materialistic forms, heartaches and unhappiness.

Material-love is what I call ‘outside conformation’ – When an individual needs conformation that their partner truly loves them or that they are truly loved, then their self-love cannot sustain their them through life’s hardships and obstacles that they need to overcome on their own. Material-love withers with time and does not and will not help a relationship that’s in trouble. It is the same with sexual-affirmation; when you love is base overtly, entirely on sexual contact, without honest communication, self-love is nonexistent, thus there is no loving relationship, only lust.

Learning that your partner loves you doesn’t mean that you own them and that they in turn own you, and should control your every move and association with other people. Self-love does not control, therefore help in building a concrete relationship by allowing self-development without closing opportunities for your lover with your jealousy. Over-protectiveness puts a strain to a loving relationship, sooner or later killing it. Jealousy places the perpetrator in an emotional prison and can be quelled through an open, trusting love with an innocent communication channel between partners.

The power to love depends on your power to show self-love, respect and independents and having the power to find inner love that is eternal. The type of love that keeps your fire for life burning, love that can resist abuse and learn to love again; love that can hold on to a one true-love and fight all temptations seeking to extinguish that loving flame. A love that will love you and love what your relationship or marriage procreates.

This importance of loving yourself can never be denied, it is vital for self-sustenance, self-respect and self-development. Loving yourself should not make you too complaisant, naïve or arrogant. However bear in mind that with no self-love your dignity is hampered.

When you love yourself in this world - the impossible turns into possible, and you learn to follow your heart’s desire reaching out to others honestly, without reservations or hidden agendas. Pure love is not confirmed by material-love; however pure love attracts honest love. In all the joys and pains in this life real love warms your heart and sees you through hardships. When you love yourself, your mister or miss right becomes a reality. Love and love big, never forget to love yourself.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Thursday, January 28, 2010

This life is for me to tame
To walk in the halls of fame
With the legendary kings in the game
To learn from the best not lame
In the sphere of hope, I rhyme
Smear thy nemesis with shame
My dreams for now in rime
This life is for me to tame
All in good time


Sexual preference is a personal entity that is guided by sensual desires from each individual, which are feelings that are instinctive and secretive. Some issues relating to sexuality are anomalous in nature and should be kept behind closed doors - however due to the voyeuristic society that we live in, sexuality is no longer a taboo issue and matters that should be kept out of the public eye are dealt with publicly.

Teenage promiscuity is one of the greatest concerns of our society. We teach our teenagers to protect themselves from Sexual Transmitted Infections (S.T.Is), and H.I.V/AIDS with disposable condoms. We teach young girls to protect themselves from premature births through birth control pills and injections and yet society welcomes infants yearly from teenagers. Are condoms and birth control mechanisms being used? In past decades the scourge of H.I.V/AIDS has ravaged the African continent and the world at large. The rate of H.I.V/AIDS and other infections has increased and millions of South Africans are at risk of contracting this rampaging pandemic.

Rape, is one of the most inhuman, heartless diabolical ways that leads to sexual apathy, leaving its victim reaped of their dignity and pride. At times, a victim of rape is tainted with a deadly mark of H.I.V/AIDS and emotional scars for life. Rape victims find attachment and sacredness of sexuality with another person an emotional turnoff and an unwanted burden, however on the flipside; for emotional validation, rape victims use sexuality as escapism from their emotional pain they suffered, thus become promiscuous in the hope of extinguishing their pain. According to D.A Louw and D.J.A Edwards from the book, ‘PSYCHOLOGY: An introduction for students in southern Africa’ - sexual drive is said to be, “physiologically-based, in humans it is influenced, to a very large degree, by psychological and environmental factors.” (1993: 445) Rape victims after being raped, see their environment as a prison they need to escape from - therefore, to them there is no sacredness to sexuality.

Pedophilia forms a big part to sexual anomaly, which has left young boys and girls with a significant psychological laceration that impel, in most cases, some individuals to repeat the same circle that was perpetrated to them - when not dealt with through physiological and psychological healing, can set a never ending bend of abusers at times reaching far as creating serial killers.

At times verbal, physical and emotional abuse can and does contribute to sexual deviations with two people who are accustomed to a loving sacred space between them. Verbal tension or lack of communication does drive partners to commit infidelity, which places them at a risk of contracting the virus - however this is not the only factor. A number of women surreptitiously complain about how they are ashamed of their sexuality, when their husbands come home drunk to a pulp, thus go out to seek a sacred space from other man. Alcohol abuse can leave a man delusional, thinking that they are contributing fully to their spousal sexual relation, when in reality they do not - which does prove that the environment factors and psychological thinking of an individual alters their way of sexual perception and contributes to their relationship.

In Greek mythology, Aphrodite the Goddess of beauty and sexual desire was attributed to all things that are good and pleasurable to the sacred space of sexuality. The Babylonians, Assyrians, Greeks, and Romans erected sculptures of such Goddesses as Aphrodite and Venus to celebrate sexuality millenniums ago. This was done in such elegance and finesse which helped chronicle the behavioral patterns of ancient civilizations towards sexuality and the physical aesthetics to it. The Indians propel this to the art of Karma Sutra, which is a Hindu and Buddhist philosophy of celebrating the Goddess of love and procreation.

The sacred space of sexuality is a space that needs to be respected between an individual and their significant other – be it a heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual relation. This emotive factor behind sexuality, which is its fundamental role, for a man and a woman to bond and ultimately consummate their relationship and at times procreate thus help generate the human race.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Thursday, January 14, 2010


The one way of communication that has had and still has an endurable influential impact on old and new traditions, and trends - bridging cultural connections with a melodic evolution to humankind’s existence and people that love the pleasures of sound - is music. With the beating of drums civilization tuned its lineage of sound and musical beats, emanating from different regions in the world, altering and forging values and traditions of all tribes, groups and nations.

The spiritual attachment to sound is a universally known philosophical wisdom, which eons ago prompted spiritual religious cults to spring-up amongst uncivilized tribal populace – chanting, raving rhymes that later evolved into song (groups that are still evident to date). Cultural cults that intertwined with their community bringing song and entertainment to them by reinterpreting, enacting and creating lyrical tales that brought emotional enrichment and fulfillment - ultimately leading certain cults that were originally religious groups forming liberal musical groups that took the gift of song to another level.

This level of communication with sound, evolved into alternative genres that were originally defined from the gesticulating, hypnotizing sounds of the drum to sounds of Rhythm & Blues (Rn’B), Rock, Rap, Disco, Grunge, Reggae, Hip Hop, Jazz, Kwaito, House Music, Ragga, Country Music, Pop and Kwela (dominated by the sounds of the flute).

It is to such sounds of melodic tempo which I found myself immersed and mesmerized at a very young age during 1980s. I would watch my Bab’Mkhulu and his friends swaying and swinging to the musical sounds of Jazz and Kwela legends from the early hours of Saturday morning until the late hours of that day. The sounds of Abigail Kubeka, Lady’s Smith Black Mambazo, Hugh Masekela, Brenda Fassie, Stimela, Caiphus Semenya’s Ziphi’inkomo and Letta Mbulu’s Nomalizo reverberating all day, after the day’s humble beginning with bitter-sweet protest sounds of Jazz from Mariam Makeba and Harry Belafonte, African Jazz Pioneers with Kid Mawrong’rong blowing hard on his sax (God bless Mr. Ralulimi). Encouraged by the legendary Ray Charles fiddling with the piano through our Panasonic speakers, in the mid-afternoons with Hit the Road Jack, supported by Stevie ‘Mr. Wonderful’ Wonder’s songs from the album ‘Songs in the Keys of Life’ and the smell of Braai on our make-shift braai-stand and bellowing voices of intoxicated men; I would emulate Ray and Stevie’s famous swaying and facial expressions, pretending to be them (Jamie, that was my role son!). However my personal favorites were the late performing artists, Pop legend Michael Jackson and the king of Reggae, Bob Marley.

In the early 1990s when the cadence of Disco music was reaching its probable end, giving birth to the higher-tempo of House music; Kwaito and Afro-Pop became a new revolutionary statement for the youth of South Africa. Arthur Mafokate was the leader in this new Kwaito genre that will prove to be stronger than Mkhukhu, Maskandi or Bubble gum sounds that had dominated South Africa’s Bantu radio stations in the 1980s. Kalawa Records was born, with the likes of Thebe, Oscar ‘Oskido’ Mlangeni, Bruce Sebitlo, Boom Shaka, Bongo Muffin, Alaska, and Mafikizolo started rocking the South African music scenes. Independent players in the game of Kwaito emerged – Mdu Masilela, Joe Nina, Zola, HHP and TKzee proved to be worthy competitors altering the sound to a more lovable alternative tune with different compositions. Compositions that later in 2003 gave birth to an elusive balaclava character named Mzekezeke, with the late T.K showcasing her beautiful sensual Rn’B voice in South Africa.

Then, foreign sounds from prominent Rn’B, Rock, Pop and Rap music icons like Bono, Sting, Nirvana, Vanilla Ice, Chris Cross, Tupac Shakur, Aaron Hall, Dr Dre, Jay Z, Snoop Dogg, Foxy Brown, Lil’Kim, Nas, Mos’Def, MC Lite, Notorious B.I.G, Salt n’ Pepper, LL Cool J, The Fugees, Michael Jackson, Johnny Gill, Bruce Springsteen, Phil Collins, Elton John, Boyz ІІ Men, Brandy, PM Dawn, R Kelly, et al – were shaping the future of music globally, with Eminem, Kanye West and The Black Eyed Pease joining the fray on the turn of the millennium.

Today’s melodies and lyrical content, predominantly in the South African and American music industries need to be beefed up. When artists in the United States came out in support of a statement that was made by one of their colleague that, ‘Hip Hop is dead’ it was a collective truth the world was waiting to hear. The death of Hip Hop is brought on by the number of newer artists, sampling and repeating the same lyrics that were done decades ago. In some cases when a song is sampled and remixed, that improves the song drastically, conversely when older ‘hit songs’ are sampled changing them for the worse, it makes the music industry look like a superfluous music factory that lacks creativity.

Information overload is one of the tools that contributed to the death of the Hip Hop genre globally since the dawn of this millennium. Technological gadgets that allow people to download music not only led to killing the music industry worldwide, however played a hand in slumping the financial remuneration aimed at improving the industry and the artist’s livelihood on albums sales. In South Africa archetypes of American artists and beats made it difficult for our music to penetrate overseas markets due to local artists emulating the type of sound that has dominate the world over.

Musicians and writers who come up with their own lyrical content and structure in this industry help in advancing the musical revolution in this difficult stage of the entertainment industry. The frustrations felt by musician are also evident in their fans, with music taking a redundant route and rocketing album prizes.

In my household we embraced the joys and pleasures of sound. Music that began with the beat of the drum, music that aims at disseminating political, cultural, religious, and any societal ills that need to be addressed in camouflage - music that aim at bridging the gap of inequality; celebrating new love and rekindling old love, forging friendships, a remembrance and authenticity of life.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Community Radio: The Voice of Tembisa

The Voice of Tembisa or V.O.T as it is affectionately known is a community radio station based at T-Shad in Sangweni section, Tembisa that was established by Reynold Nkwe, together with the community of Tembisa, at 87.6 FM, which targets close to a hundred thousand listeners within the peripheries of Tembisa and surrounding areas, including Alexandra Township.

The station was first inaugurated on the 5th of December, 1997, however due to a lack of funds and sponsorship, the project was then placed into remission and disappeared from the community scenes, nearly two years after its inception.

On the 3rd of December, 2005, V.O.T reopened its doors with the biggest salutation from the community of Tembisa, bringing along a glimmer of hope and a promise that, the future will not repeat the calamities of the past. However, according to the then acting Station Manager Portia Zwane, who also presented a mid-morning show, called REFLECTION, between nine and twelve; the station was still facing major problems due to improper behavior by certain individuals who are reluctant to follow the ethical codes of ICASA (Independent Communications Authority of South Africa), which is the governing body to rules and regulations concerning Broadcast Media.

The board members selected to represent the community reflect a false image of the community and are not as instrumental to influencing the content needed to develop the identity of the radio station - consists of forty-five staff members and a board of ten members that were selected from prominent community leaders. The Broad of Representatives is a pendulum that boasts an equal equity of gender with five females and five males in the board. Including the station's Program's Manager, the Marketing Department, News Desk, and the Public Relations Officer. Most of the members are not full-time employed due to a lack of funds in the station and little resources available for the technical side of the production.

The Voice of Tembisa Community Radio to my opinion is still a baby that needs to be nurtured and directed to the adult steps of Regional Radio station like Youth FM (YFM, 99.2), KASI FM (Katlehong) and JOZI FM (Community Radio)). Even though it is a community radio station nothing can restrict the station to follow in the footsteps of these larger radio stations. However due to management squabbles and infighting by Board members, reaching that goal seems to be an insurmountable dream.

The Management of the station needs to be changed with a more free-flowing constructed structure and format established. The station lacks the spirit of youthful zest that a young Community Radio Station evidently must have in order for it to generate more Share and Reach which are the most important elements that support the growth of the station.

The future of radio in Tembisa is a struggle to the ears of the Tembisans and needs a competent team of educated young bloods to emancipate the community from the shackles of bad radio. The community needs to standup, particularly the youth and enhance the standards of radio in Tembisa.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala