Saturday, January 8, 2011


It is a realistic principle that a human individual condition needs others to survive, and exalt the joys of life by every means, ways practicable and imaginable. In healing ourselves, a commonality in how we perceive certain realistic nuances, and in upholding a united front in our pursuit, attaining and maintain reasonable, content growth, through maturity and transcendent in love. And through the understanding that in all traumatic and tragic missteps in our easy and difficult strolls in life, we stoke up different experiences and realities that pulls each one of us away from the commonality goal of a united front, distinctively setting each individual apart from the other individual – emotional needs and wants.

Before applying healing processes, an individual needs to acknowledge what has been dented; which specific area needs attention and healing; whether Emotional, Mental or Physical. One has to be willing to heal or be healed, after a dented area is recognized and after accepting their emotional deficiency or shortcomings.

Injury caused by others, or self inflicted is injury to the Self. As a result, injury to the Self fragments the psychological makeup of any individual, which at times defrauds one of their physical existence. When an individual is hurting, healing seems a daunting task because, emotional scars darken ones inner Self and ones subsistence in its entirety.

Emotional deficiency, is your emotional deprivation formed by the inability to deal with traumatic occurrences or lacking support and inner strength to deal with emotionally and mentally overpowering situations. In healing we need support from others through their physical presence and conversations; however in healing an individual is their own ultimate enemy – as noted, through a state of self-denial and self-loathing.

To initialize healing processes we first need to heal in Self. Trauma of any kind, is cause for one to loathe their inner Self, themselves, others and despise their own surroundings, which makes it extremely difficult for one to see light at the end of the tunnel. To heal in Self, others may offer verbal inferences on how one should take steps towards mending their own emotional and mental deficiencies, the end result being uttered suggestions through uplifting conversations. No one can take an individual to a place of healing, unless that individual is willing to walk that road to a healing place. To mend the Self starts with restoring ones inner elusive nuances, and resolves, by the same individual that is suffering.

In every individual there is an inner voice that drives your core. The inner voice is the center of your temple and who you are deeply. It is the inner voice that needs to be transcended from what is known as darkness to a better alternative known as light. The dark side of the voice reflects negatively in everything and everyone; then there is the light side of the voice, which reflects everything that is positive and drives your intuitive Self – where healing must begin.

The intuitive Self or Inner Positive Self has the strength to enable an individual to apply self-resilience in every calamitous trauma that they come across. True healing starts with attentively listening to your authentic intuitive voice, Self; to enable you to gain inner strength and radiate that positive energy towards an environment or individual that has faltered your emotions, and physic.

A psychological retrospection and introspection of an individual through counseling sessions, can help digress steps of an individual journeying towards a dark rough verge, preventing a probable fall to their premature, hopeless, self-loathing, self-denying death. The intuitive Self begins with listening to the inner voice, thus taking the right choices that one comes across to, meaning listening to the positive and not the negative to permit the right holistic path to healing – emotionally, mentally and physically.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


“In real life we deal, not with gods, but with ordinary humans like ourselves: men and women who are full of contradictions, who are stable and fickle, strong and weak, famous and infamous.” NELSON MANDELA

Monday, December 20, 2010


To go through life haven’t had somebody who loves and cherish the ground you walk on, somebody that loves you for who you are, somebody that reciprocate your acting-love in a way that makes you feel and know that you are appreciated. Some individuals are fortune to find such love and relationships that carter to them such emotional maturity; however what happens to an individual that is viewed as an object of ridicule in every relationship that they venture into.

When does an individual know that they are an object of ridicule in their relationships? It does not matter what anyone says or do – in any relationship, you are an object of ridicule when your friend (s), spouse or relative (s) expects you to always supply them with what they want without ever thinking about your needs and how you feel when they demand things from you. You are an object of ridicule, when you constantly have to nag people around you and in your life to appreciate you and distinguish you as an equal in how you perceive life. You are an object of ridicule, when your opinion does not matter to the people you perceive as equals and respect in love and in any work environment. You are an object of ridicule when you always have to compromise, when no one is willing to meet your compromise halfway.

When your partner sees you as object of bodily and oral abuse, an object that is vocally lambasted, emotionally bastardized, psychologically raped from its inner self and outer façade. You are not only an object ridicule but, an insignificant person to them and everyone in your social standing that allows such violent nature take unsolicited control over your existence. You are an object of ridicule when emotional, mental and physical social vagabonds think and treat you as an object that is subjected to rape, incest, sodomy, and spiritual-bodily-torture.

Recently, young children in Pretoria were allegedly used as objects of sexual ridicule, when they were reported as being abused in an repulsive pornographic manner, by adults that were supposedly expected to nurture, protect and guard them as children.

When any individual, for all else that matters, sees you as a good for nothing human object, except as an object of psychopathic orgasmic pleasure, similar to the porn videos that are popular with sex addicts around the world, or are expected to an ATM machine whenever you enter into any conversation with your ‘friend’ (s), or family members; then you are not in relationships that will give you emotional sustainability, and growth that is needed to bring you inner and outer fulfillment in your life.

You are an object of ridicule when you are beaten, overused and misused, without being shown any gratitude for who you are and what you are to those you appreciate and fraternize with. A man that picks up rubbish, is as important as the man that writes the law of the land and as important as the man that implements, delegates that same law. A woman that bares you children is more important and more opulent as the diamond and gold you place in her finger.

There comes a point in your relationships, when and where you have to stand your ground as an individual and demand to be respected and loved as much as you give respect and give love – demand to reciprocate emotionally and physically what is ricochet towards you.

No woman, no man are objects of ridicule to any individuals that walks, breathes, and lives as they do. Eliminating destructive tendencies that ridicules other people should be every person’s ultimate goal to aid in ministering a path of self-sacrifice, self-love and transcending-love. Transcending love that is love and light, emanating from within - growth that knows that you can only maintain who you truly are without destroying the world around you or treating others as objects of ridicule.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Sunday, December 12, 2010


An individual’s resilience within their own Self begins within themselves. Emotional negligence does cannot be exclusively be attributed to your parents, or to people that brought you up. Mental and emotional breakdown can be traced to an individual’s inability to comprehend and acknowledge the events or emotional situation that led to their emotional trauma, and the role they had to play for them to be in that situation.

It is undeniable that Psychopathic Tendencies are taught over a period of constant abuse, and emotional negligence by people that an individual perceived as their guardians, or loved ones – where an individual is constantly assailed with negative psychological and physical abuse. A child has no control over what happens to their livelihood and their living environment.

Psychopathic tendencies are malevolently entrenched during the fragile years of infancy and teenage years. When irresponsible adults impose their immoral, filthy habits upon youngsters, that do not have an inkling on how or what life entails. It is during these fragile years that a future abuser or pedophile is magnetism by the forces of abuse, dictating what they will be to society in the future; however during the teenage years, peer-pressure does play a fundamental psychological role in shaping a young person’s mental and behavioral aptitude and approach towards others and towards life.

An abuser kills the little resilience that a youngster has by constantly showing them the dark side of life, through remittent psychological disillusionment that was taught to them by other abusers. Through peer-pressure, youngsters want to be recognized and accepted by the fellow peers, therefore go out of their own moral belief to try and please their friends, hence conform to how their friends perceive life to be. It is through peer-pressure that youngster become abusers of drugs, and show signs of promiscuity, which does lead to a premature infection related death.

Life is immersed with positive things that can build a youngster to be an self-accountable, self-dependable, respectable and self-restraint individual within their community. It is through accountable, dependable, respectable individuals that youngsters learn to be a moral fabric to society. On the other hand, life is full of individuals that think that treating others badly is a normal thing to do. Life is a pendulum between goodness and wickedness.

To teach Self-resilience in youngster, adults need to know the limitations between good parenting and bad parenting. Adults need to know when to institute Tough-Love that is loving and not destructive Tough-Love. Adults need to know their own self-restraint and their own self-resilience. To eliminate unwanted emotional, mental and physical social environmental impacts, such as rape, verbal abuse, alienation, and physical abuse in any form – that do contribute to weakening ones spirit. That help in shaping a youngster’s perception, thus their personality. Adults/Guardians have to be uncompromising nurturing individuals to self-resilience to their children and for their children.

Self-resilience begins with you as an individual, however that resilience needs to be taught from a young age – meaning, physical and psychological nurture and protection for a youngster from infancy through to their teenage years. Self Destructive and Self Positive Criticism also contributes to Self-resilience. And builds Self-restraint for an individual through their adult years. Self-restraint needed to eliminate abusive tendencies.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Friday, December 10, 2010


In the bleak mist of confusion
This man toils in constant action
As uncanning ripples of life affect
Like the womb that borne with fact
Impregnated with the realistic mission
A speed with a purpose in passion
Seeking liberation in education
A lyrical verse that flows in ocean

Better recognize!
A creative native
That strides with motive

Forfeiting the riches of pretense
In faces of brethren with lost tense
An ideal aspiration shinning a promise
As beauty does to a man's heart amiss
Mankind's woes felt in the veins of homage
When the treads of experience a tale of age
In the oracle that promises insight
Within the ignoble actions left on site

You better recognize!
A creative native
That strides with motive

This creative native will walk with pride
In the minds of honor, conviction will ride
Ride on to infinite inhibitions of breath
As the kiss of wealth rotates mother earth
A native that beholds a persona of own
In the breeze of privileged time’s loan

Do you recognize?
A creative native
That strides with motive

This creative native will voice
An accrued finale of traveled choice
A ululation of gifted veins in grace
In ancestry that celebrates color in race
Word to this Creative Native!

By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Instituting tough-love is a difficult parenting tool that is essential at times to enable your child/children to prepare themselves for the tough, enjoyable, cruel place that is life. A child needs tough-love because of the obstacles of peer-pressure that they will have to overcome during their teen years; and the choices that they will have to make to determine their growth and contentment in their will have to reach in their adult years. Parents can at times become too compulsive in instilling moral values, which they themselves find hard to practice, therefore filter values of hypocrisy towards their children to append in their destructive immature immoral ways. When is tough-love needed?

When implementing tough-love as a parent, it is important that you have your own moral foundation intact. It does not help implementing something that you, yourself does not believe in. Playing double-standards with your own life and the lives of other people, particularly your child/children can and will produce dreadful consequences. Discipline is not just plain and simple discipline.

There are two constituting types of tough-love: The first is referred to as ‘loving tough-love’ and the second is referred to as ‘destructive tough-love’. Loving Tough-Love is the type of a parental disciplinary mechanism that enables your child to reflect at their surroundings, home environment and their parents’ behavioral pattern, attitude towards life and how they treat others; meaning friends, neighbours or strangers and their next of kin. When implement tough-love as a parent your words must be in queue with your actions, to enable your child to learn from you. Tough-love means, knowing that your child has flawed and knowing when to reprimand their errs in the right time and place, appropriately within character building means.

Loving Tough-Love understands that their child’s characters is different from theirs or others children, thus tries to view things from the eyes of their children. It does not help shouting at your child/children when they do something wrong - all they will know is that problems are solved by playing the shouting game, which will most likely lead to violent means. Be the acting-love, talk to your child and understand what they want and why they want it, show them the ways of acquiring without destroying others and themselves, because you should provide all they need until they are matured enough to take care of themselves. Loving Tough-Love understands the way of the world – it is informed.

Destructing Tough-Love is the type of love where parents do or act totally, morally incorrectly and expects their children to not emulate their destructive ways. Destructive Tough-love expects a child/children to bring themselves up without any parent acting-love and essential nurturing support. Destructive Tough-Love does not monitor what the child is doing, how they do it, when they do it, with whom they do it with, at what cost they do it in. Destructive Tough-Love disciplines violently without any meaningful conversations with its child/children. Destructive Tough-Love always blames the child and kills their inner Self. Ultimately, Destructive Tough-Love, destroys your child’s self-esteem, self-worth, self-consistency, self-love and their transcending growth. Destructive Tough-Love does not understand the ways of the world – it is ignorant.

There is no guide in being the perfect parent, everyone does morally err, as a result no one is perfect in this world. At times parents themselves are children that were not given ‘Loving Tough-Love’, therefore have no expertise in implementing that type of love to their own children. Playing the game of tough-love becomes a dangerous affair to both child and parent.

It does not help implementing something that you, yourself does not believe in. As parents we need to teach our children to be morally viable, by doing morally viable things right in front of them. This aids in the proficiency of being the right parent and implementing the right type of Tough-Love needed to bestow character building, Growth and Transcending-love to your children.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


South Africa’s flawed promises of Outcome Based Education (O.B.E) and its Outcome based Assessment (O.B.A), which is soon to be eradicated, that was implemented a decade ago, in the year 2000, after several years apartheid education policies were abolished and the new political dispensation with the birth of South Africa’s Democracy and the Constitution was formed.

The Mandela and Mbeki era heralded a review on our system of education and how educators imposed new education standards and its impact in the classroom, as oppose to apartheid, segregationist Bantu education policies and classroom principles; blamed for not producing enough free-educated-thinkers within the system. However over the years, it proved to be a flawed education system of learning both in implementation and acquiring learners with an excellent learning tool.

Outcome Based Education and Outcome Based Assessment was introduce to change the learners’ school environment, awareness to what is being taught and teacher’s assessment proficiency, respectively. The then new, teacher to learner interaction, under the Revised National Curriculum Statement (RNCS) together with the Department of Education, aimed to enhance individual learner techniques with specialized attention given to; Critical outcomes, Specific Outcomes, Assessment criteria, Range statement and Performance criteria, from each learner. B. Malan in a review conducted in 1997 said that “one of the aims why O.B.E was introduced in South Africa was to create opportunities for life-long learning to all South Africans. At the ultimate end of the learning process, the child must be able to do something to demonstrate that he/she has learned something.”

The philosophy of O.B.E is base on that “All learners can learn and succeed, but not on the same day, in the same way”. This technique was to encourage the learner’s authentic external behavior, their social reconstructive or transformation skills, critical thinking skills and pragmatic knowledge. With the learner taking charge of their own education, with the teacher mainly playing a role as a facilitator, and Education Department providing Provincial and National, quarterly and final examination papers. Aimed at doing away with the forceful devastating learning segregationist style of teaching, which commanded students that they had to know their learning material now and know it well.

The failure of the system of Outcome Based Education and Outcome Based Assessment, according to Mr. Noko Ramoroka’s extensively documented assessment dissertation of Outcome Based Education, conducted in 2005, for the Department of Curriculum Studies Faculty of Education, University of Pretoria; is attributed to firstly by, the educator’s, teacher’s or facilitator’s indecisiveness and lack of knowledge at implementing the Outcome Base Curriculum to the learners, due to various teaching methods to cater for different learning methods or styles and avoid boring lessons, therefore enabling individual learner attention. Secondly, to its contribution to the National drop of good literacy levels amongst youngsters during the phase of Outcome Base Education, thus aiding to cultivating a generation of young people who cannot read or write or calculate properly. Thirdly, its failure to increase National Matriculation result levels and failure to produce expected University standard students entrance.

According to the Department of Education’s Facilitator Manual in 2002, suggestions were made that educators should make clear, what will be assessed by the end of the learning process and plan how assessment will happen. The education department and facilitator were expected to determine the educator pupil ratio (number of pupils in the classroom), the impact that it has on O.B.E implementation by teachers; To determine whether the way in which learners are seated allows learners participation and whether a conclusive learning space is created; To determine whether educators follow different teaching strategies and have changed from direct instruction to a facilitative role; To determine how educators assess learners’ work and whether they follow multiple strategies when they assess learners work; to determine whether educators still dominate in the teaching-learning situation; To determine whether educators use relevant resources to help learner to achieve outcomes; To determine whether there is evidence that the educator accommodates O.B.E premises and principles in the classroom practices.

Outcomes Based Education incorporated South Africa’s National Qualification Frameworks (NQF), which has three broad bands of education: General education and Training, Further Education and Training, and Higher Education and Training.

It has been extensively documented that since 2007, South Africa has in the range of about 12 million students, more than 360,000 teachers and 28,000 schools. School-goers are expected to attend school for at least 13 years with the “exceptions of grade 0, 10, 11 and 12”. Traditional universities offer degrees that are more theoretically-oriented (University of Cape Town, University of Pretoria, University of the Witwatersrand). Universities of Technology on the other hand offer degrees in technical fields that involve various practical applications (Central University of Technology, Cape Peninsula University of Technology).

During the tenure of Professor Kader Asmal as Minister of Education, Curriculum 2005 was already in its helms. Professor Asmal’s greatest challenges was to oversee the merging in of O.B.E into both GET (General Education and Training) and FET (Further Education and Training) systems of learning for further education starting from grade 10. A listening in campaign, to hear the views of society, was one of the resources that the Minister of Education utilized to strengthen the course to Outcomes Based Education or Curriculum 2005. A different curriculum in subjects such as mathematics, physical science, life science, technology and communication were approved and circuited Nationally.

Some rural areas of our country are still littered by a shortage of teachers, classrooms, in some cases a whole school, text books, proper sanitation and a desperately needed transportation system to ferry distant based pupils to and from school daily. These concerns have for years contributed to many rural school-goers dropping out, and some succumbing to a destined dry life in their remote villages.

Recently, government and the education ministry was bombarded with teacher salary increment demands, which led to union affiliated teachers, and none union affiliated teachers, from all provinces of our country downing pens, pencils and chalk to strike on their grievances. Some teachers called for an improvement in the implementation of education system, and the challenging conditions that teachers are faced with daily, including disobedient children in their classrooms.

The system of O.B.E has failed South African school-goers, their teachers, their parents and the South African Government and Department of Education. Products of Outcome Based Education are not only appalling at syntax, constructing well formulated sentences, they cannot solve complex mathematical problems and have proved to be unemployable in the job market. Most parents blame this shortcoming of this system of education to technology, at how youngsters use abbreviated messages not only outside the classroom, but also in their classroom written work and forgetting the culture of reading and writing.

The education system needs improvement in implementation, and drastic changes over the coming years and many educators have reiterated the need for such a change – others argue that oversees the education system of the Republic of South Africa. If the system is to be changed and how effective the proposed system will be, remains to be seen.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Friday, November 26, 2010

CHANGING THE SELF: Self-criticism

Falling into the frenzy of self-pity can be a wicked emotional and psychological knock-out blow for an individual that has witnessed trauma beyond their wildest existence. In the mist of self-pity, lingers self-doubt and self-criticism; blaming and beating yourself for the things that you have done.

Self-criticism is all about an individual acknowledging and responding to critics or responses on the things that they have done in their lives. Criticism come in two different forms – there is constructive criticism, and there is destructive criticism. Constructive criticism aims to build ones character traits and pave the way to their reasonably idyllic future, when destructive criticism aims at violently debilitating and finally exhausting ones character and self.

Destructive criticism is when an individual fails to face up to their own mistakes, thus succumb to blame-shifting, which is one of the major selfish acts an individual can ever do to themselves, their community members, their partner, their family or relatives. When one consistently blames others for their own failure and fall short of owning up to their own doing for the failure, everything they do becomes destructive. Alternatively, destructive criticism is dished out by people surrounding you to make you negatively quill your ambitious ways.

A subtle destructive criticism comes when an individual, persistently beat themselves up emotionally and mentally for abusive things that were done to them by others; at times abusive things that they themselves did without planning to do them; in some cases, failure to achieve their goals in life due to the inability and lack of skills to reach that particular goal, therefore the failure becomes an abrasive stain to their inner self. Condemning themselves into the dark psychological wilderness of self-pity, which at times may lead to suicide.

Constructive criticism also emits mirrored ideological view points with a different psychological aurora each time an individual is criticized. Firstly, constructive criticism comes negatively, when viewed from a personal view point, aimed at criticizing your persona, disapprovingly and not what you do or did, can strengthen your inner self when you learn to overcome it. Which does improve yourself self-belief and self-assertiveness in things that you do – meaning, it bring growth to an individual.

Secondly, when your work or your behavior is criticized constructively, aimed at improving the quality of your work or your behavioral pattern it brings betterment in your pursuit of living your destiny, psychologically, and physically - the type of environment you live in or aim to chase your destined life in. It is constructive criticism from other people, that gives you a different ideological, artistic, stylish view point from what you thought was the accepted, or uncharacteristic that aligns your mental-self, emotional-self to greatness. Constructive criticism separates a genius from the ordinary in the fraternity of thinkers, artists, workers and sporty individuals.

It is important to know that people view a different person differently from what is constituted as being normal in every community. Therefore, an individual that excels or is seen as strange physically, mental and spiritually will be criticized for who they are or what they are. This negative form of criticism is does drive individual to commit cruel psychological and physical atrocities to those different from who or what they are. Leading to psychological and physical trauma.

At a certain point of your life, assiduous critics and psychological constitutional barriers arise; therefore alter your course to self-worth, self-love and transcending love. We all view criticism differently, evidently react differently towards certain critical moments, however when we chose to react negatively towards certain critical moments in our lives, we end up destroying the positive phenomenal aurora aimed a uplifting our Self. Criticism, whether be it noble or wicked can aid in assuring the path of growth for the Self. It all depends on how you take it.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Taking the law into your own hands, resides beyond the regular criterion of society at large – it resides in the frameworks of total iniquity . When society fails to adhere to the rules and regulations that are aimed at imparting peace and stability within its jurisdiction, a chaotic state is affirmed.

South Africa has witnessed many such occurrences of a chaotic state in regards to many issues of governance that require more bureaucratic, political attention than others – namely corruption. Decisive steps need to be taken towards municipal, legislative and government malpractice that is very rampant in our society. Bureaucratic, political steps that will assure effective governance to any political order, be it socialistic, capitalistic or democratic (Notwithstanding totalitarians).

Criminal activities and criminals come in many forms, without any doubts, however bureaucratic crime or white-collar crime is one massive driving force behind lesser misdemeanor crimes. Bureaucratic crime, is an instigating pestilence behind vigilantism, which led to numerous unexpected sporadic attacks on foreign-nationals, in many parts of the country. Bureaucratic crimes were fully driving these xenophobic attacks. Many vigilante groups are seen as apolitical, when in actual fact their core stems around politically driven affiliations.

The policing structures of our country, from walk-about policing, to National Intelligence was centralized to focus mainly on what was broad to the fore by the infamous, crime fighting unit, the Scorpions. The Scorpions had a punitive shortcoming with the bureaucratic elite, due to its investigative aptitude, and for enforcing punitive legislative measures upon bureaucratic, political criminals without favoring their aristocratic ranks in society.

The Scorpions unraveled diminutive white-collar crimes which pointed a big tinted finger towards influential heads within the South African political circles; when the puzzle of these diminutive crimes were adjoined to be a compendium of one large bureaucratic misgivings in our political history - which of cause led to the political demise of one beloved African Renaissance’s son. The Scorpion’s sting fell off, when its intelligent head was chopped – giving raise the soothing Hawks.

A bureaucratic crime is discovered, a political head goes to prison, to secretively sweep the conspiracy under - millions of Rands aimed for development go unaccounted for under false companies. Nine months in total bliss, a few shakes here and a few shakes there, Eureka! The bars are off.

The country has seen a neo-Political atmosphere with our commander-in-chief President Jacob Zuma and his appointed, reshuffled and reappointed cabinet of Ministers – with Julius tailing the Mine Nationalization issue with his young bureaucratically ambitious cadres. Capitalism or monocracy?

The major issue with President Zuma’s cabinet is the Media Appeals Tribunal and the newly proposed Information Bill, that will force the Media or journalists, by law to reveal their sources; overtly allow government officials to hide damning information against officials from journalists and the greater public. The frameworks of total iniquity will come with these projected diplomatic legislative chess pieces, that will see South Africa become another China, and Gambia with its freedom of expression curtailed by an authoritarian hand that induces propaganda upon its citizenry.

The jurisdiction of the law can never serve its society fully, when its bureaucratic elite wields the power to impose issues of greater public significance without placing those issues on a Referendum, to weigh-out the pros and cons of those particular issues, within the public domain.

No political party is bigger than the Constitution, the law of the land – accordingly, no political party is exempt from operating within the jurisdiction of the law. In our Democratic State, no bureaucratic heads shall take the law in their own hands, and deem others fit for persecution. The People shall Govern!


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Friday, November 5, 2010


Reaching a correct rational resolution with the Self, takes times when an individual’s emotions, psyche and physical self-love, is in disarray. We do dark things in our lives, that we are not proud of however, in doing so there is always a choice to revert to our old humane Self, if we are prepared to restore the eternal love and everlasting light that has always shone within. Change within the bounds of the Self, is a realistic and an undeniably possible remedy for an individual who is troubled, to eradicate the blueprints of its dark ways. It is all activated by the right attitude towards reconciling your mental faculty, with your emotional faculty – it all starts with Self-forgiveness.

Self-forgiveness, is a thought and life altering process aimed for the betterment of the Mental, Emotional, and Physical. It is an emotionally excruciating task for one to do a mental, emotional and physical introspection and retrospection, of what they have done in their lives to make their inner Self alter its course from reaching the omnipotent light.

To blame yourself for things that you did, because you did not know better or lacked the knowledge of taking the appropriate choice, is not an amusement. It is the seed that spreads the roots of self-loathing, self-alienation and self-destruction. The seed and roots that harvest the fruits of hate and dark persona, which bears the trees of self-annihilation.

When an individual vehemently abhors something or someone, without concrete base of why they detest so much. The darkness within them consumes them, thus dictates the terms of how they will react towards that particular thing or someone. Consequently, the rational is lost, replaced by madness and diabolical thoughts; culminating to an unwanted end.

What does it mean to forgive yourself? Self-forgiveness starts with Self-respect and Self-love. When you respect and love yourself, you see life in a different light, as opposed to hurting and hating everything in it. Self-forgiveness means, recognizing and acknowledging the source of your psychological and spiritual dilemma, and taking ownership for your part. Self-forgiveness means, taking the suitable steps in changing your false psychological and spiritual attitude, towards your behavioral and thinking pattern. Self-forgiveness means, knowing that you own your inner Self, your thinking and emotions – no other person can touch your inner Self, unless you allow them to. Self-forgiveness means, reconstructing the events that took you to a dark place and mending the ‘HOW’ it happened. Self-forgiveness means, reconciling your inner Self with the source, the light; and redeeming yourself from the darkness that has shrouded your soul. Self-forgiveness means, forgiving those that have wronged you and asking forgiveness from those that you have wronged.

Self-forgiveness means, knowing that life is an intellectual and physical game that you have to win, without resorting to ways that will hinder your Self-respect, Self-love, Self-consistency, Self-belief and Transcending-love. Self-forgiveness means bringing peace unto yourself.

To truly forgive yourself, means changing, re-developing your inner Self and your personality in a way that honestly alters erroneous habits. It means to physically act out the inner resolution to forgive yourself, without going overboard, or being too enthusiastic about your psychological and physical recourse.

Kirk Franklin, one of the best Gospel luminaries in the world once noted, “If your inner man catches up with your outer man, then you will be a great man,” It is the inner Self, the light that shines from within that will help you transcend your life to a perpetual plain of Self-love, Self-respect, Self-growth and inner peace.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The mind is a powerful tool that controls every person’s impulses and the functionality of the physic. However, it is the Self that distinguishes and polarizes an individual’s character traits from all other personalities in life. The Self is a personal imprint, synonymous with the fingerprint, the footprint and the eye imprints, with its unique impressions from one individual to the next individual. The mental combined with the inner Self aids in developing a light or a dark personality, with of cause, a very realistic recognition that every mammal, from birth, is bestowed with an inner perpetual light, to love, nurture and restore goodness unto others and the world. So, what turns an individual to be suicidal?

A Suicidal thought is what is known as an ‘Emotional Disorder’, with a very apprehensive, devastating end – mortal death. Suicidal thoughts are initiated by a depressive state that is formed through some kind of emotional deprivation.

An emotional deprivation that was created by a shock or lack of mental/spiritual stimulation, or a hugely Self altering despondency that altered the Self from its innate light to what is known as darkness. The Self needs experience to strive; experience that develops your mind which makes you wiser and fortunate or unwise, therefore misfortunate. And those experiences are forged in a societal environment that each of us exist in – with its dark and light areas.

The Self, which is the beaconing emotive, clandestine, inborn spiritual entity in every individual is shaken by some experiences, that tip the scale of personal light into the darker mental and emotional peripheral areas of existence, which kills hope, eventually reaching the very nucleus of being, the inner light – driving an individual into an emotional paralysis, descending the inner light into a deeper dull emotionally uncontrollable abbacy. Sending the body and mind to a depressive state – an Emotional Disorder.

This occurs to individuals due to the inability to handle unwanted emotional, mental and physical social environmental impacts, such as rape, verbal abuse, alienation, and physical abuse. A supportive notion, that your environment and experiences shape your perception, thus your personality. However, to those individuals that are unhappy about their physical makeup, their self-loathing drags their physical structure to extinguish the light from the Self.

The inability to deal with your emotions, is what is referred to as ‘Emotional Blocking’. When an individual blocks out their emotions, to what is the real course of their emotional state, they go into a state of self-denial and their action, whether be it an emotional outburst or an emotional withdrawal from their environment, makes them lose their physical and their inner emotive inhibitions. Losing control of any situation makes an individual hyper sensitive, consequently pushes them to take irrational action, which in some cases is a disturbing end to the Self.

When an individual falls into a depressive state, it becomes difficult for those around them to reach out and touch the inner dying emotional flames. A psychological retrospection and introspection of an individual through counseling sessions, can help digress steps of a suicidal individual ambling towards a jagged edge, preventing a probable fall to their premature, hopeless, self-loathing death.

Your thinking affects your quality of life and when your thinking fails you, your life and your path to transcending growth fails. This applies to a suicidal situation too. When you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, darkness will consume you, destroying your inner light.

Inner strength, that emanates from the original light, the Self; is needed in championing the course to: Self-love, Self-consistency, Emotion-self-expediency and Transcending love. Humanity originates from the unending love of the light. Light, that is the conqueror of darkness, bestowed to every individual at birth. Light, that gives hope in sorrowful moments. Light that doesn’t take but,potently gives life and hope.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Monday, November 1, 2010


Striving for perfection is humankind’s ultimate revolutionary goal to its evolution. Self-regulation and the ability to make sound choices towards yourself development, are the fundamental facets that make you who you are and how others in your environment perceive you. As individuals we are born with different, personal, bodily and mental frameworks that we did not choose, however were by natural selection, presented as a gift to our loved ones for the world to marvel at.

There are individuals that are not happy with their physical makeup and how the universe chose to present them to the world, albeit they are blessed with everything that they want and need in this world. Thus such individuals turn their anger against life and the people around them, in order to alleviate the ‘freakiness’ from the Self or from the physic that carries the Self.

We as humankind can never eliminate the process of Natural Selection in nature. It is through Natural Selection by nature with its natural phenomenon that life is decorated and stylized with the flamboyance of physically gifted folks, mentally gift folks (Geniuses), dwarfs, albinos, the semi-physically disabled, the physically disabled, transgender, transvestites, Gay and Lesbian folks, ordinary folks (argumentative), orators and mutes, outreaching philosophers, pop stars - musicians and film stars. (Although it must be noted that some disabilities are not through natural selection but through accidental happenings that are beyond anyone’s control) It is by this phenomenon that different trends and standards are set in life, which ultimately constructs a societal border between the strivers towards ultimate perfection or self-actualization and those that turn towards self-loathing, self-alienation and self-destruction – the ‘freakiness’ that needs to be alleviated.

The unhappiness that an individual experiences from how they are physically structured by nature, can stem from numerous variables that makes up their psyche – how they perceive the world and its coexisting organic matter, in-turn how the world perceives them – meaning the people in their lives or surroundings. Self-denial forms a huge part of why an individual’s Self wants to hide away from the world, combined with their homogenous makeup, emotional-self and emotional instability. The emotional instability that is formed due to the lack of self-actualization and self-consistency of who they are from the core. Such individuals cannot find contentment in their lives, because of the duality between the Self and the physicality that was naturally selected by nature; therefore their existence leads to a whirlwind of contempt for the Self and social imbalance for that particular individual.

The pursuit for perfection to alter the unassuming errs of nature, drives such individuals to the extreme of all things, where at times their emotional instability can be mistaken for ultra-ambition to achieve the unachievable and tame the untamable, alas it is the definitive cry out for help. Those who do not see the tell-tale signs, will praise and applaud the misdirected and compensate them without knowing the self-loathing that drive the pursuit.

Your thinking affects your quality of life and when your thinking fails you, your life and your path to transcending growth fails. You can definitely change the way you think to change your future for the better. The way you judge yourself affects the makeup of your psyche - behavior affects the Brain, which crafts your addictions or recurring behavioral patterns.

Take a young beautiful lady, that thinks that her nose is too ugly and thinks that influences the way men think about her thus a shape her relationships for the worst. What this young lady doesn’t realize is that, her attitude towards her appearance, her nose in this case, belittles her entire existence. This can lead her to a place where she is emotionally unstable, and a social outcast due to her resolution about her outer appearance.

The pursuit of happiness begins with the pursuit of excellence. When an individual is unhappy about their outer physic, whether their female with masculine emotions or male with feminine emotions, it is imperative that a path to harmonize the physical and the self, in order to pave the right way to self-actualization is realized. To cast out self-criticism and find a balance with the three essential - Mental, Emotional and Physical. The point of excellence can be reached if one learns to acknowledge and synchronize the inner Self with the outer physic.Love yourself and eliminate the freakiness.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Sunday, October 24, 2010


At times we have to take precautions for things that we say or do; recourse for things that we do or aim to do, and this applies to being a boyfriend, a husband and a father. The implications of saying something to your loved one, then do something totally different to the contrary, can have dire consequences, not only to you as an individual but, to everyone that admires you as a person.

Take a ‘dawg’ as a metaphor for instance – a ‘dawg’ that barks viciously at anyone or anything that comes in their path or appears unexpectedly, then suddenly attacks, that is not facetious, its brutality with rabies. A man that sells their face on things that they do not intend on keeping, bears similar traits of a vicious deadly dawg, that will attack unexpectedly, hurting everyone in their path.

The desire to be the best father in the world transverse with keeping your word and is attached to what is known as the emotional-self. The emotional-self, especially in children needs a willing father figure, with a supportively willing mother figure. Failure to give the emotional-self a supportive base, leads the self lacking in any form of love or meaningful contact, thus leads the self to what is known as ‘emotional deprivation’ – mutating an individual’s self to what I call the ‘Dawg of Self’.

A dawg of self is a penny-pinching, selfish, unruly and unemotional man that leaves a woman to raise their children on their own, or any individual that care nothing about other people’s psychological welfare. A man that grew up in an emotionally deprived environment, without a father figure, is most likely to experience emotional instability when dealing with emotional attachment, when women are involved, therefore are the individuals that are prone to repeat the circle of emotional deprivation. The implications of saying something to your child, then do something totally different to the contrary of what was promised, can have dire consequences, due to individual irresponsibility. (This does not apply to all male figures)

Emotional deprivation leads an individual’s emotions in disarray and can lead to a depressive state at times. To some individuals, emotional deprivation of any kind can create what is known as emotional bias or hatred towards a specific thing (s), person (s), or group (s) and can be devastating for an individual to carry, emotionally and psychologically. An individual’s behavior turns to move away from the normality and expectancy of their responsibility. Self emotional deprivation brings an untimely death to an individual, years before their actual death.

Parents, who become parents when they are not ready or without the assistance from their elders, draw negatively on their shortcoming, consequently become angry at themselves or the world thus applies their selfish acts upon others, particularly their own children. An individual’s anger that was shaped from their emotional deprivation, does filter through to their children; constituting to some form of abuse or limitation to their children – the dawg of self.

A man (or a woman for that matter) that sells their words on things that they do not intend on keeping, bears similar traits of a vicious deadly dawg, that will attack unexpectedly, hurting everyone in their path; ultimately destroying the emotional self and the purpose of the self.

We all go through emotional deprivations that forge and merge our personality with other coexisting personalities, either in a good way or a wrong way, in this habitual place called life. A recourse for the self, to emotional deprivation, that mutates the self into the ‘dawg of self’, is acknowledging your position and feelings about how you as an individual were raised to eliminate emotional instability. To reach an emotional resolution or emotional maturity one needs to create a loving environment, where the self will find contentment and self prosperity. Let’s take precaution and dually responsible action to our actions.


By Linda Sakazi Thwala